Hi guys , Well home again in the north. I'd like to thank Mr & Mrs Sqyre for the event of the year .. Wow what a great job you guys did .. Bloody fantastic.
Also a spechial thanks to Pat for his hospitality, putting me up for a couple of nights and bringing me along.. We'll miss ya this side of the country Buddy..
And thanks to the rest of you , It was great to meet you all. The commaradery and friendship was unberlivable . If more people brewed there own beer I recon the world would have to be a better place. I don't remember hearing anything bad being said by anyone about anyone. ( unlike the xmas party my missus and daughter attended up here , that was by all reports bitchy ) ... We are a very luck bunch of fellas..
I hope to beable to attend these events in the future and will work on freight for the next one so as I can partisipate in the swap , Thanks again to Pat as he gave me 2 bottles to bring home from his case , so I have aussie clarets brown ale and VJ vals APA to try this arvo with the missus after she gets home .. Quit looking forward to that..
The sunshine coast guys thanks for all the invites , I will work on something after our wet season ends, from here on in I need to be close at hand for any flooding that comes my way.
Thanks again , merry xmas to you all and your respective familys , stay safe
cheers :beer: