Pitching Wyeast Starter

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Hi Guys......
Just finishing up my boil for my first partial, my HBS guys gave me a Wyeast Starter 1028 London Ale.........at what temp should I pitch the yeast, should I shake the bottle to dislodge the yeast at the bottom of the bottle ???

Any advise would be great
JSB :)
I try to pitch at 22deg although I have done it at 24 if I just can't get the temp down. But 18 - 22 is ideal. Make sure you aerate the crap out of the wort to help the yeast.

Normally a couple of days before the brew I step the starter up to 1L with some dried malt extract. Sounds lilke you don't have time for that. I would carefully crack the lid on it to make sure itss not going to gush everywhere and then put the lid back on and shake to mix it up before pitching. Also try and get the starter the same temp as the wort to reduce the shock to the yeast.

You may want to think about harvesting some yeast from the bottom of the primary to keep you going for a few more brews.

EDIT: oh and perhaps pour a tiny bit into a glass and taste it to make sure it is not off, if it is you will know as it tastes like shite! :eek:
Thanks Jason Y
The HBS guy feed the Starter some LME yesterday afternoon.....I have been "burping" it this morning, slowly releasing the cap....It has been going mental !!!!!! I will get the temp down to 22 deg and then pitch the wort has been aerated....

I let you know how it turns out -

It's better value for money to make a yeast starter (1.040 gravity) - I usually make about 3L of starter with DME (stepping up 1L per 24hrs) so I end up with a shitload of yeast that I can pour into stubbies and refrigerate. That way, one tube will make about 10-12 stubs that go a lot further than the one tube.

Simply warm the stub to room temp the day before the next brew, pour out the beer (you can drink that if you like - it's just unhopped beer) and then put the sediment into a fresh starter and voila, you have your yeast starter done the day before you next brew.

When you use the last stub, you can harvest the yeast cake and make a 2nd generation yeast starter and repeat the whole process - you can use 7-8 generations before any mutations occur.

Thanks Trough Lolly, I will do this next brew.....
I pitched the yeast yesterday at 3pm....I had a look this morning and their was n o activity in the air lock....their was condensation in the lid but no sign of scum ring yet......Temp is about 21 deg.......Have I f*(& my first partial mash up ???

I tasted the yeast starter before and it tasted good and its temp was the same temp as the wort.......I aerated the F*&* out of it, Should I aerated it a again if nothing is happening by the time I get home from work ??

Any assistance would be very helpful

I bet it will be OK ,
Liquid yeast is a bit slower , not like the dried stuff you get with a kit.
The airlock activity will be somewhat slower and take longer to finish as well
Cheers Batz.......Thanks for the words of encouragement....
I will keep ya posted

Thanks again
Don't panic JSB.
Sounds like you have done everything right.

Even when you really stuff things up it usually turns out ok. For instance I under-pitched on a Pilsner last weekend. It took 2 1/2 days before it started to actively ferment.


Thanks Doc.....

I think next time I will follow Trough Lolly's advice and built up starters that I am confident with (using TL's proceedure above.....all part of the learning process, had a great time doing the partial, a real education in the underlying processes involved in making a great beer, even better......would love to see a AG brew day in full swing......just to see an expert at work !!

Cheers and I will -

thanks DOC

Reading this thread got my thinking , I have just pitched a Munich Lager 2308 into a 2Lt starter.

Now nomally I place this in a quite spot in the house till I step it up and will wind up with 8-10 starters that I will put in the fridge.

What I was thinking is this yeast ferments at 9-13c , so should the starters be at this temperture? Never have before and all has been well , just a thought.
The house is at around 25c , fairly warm for this strain

It's better to ferment the starter at primary ferment temps so you don't shock the yeast. They prefer constant temps.

You can ferment the starter at warmer temps, but make sure you let the yeast settle, and pour out the liquid above it which will be full of undesirable esters. Only use the yeast at the bottom.
As I said I have been doing this way for a long time with no problems
Worth thinking about , thanks
Well the brew is entering Day 3 and their is still no visible action from the airlock, but their is a prominant scum ring and condensation on the lid and is at a constant 22 deg......Is the anything I should be doing to crank up the activity ???? Or should I just sit tight ??


If there is a prominent scum ring around the top of the fermenter then you are in business. The yeast is doing its thing.

Don't trust the airlock, as it doesn't sound like you have a good seal.

Just leave it be and you will be fine.
