On Average How Long Does Your Beer Last?

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I usually get 7-10 days per keg cept when #2 duaghter calls in for a few then it can be gone in 2 days,unfortunatly she has the habbit of calling in when I only have one keg ready,4 kegs /two ferms on the go trying to get/keep all kegs filled can be a bummer when she has the knack of knowing when I'm getting low
My last keg went in under 24hrs (Between 3). Now I have nothing :p. Which is good for my liver.
You guys drink an insane amount of beer!!!

I'd have about a scooner each day, maybe a couple on a Friday or Saturday. My wife would drink slightly less. Kegs last me aaaaages.
You guys drink an insane amount of beer!!!

I'd have about a scooner each day, maybe a couple on a Friday or Saturday. My wife would drink slightly less. Kegs last me aaaaages.

or is it maybe you need to catch up.....?

one schooner wouldn't cut it for me, thats just a tease...

i'll have a long neck a night. maybe two, if i get excited (often)

I decline to comment as I may incriminate myself :icon_drunk:
I normally get thru a batch a month, so as long a I brew once a month I'm ok. But the list of things I want to brew keeps growing, I've now got the next 10 planned so I might need to up my consumption a bit :icon_cheers:
60 bottles usually lasts 6 weeks and 3 days from brewday, 5 weeks to ferment and mature (longer if I can get ahead)10 days to drink. Thanks to the willing help from my sons.

It would be interesting to know just how much beer AHB members actually produce. I'll have to do a search and see if the question has been asked.

Keg lasts me about a month. It was down to a keg a week when I first set up. But I decided that wasnt too good for me. So a keg a month = about a slab a fortnight which is basically what I was drinking before I started HBing and kegging.
I have ALOT of beer simple because I brew a batch and get really excited about it, but by the time its ready to drink i've already brewed another batch and more excited about that than the previous beer...and it goes on like that.
I swear I don't recall brewing half the beer I have....
between 2 and 2 months depending what it is
You guys drink an insane amount of beer!!!

I'd have about a scooner each day, maybe a couple on a Friday or Saturday. My wife would drink slightly less. Kegs last me aaaaages.

Ditto. Lightweight drinker, so can easily keep up with my brew schedule. I'm trying to lose weight and increase brewing at the same time, and still not sure how to make that work. Maybe I'll just stop eating and survive on beer and vitamin pills.
I've got one (coopers chocolate mahogany porter) that I think will last for ever or until I water the garden with it (which ever comes first)
I never seem to be able to fill all my kegs at once, constantly playing catch up, plus all my RDOs this week have been wiped out due to the missus being on graveyards shifts and sleeping during the day, so I am stuck with daddy duty....

A keg can last anywhere from a week (I brewed a 2.9% faux lager, it went down way too well during the summer heat), up to a month depending on what else is on tap.

I'd just love 4 days where I could just brew, no wife, no kidlet underfoot. Might ship them both off to the inlaws soon.

See that is how it was great being a female brewer as we can multitask!
See that is how it was great being a female brewer as we can multitask!

Don't forget we're breathing while doing all that other stuff. That's doing two things at the same time :ph34r:

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