Old Speckled Hen-target Water Profile

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That is not what it means. I did do those things but you make it look like this is something I do for every person I come across online. I do not and did not until someone else brought your genuineness into question. I clearly stated that what "evidence" I could find suggests that I'm happy to take you at face value and I hope this puts the matter to bed - not only for you and I but also for other readers of this exchange.
And did you check out his credentials too?. He may well be just out to make trouble, be a sick paranoid or just coveting my setup.
Google just led me to a post from last year by a gent by the name of "dalpets" that nails the exact tone used here. Again, I say if this is a hoax it is an elaborate one and I'll continue to take his posts as genuine until otherwise is proven.
Take it from me you are wasting your time Sherlock Holmes! This lead of yours is a dead duck! Have you thought that you might be better served pursuing your university studies rather than serving up this umitigated tripe? And so you are also Robin Hood championing the peasant brewers from the the oppressive trolls. Are you in the real world, mate?. Maybe you just spend too much time in the virtual world. Next you will be checking out your relatives, if you don't take care!.
Ok, the chronology is all messed up here now. I hope you realise I've moved on from the seed of doubt planted by outbreak in reading this thread further.

Changing tack for a moment, if I may, I just realised that what I assumed was a HLT might be a HERMS or RIMS. Is that right or am I out of my depth (RIMS and HERMS are most definitely out of my depth either way)?

Probably it's a corrupted version of both, not really knowing what I was doing, just a jumbled picture in my mind of what had stuck from traversing the internet. Its the sort of concoction that you would expect from a virtually new brewer who has only done a couple of extract brews & a mini mash even though I have been registered on AHB since 2006 its taken me until recently to come up with this hack setup.
Whose profile states that his interests include IT (namely, linux)... yet who doesn't know what a troll is? Uh huh.


This forum is a wonderful resource when not used for social chit-chat. Haters gonna hate - stick to the brewing questions & answers and you'll be fine.

Looks like a real pretty set up. Should do great.

If I can hark back to the original question - as I'm sure is stated somewhere in here, get your basic process working good then tweak the water profile.

You have joined the choir and with them ,unfortunately, you are sparring with shadows. Hmm...group dynamics is curious and sometimes can be the making of a poisoned chalice.
So, please don't you start in on me, mate. That's all I need!. For your information with every other interest I have I don't have time to be a Linux guru,(and don't aspire to it). I'm just a follower. So I don't know all the linux speak jargon & don't want to. I'll leave that to people who live Linux.
It's getting like one should have a veil of secrecy over ones persona (profile). It should be in the interests of transparency, but no, it proves to be a launching pad for innuendo. Shucks I can't win even though I'm trying to convey that I'm genuine. Really, I haven't got enough years left for intrigue & bullshit.

I will not be harassed or have my personality sullied by the few worms who choose to come out of the woodwork on this or other threads on AHB.
Take me or leave me I will not answer you if you are not dealing dealing directly with brewing issues. I never did like tripe.

Thanks to all those who are straight down the line and are only here in the interests of brewing knowledge & imparting it to those of us who need help.

Ah, I was wondering about the plastic jobbie.

I don't know much about sparge arms and I do know that the shape of them is a contentious matter (so I'll leave it to others to discuss whether your design is the best possible - but if memory serves a sort of spiral-ish design is often suggested as being best(?), but then I don't think that design is used fixed so I have no idea) but I will say that the amount of thought and research you put into this design goes a long way to explaining why you're looking at matching original, pre-mash water profiles even before your first AG beer.

I had to stop somewhere & be satisfied that I had a reasonably workable setup. I wasn't looking for perfection- frustration often results from a perfectionist attitude if you don't achieve your goals and I well know my limitations.
Just had a look at the photo of your brewing setup and can see how my in jest swipe at engineers might have been taken the wrong way. That's a serious looking brewery for someone who has never brewed an AG as it makes sense of all the questions you have been asking.

I assume you are retired as you mentioned your age in a previous post and you would need a lot of spare time to build this and do as much research as you are prior to your first AG.

If you haven't already i would recommend watching someone do an AG brew. Not sure what time frame you are looking at before you pop your AG cherry but i would be happy to have you around to watch me brew albeit on a far more rudimentary setup than yours. I like to take a day off week during the week and brew so will let you know when i brew next. With the recent acquisition of 3 yorkshire yeast strains i am planning on a Landlord.

And given the broad range of people who regularly get together in Adelaide for beers and brewing you wont be out of place. We cover all ages, all walks of life and yes, we even have at least 1 engineer :p A lot of the lads love tinkering away on their brew rigs so no doubt you'll have much to talk about. I am allergic to DIY so focus more on the sampling :chug:

The next big get together will be early next year for a case swap. Even if you don't want to swap beers you are more than welcome to join us as the day involves sampling each others beers, talking all things brewing and generally having a good time.

I assume you are retired as you mentioned your age in a previous post and you would need a lot of spare time to build this and do as much research as you are prior to your first AG.

Not really that intensive, given it was put together, on & off, over 3 years or so.

If you haven't already i would recommend watching someone do an AG brew. Not sure what time frame you are looking at before you pop your AG cherry but i would be happy to have you around to watch me brew albeit on a far more rudimentary setup than yours. I like to take a day off week during the week and brew so will let you know when i brew next. With the recent acquisition of 3 yorkshire yeast strains i am planning on a Landlord.

That's a welcome offer. I'd like to get down to real brewing & leave the DIY behind. That's what it's all about.

The next big get together will be early next year for a case swap. Even if you don't want to swap beers you are more than welcome to join us as the day involves sampling each others beers, talking all things brewing and generally having a good time.

That sounds great. I Probably would pass on swapping, though. I'm sure my samples wouldn't be up there with you guys, despite the you beaut setup.


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