Old Keg - Anybody know what type this is?

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Does anybody know what type of keg this is? As you can see in the pictures, it's only got one opening on the side of the keg. Most internet searches i've done have just come back with old style kegs with an opening on the side AND the top of the kegs...

It's an old 'Tooth & Co.' keg by Firestone, but thats about all the info I can see on the keg.



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barls said:
OK, thanks...

Anyone that knows what type of Cask this is? Most of the research of casks I have done, just points to casks with 2 openings, whereas this one just has the single opening. II figure a hand-pump with a spear that has a right angle, i.e. the cask needs to be upright to serve... Just can't find any info on whether that type of spear is still available somewhere!!
It looks like the old style where you had to plunge the spear down through the bung, while being careful not to let the spear go and have it embed itself in the ceiling.
Looks like someone's welded up the spear hole
I'd think you'd have to have a new socket welded in if you wanted to use it
Mine had a messed up top so I cut it off and now have a nice solid 80L kettle :D
It's the type we used to take to the Keperra Drive-Inn and spear while kicking back on pool lounges under a beach umbrella. Ah, them was the nights.nwashed the odd car here and there with beer while doing so I might add.
if memory serves me, i think everybody's right. i cellared in qld and nsw late 70s, early 80s. with fourex, bung hole at the top, but i'm pretty sure that the balmain hotel (god bless the mafioso rugby connected pour the bar dregs back into the kegs arsehole owner that i worked for, who did advise me at the time that if i ever mentioned it, i'd be minus a couple of fingers), had kegs that bunged in the centre. can't recall if they were tooheys or dry retches. but same deal. slip on the spear and you had a hole in the ceiling. i think the science was that you could just roll the kegs up without having to stand them up. assuming, of course, that the bung would miraculously appear on the top of the roll just when you needed it to.

weren't too many of those kegs - so they may have been on the way out, even then.
I have one of these too, just with convex caps on both ends and no weld line around the hole in the side, and definitely no welds in either end. I was going to make it into a kettle, but if someone wants to use it for its intended purpose PM me. I basically just want another old-style keg in exchange so I can make the kettle. Trade is preferred to cash. Otherwise it'll be a kettle within the month.



Mardoo said:
I have one of these too, just with convex caps on both ends and no weld line around the hole in the side, and definitely no welds in either end. I was going to make it into a kettle, but if someone wants to use it for its intended purpose PM me. I basically just want another old-style keg in exchange so I can make the kettle. Trade is preferred to cash. Otherwise it'll be a kettle within the month.



I had one of these (18Gal) as a boil kettle, bloody fantastic! The whirlpool would leave all the trub in the centre dish, I had my pick up in the outer rim, clear wort to the ferment every time. Makes me sad I went 1v, I must have spent 30 hrs polishing that thing, though at 6am seeing just how bad you look in it's mirror finish as you set strike water up was cringe worthy some brew days. Post some pic's when your done!
Thanks for that Masters! The trub in the centre dish has been part of the idea but I wasn't positive whether the notion was just codswallow. However I don't think I'm going to polish. How did you polish? There seem to be a few different methods in the threads on it.

EDIT: OK, I finally found Masters' results. Totally sweet!!! Cheers Masters.

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