Any more thoughts on your contribution to the case? Anyone brewing a pilot style or case style this weekend?
Brewing a German Pils on Friday. WLP800 in starter at the moment. Will have a few boys around and then head down to Penny Park for the local derby.Any more thoughts on your contribution to the case? Anyone brewing a pilot style or case style this weekend?
I think i've decided that when i get back from the NT (currently visiting a dry community - no alc for a week) that i'll just brew an APA.... i have some D Saaz, Nelson Sauvin, Amarillo, Simcoe, Tomahawk and 3 types of Cascade so i think it will be interesting
theres always beer somewhere in a dry community , you just gotta know which local to ask/bribe .....
will probably fire up my swap brew this saturday , just finalising the recipe and quantities for the robust porter... wish me luck guys as this will be my first "big" batch AG , have done a couple of 12 litre practice runs and now it time for a real brew ....
Well I DEFINITELY wont have the van in 2 weeks time, so Im gunna have to pull out of moving the cases from the south to the meeting point.....
did u get promoted Linz ?
I don't have a van but I do have a big, enclosed trailer if that's of any use?
No, but did score a dream Gov job(for me at least), so I can switch off and dream about brewing more...and afford it!
No, but did score a dream Gov job(for me at least), so I can switch off and dream about brewing more...and afford it!!
Can you strap the cases down?? Got a vehicle to tow it?? I'll ride shotgun if you want
have the drop off points all been decided yet ??