Here is the revised list from the wiki
If people can update it accordingly - especially with ready to drink dates
Also I think I have picked up all the drop outs - if you have dropped out or know some who has please update accordingly
We're down to 22
Member - Beer Name - 2008 BJCP Style - Alc % - Brewed Date - Bottled Date - Ready To Drink Date - Other Relevant Info
1. barls - summer and fruity more info to come. bottled 15/11 so leave a month.
2. Josh - Hoping to get something ready
3. nifty
4. Muggus - Alt Ten Eight - 6.0% Wyeast 1275 bottled 28.9.10
5. Seanohio
6. grantw - Dunkelweizen
7. gruntus - Weizen Doppelbock
9. Redb
12. Sydneyhappyhour - Choc Mint Stout
13. Monkeybusiness
15. Fatzgodzilla. No time for a dedicated swap beer, so subbing two beers.Per the cap, BB is a black bitter, B is a British bitter. Both good and good to to drink now.
16. Syd_03
17. Gulpa - AIPA - ?% (strongish I think) - Pacman yeast - Bottled soon
18. Smiley
19. Retsamhsam
20. Bjorn J
22. Cortez The Killer - Flying Ninja Squirrel IPA - American IPA - ~6.5% - - Bottled 17/11/10 - RTD Mid December
23. Sirotilc
24. Johnnyanchovy
25. Boris
26. Lokpikn ( Dark Wheat beer )