Nsw Xmas Case July 2006 - Distribution Logistics

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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The date is fast approaching. The beers are brewed, it is time to bring this baby together and make it happen.
As per Xmas I've divided the area into regions (and hopefully distributed everyone correctly; if not let me know).
Listed are the drop off points and deadlines. It is YOUR responsbility to make sure you arrange with the drop off point person to get your entry there on time. Drop off directly to Duff is also great.


Sydney SouthWest/Woollongong/Bathurst Southern drop off to Linz by Sun 18th June
PoMo - English Pale Ale
Linz - 'Scottish Amber ale' (Grumpy's master brew/Red stag)(?)
Pint of Lager - ? (Same courier as last time Pint of Lager ?)
Nifty - Californian Common

Sydney South Drop off to Beer Slayer by Sun 18th June
homebrewworld.com - ?
Josh - Pilsener
DrewCarey82 - Pilsener
Beer Slayer - ?
Barry - Robust Porter

Sydney Metro/Inner West/Beaches Drop off to BeerSlayer or Duff (via Linz/Gerard) by Sun 18th June (to Duff by 25th June)
Stuster - Belgian Dubbel
T.D - Boston Lager
KoNG - English Bitter
Berapnopod - Stout
Stickler - Pale Ale (partial)
Kungy - AIPA

Sydney Hills/Hornsby Drop off to Duff by Sun 25th June
Duff - Firkin Bolter
Doc - Irish Red
Hopsta - English Special Bitter
Thommo - Californian Common

Central Coast/Newcastle/Foster All entries to Keith/Marks HBS by Fri 30th June
Gough - ?
n00ch - ?
Weizguy - Chocolate Porter
Berto - ?
Trent - ?
Shmick - ESB
Keith the Beer Guy - ?
Chilled - ?
Stephen -Special Bitter
My entry will be to Duffs

Fantastic Berto.
There are a few more than last time up the Northern way.
Hope I can fit them all in the car. Last time I think we had 5-6.

If need be i can still do the run to and from Newcastle as the girldfriend lives up that way. May have to shuffle dates of thats the case, but im sure we could arrange something.
If there are one or two members who are ready ahead of schedule and are in the area you go through, then that would be a great help.

I have TD, KoNG, & Stuster sorted for for pick up when they are ready.
If there are one or two members who are ready ahead of schedule and are in the area you go through, then that would be a great help.


Mine is in the bottle and ready to go...and my garage is open to drop offs for the 'Gong crowd

PoMo - English Pale Ale
Pint of Lager - ? (Same courier as last time Pint of Lager ?)
Nifty - Californian Common

Havent heard from PoL about a date of arrival yet
Ah..., before the cat gets amongst the pigeons, how will my (planned) extra, sour Berliner fit into the cases?

I'd be upset if it caused lovingly brewed and bottled beer to be transported and/or stored upside down and yeast to get stuck in the bottle neck (of mine or anyone else's beer).

It's better to ask this question now, rather than upset someone later, during pickup and distribution.

Am I just causing too much hassle by asking to have the extra inclusion?

Seth :p
Berto / Doc
Any time that suits you for pickup, just phone 02 49 696 696, or PM if outside normal hours 10 AM - 6 PM) I will arrange to be here.

PS Weizguy I promise I will shake yours every day. :p

Have contacted beerslayer and will organise drop off as soon as he PM's me back.

Thanks guys.
I have TD, KoNG, & Stuster sorted for for pick up when they are ready.

Gerard, mine is bottled and ready to go. I can give it to you when you drop off my order this weekend if that suits you. :beer:
Gerard, My bitter (similar to the one i gave you) started firing this morning. I'll try to get it in the bottle before the 18th for you. If not i'll just have to do the drive to Duff's. which shouldnt be a problem either.
If need be i can still do the run to and from Newcastle as the girldfriend lives up that way. May have to shuffle dates of thats the case, but im sure we could arrange something.

If there are one or two members who are ready ahead of schedule and are in the area you go through, then that would be a great help.


Doc/Berto - Any help will be most welcome.

I'm happy to do several runs between Newcastle and the Central Coast - It's not much out of my way each day.
8 x 28 bottles = 2 trips for me at least (most likely 3)

Getting them between C.Coast and Sydney with a swap in between may be another matter.

Will you fit them all in for a single trip to the CC Doc? I would guess at close to double what we had last time.
If not maybe Berto can relieve a bit of the pressure somehow (Sydney to CCoast)?

Let me know what you think

If the Newcastle guys can get their contributions in to MHB's as early as possible I/we can get a few trips in before the closing date.
Ive got a ute. Doesnt have a huge tray or anything, but has a rubber mat on the base stopping too much bounce in there hopefully. Also doubt i could fit 16 milk crates in the back too. Id probably be able to do over half that though, so if needed i could probably squeeze them in there somehow. Im not daring enough to stack crates 2 high in the back incase i lose some over the edge of galston gorge or some other windies on teh way home.

Not sure when my next trip north will be. but there should be one coming in the not too distant future to pick up the gf and all her belongings, and after that my trips will be a lot fewer than now.
Last trip I did was in the trusty Beemer. Might have to break out the even trustier Merc for this one.
If Berto can get two entries to Duff, I should be able to manage the rest in the Merc. Just don't have Satnav in it, so will have to read a map to get my way to your joint Schmick. Small price to pay.

I should probably have my beers at Marks by this weekend. I dont have the milk crates yet, but another member of the forum is generously supplying me with 2, so hopefully I can get em dropped at marks, or work something out that will make life easier for you guys with the difficult job (as opposed to people like me, who will be sitting back and drinking the rewards of your hard work). I wont be at Marks until late morning on Sat, so maybe after then will be fine? Probably wont be able to guarentee crates by then, but will see what we can do.
All the best
Just a little update
My beers are now sitting in milk crates (thanks to another members genorosity) at Marks, and are ready to be picked up whenever it is convenient for the "beer taxi man" (I think that is Schmick, or is it Berto?). Not sure if any other Newy boys have theirs ready yet, but if yer going past, its there if it will make life any easier.
All the best
PS What date are we looking at having them all back? No rush, of course, just curious, as I am only in Newy the second sat of each month. No qualms picking them up in August though. T.
Great Trent.
I'll have all the rest of the regions beers at Schmicks on the 1st of July. So I'd imagine he will get them to Marks over the following week, so you should be right for a pickup in July.

Doesn't sound like we'll have too much trouble with the Newcastle run after all.

I'll leave the first 2 entries at MHB's for Berto and I'll grab the rest as they come in.

Doc - I'll supply map and directions before the day. Fingers crossed for better weather this time. :chug:
Sounds great Schmick.
Definitely hope for better weather. Was a bit hairy aqua-planning up the F3 last year. Also I have a BBQ on the Central Coast the same day, so definitely requiring better weather.


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