Nsw Xmas Case 2007 - Consumption

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12. Kabooby- Belgian Dubbel (WLP550)


Doesn't pour with a big head, but it is very persistent, as it should. Typical smell of a Belgian. Brownish colour, methinks a bit on the light side for a dubbel. Excellent taste, not very malty (for a belgian), finished nice an dry (for a belgian).

Again, absolutely excellent beer, you should start a monastry.

Can you post some details on the malt bill and the fermentation? I would like to know how you fermented it out so well.

I'm also drinking this as we speak (or spell, or whatever). I concur with Oblomov's synopsis of this beer. It has all the good characteristics of a Belgium dubbel - the yeast is spot on, the colour is brilliant and the finish delightful. Upon my first snifter, my mouth diagosed that fantastic, distinctive Belgian taste. It's full of flavour, yet not cloying or overpowering.

I wonder what the ABV is? Am feeling a little smashed (typing difficult).

Kaboody - well done, it's amazing to drink a beer this good and in tune with the style.

CHeers -Mike
#27 crozdog - The Johnny Nash "I Can See Clearly Now" Bright Ale

This beer is a lovely shade of golden with a little bit of haze. The head is ample and lasting. There is are some nice hop aromas - I get tangerines and grapefruit. There are some tasty hop flavours up front and a nice soft round malt presence through the middle which last well into the finish. The bitterness is perfectly balanced for easy drinking and the carbonation and body are spot on. I think this is a standout example of a session APA. So easy to drink and with loads of flavour. I normally go looking for a hop assault in an APA but this is a fantastic example of what you can do with balance. Great beer thanks mate.
#11 Punter- Summer Blonde

Nice golden blonde colour. Good clarity and a head which didn't stick around for long. There is a little hop aroma and some nice malts coming through. The maltiness keeps going in the flavour, right through to the finish. The bitterness is very well balanced, along with the mouthfeel and carbonation. Nice beer thanks Punter, perfect for a Sunday arvo.
Number 24 - The kolsch you have when you have when you are not having a kolsch ..
MVZOOOM cannot be blamed for this beer even if creditted with it. Mike's entry flopped at the last minute but rather than a last minute pullout he accepted my offer of a beer I was about to bottle. Truth was this beer would have been my Xmas entry as I thought my original entry was *****. Luckily it has proved drinkable. I'm happy Mike gets to sample all your brews rather than feel lonely like a shag on a rock. Best of luck for the 28th mate.

This entry started life as a Kolsch - its my first all grain made over a series of mini mashings cos I didn't have the equipment then for 26 litres as needed. Kolsch yeast, cold conditioned for a month, bottled about three days before swap. Tried my best to meet BJCP guidelines, but didn't have the right recipe. Found out afterwards I didn't follow a recipe that would meet the Germans expectations. (Hence, the Kolsch you have when not having a Kolsch tag) That said, they were good ingredients !

Opened my only spare tonight after a few hours on the Xmas turps. Old # 24 carbed enough to drink and is good enough to try. I'm unable to say anything about it constructive apart from it's best drunk with four friends so you all get a small glass each. That said, no harsh flavours at all, just nothing exciting here .. yet. It just tastes like a beer that needs to sit for a little longer. Put this beer away at least another month or two. Being a Kolsch yeast, from my reading an extra month or two in cold storage at back of fridge may improve it heaps. If you agree, put this away until the New Year. If not, you have been warned.

Merry Xmas all.
Thanks Guys for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it. ABV is 7.6%

I still have a few bottles left that I am going to keep for a few months. The flavours should round of nicely.

I roused the fermenter every day for the last week of fermentation to put the krausen yeast back into the beer. Let it sit for 2 days then put into secondary to clear. The rousing seems to help with the attenuation. 1070 down to 1012.

I will add the recipe to the recipe section

Kabooby :)
#3. Fatgodzilla - Ronald Reagan all American Ale

Mr F.

I opened the bottle not knowing what was inside, I am a lazy git, and as I poured, the unmistakeable citrus character of US hops caused me to knowingly shake my head and say, "Ahhh, an APA."

Poured quite hazy, usually a dead set give away this is not a kit beer, with an orangey honey hue. A decent sized, slighty off-white head, looked good and beaded well. (To remove haze try doing a full-boil and boil very vigorously - it helps the proteins coagulate and you end up with a brighter clear beer.)

The aroma had a mixture of grapefruit, piney notes and maybe a little tinned tropical fruit salad (o.k. so I just make stuff up!). The dominating flavour was a definite lemony character. There was a touch of cloying malt sweetness (without any caramel flavour) that came through from time to time, going a little bit heavy with some malt extracts produces these types of flavour, mashing with fresh grain at lower temperatures or lightening the body a bit with easier to ferment sugars like dextrose will remove this flavour. Medium body, firm lingering biterness. The carbonation level suited the beer quite well.

Drank the bottle, watched the box, all good. Thanks very much.

I get to ask the odd weird question or two for those that left beers behind.

I've just had a beeeaauuutiful beer, 1/2 litre bottle with silver cap marked AIPA on it. Big complex hop hoppy beer front and back, great stuff.
I get to ask the odd weird question or two for those that left beers behind.

I've just had a beeeaauuutiful beer, 1/2 litre bottle with silver cap marked AIPA on it. Big complex hop hoppy beer front and back, great stuff.
I left a couple of beer for you, but I think I put labels on mine. :ph34r: DANG
That's OK Mike, keeping those special ones for lata!!!!
Haha yeah probably an idea to keep that Barley Wine for a night where you don't have to be anywhere...or wake up early the next day!

On that note...

Brew: #5. Gulpa - Pale Ale

Served chilled in glass.
Slight bit of toffeeish biscuity malt on the nose, some earthy sort of hops in there too, nothing too pungent. Pours a hazy copper body with a dense white collar. Medium body, low carbonation, body is on the dense side, perhaps a touch sweet. Some nice grainy malt on the body, caramel and biscuit, earthy citrus hop character towards the finish, moderately bitter, a gritty yeasty note lingering on the finish.
Non-offensive and easily drinkable, goes down a treat, cheers Gulpa!

Brew: #25. Tony - The Sheep Shagger

Served chilled in glass.
Remarkably fruity nose, aroma unlike anything i've ever come across; vinous tropical fruits (I daresay Verdelho-like!), sharp citrus zest, notes of sultana and pine, some sweet honeyish malt... intensely strong and complex! A hazy bright copper body with fluffy white head and lace is poured into my glass. Carbonation is quite low with a smooth, velvet-like texture, has a sweetness that almost seems to be derived from the hops rather than the malt, balances well with a tart bitterness. Big hop driven palate, plenty of bitter orange, grapefruit throughout, with many other fruit-like flavours, some i'm familiar with, and others I struggle to describe, kiwi fruit? botrytised grapes?! mangosteen!?!?...well maybe not the latter... Some biscuity malt lingers on a long and satisfyingly flavoursome finish.
Never tried anything quite like this, and it's one hell of a journey! Thank you very much Tony for sharing this beer with us!

Tried a few latly, Im not going to go into detailed descriptions but i can say they were all great beers i would happily have on tap at home.

27. crozdog' johny nash. very nice beer, clean, crisp and refreshing...... i really enjoyed this beer. It had a drikability that would keep me comming back for more...... dangerous even.

11. Punters summer blonde. I was hoping a blond sports illistrated model would pour into my galss but i was pleasently suprised when i got a great beer. pale golden, clean crisp mouth feel with a perfect ballance of hop flavour and arome blended with subtle malt for a refreshing beer. You told me to drink it cold when it was hot. Id been working in the yard, was sweating like a bastard, poured it in a chilled glass and you were right mate....... thats how it should be. beers like this dont get much better as they warm up and i didnt let it. down the hatch with it after a bit of sniffing so i could describe it. Well done on a great beer.

8. Peve, APA. Well...... everyone knows my opinion on APA.... ive never had one i really liked. I always have trouble with the citrus and pine. it fatigues my palate very quickly and thats it..... cant drink any more. This beer was close to turning me. It was clear, poured with perfect carb with a capital P. ballance was spot on, enough malt to back up the bitterness but both shone through in their own right. the hops were very piney but pleasently so......with some citrus to even it out. after 2 i had had enough but i wouldnt mind the recipe as it was an enjoyable 2 beers that could be perswaded to swing me to the APA road for the odd one from a bottle. Great job

7. KillerRx4. oatmeal stout. Gusher! chilled it to 4 deg for a day and opened it over the sink after someone else told me it was a bit over carbed. It gushed and i ended up with 1 glass (a pint thank god) after fighting with it for 10 minuites. It hissed like a pressure reliefe when i cracked the lid. mate maybe you need to revise your priming amounts or methods or let it sit to finnish off completly. Not sure but it was very fizzy. I let the glass sit for 20 min to settle down and it was a very nice stout. smooth clean roast character with just the right amount od sweetness to ballance the bitterness. A bit more body would have been nice but a very drinkable enjoyable stout all the same..... well done mate.......a stout to be proud of. Just need to work on the priming.

I get to ask the odd weird question or two for those that left beers behind.

I've just had a beeeaauuutiful beer, 1/2 litre bottle with silver cap marked AIPA on it. Big complex hop hoppy beer front and back, great stuff.

Sounds like the one I left. Glad you enjoyed it. Shame my swap beer wasnt up to this standard. Beer was a Victory Hop Devil clone. Never had the original so not really sure how accurate it is.

Thanks for the feedback boys. I have been in QLD on holds for the past 2 weeks so I have not been drinking our beers. I will be home tomorrow so I will get back to work then.
Keith- Yes mate as I had to grab what I could to put this case together most have been bottle for 6 months now.

The Duvel is a cracker, for those who got that one. Just Pils and 1 kg od Sugar and Wyest Belgian Strong.

And the English bitter was my first crack at an Englisg Bitter so I was flying by the seat of my pants.

Dunno why but the post i made yesterday has disappeared :blink:

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the feedbcak guys, glad you like the "Johnny Nash". I was aiming for a nice light refreshing summer sessional :chug: & am happy with how it turned out, but dunno why its cloudy for you guys - what i have on tap is clear (no filtering). maybe leave it a bit longer if you havent tried it yet.

FWIW, the recipe is in the recipe thread.

Muggas Yeast was US05.
Gavin - only Amarillo & cascade in it & i try not to make bad beer ;-)

SJW, had your 1c english mild last night. Very clear (until I dumped some bottle yeast into the end of the pour) Great malt aroma supported by what i felt was an appropriate level of hopping and a nice head. Like most english styles it got better as it warmed. I probably would have placed this beer if it was in the flight I judged at the recent state comp. Mate I loved it ... well done for your 1st effort at this style :beer:
The Duvel is a cracker, for those who got that one. Just Pils and 1 kg od Sugar and Wyest Belgian Strong.

And the English bitter was my first crack at an Englisg Bitter so I was flying by the seat of my pants.


You're right mate, it was a cracker. Bewdiful beer.

22. Muggus Armoured Hawl Ale.

I opened this one in the lounge room and poured into a big "PHAT" pint glass. Poured with a big fluffy head that died down to a nice 1/4 inch firm stand, and is holding it well as it warms.

I have had folks tell me of their interpritation of this beers aroma as pine, but i got ginger. Lots of ginger. As i was thinking this my wife sitting across the roon on a seperate lounge down wind in the breeze pipes up and says....... Gaaawd whats that, are you drinking ginger beer?

I snif and i snif and all i get is a fantastic sweet malt aroma mingling in amoungst ginger........ i cant find pine but thats my perception.

hop and malt aroma and flavour compliment each other well with hops being a tad more prominet with is perfect.

The 8% seems like a 5% and the beer is over all smooth, clean and well ballanced.

Great job!

Finally picked up my case on Saturday and couldnt decide
where to start, so closed my eyes and grabbed the first 2
bottles and put them in the fridge.

#10. Brewers Blonde Lager.

Poured with a big white fluffy head that laced all the way down.
Nice blonde colour with a slight haze. Good carb and good hop aroma,
nice clean hop flavour.
This was a very nice beer that didnt last long at all. Went down
very quick and easy. I could have easily drank a lot more of these.
A grat beer to start off the case.
Thanks mate.

#28. Redbeards English Bitter.

Nice tight white head and well carbed, the lacing coated my glass.
Nice coppery colour with a floral peppery aroma. It had a good caramely
peppery/spicy flavour.
Another great beer, this beats the hell out of the bitter I have on tap at the
moment. I really enjoyed this, thanks.

A great start to the case. Thanks guys.
#11 Summer Blonde

Poured a glass, lovely light gold, straw colour with large brilliant white head.

Whiff of clove-like, spicey phenolics in the aroma which disappeared on standing.

Had a gentle hop spiciness at the front of the palate, low-low/med body along with med-high carbonation and a slight balance towards hops creates a very refreshing ale. Not as clean as it might be, there's a yeastiness there that detracts from the refreshing character of the beer, you might ferment at a lower temperature or rack the beer off the yeast bed a little sooner. After finishing the beer there is also a slight acidity lingering in the front of my mouth. I suspect a very mild infection.

Not the end of the world. The beer is pretty quaffable, I drank all of my bottle. Thanks.

Just a note on the Sheep Shagger.

I just had one and its lost about half its hop character. It will end up a nice malty beer with some hop character soon.

Those that got in early got the best of it. If you leave it.... you will never know what was!

Drink it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cause it is only going to go down hill. Its a hop driven beer, not a long lived barly wine

#25 - Tony - The Sheep Shagger

Took your advice and Holy Moly this it's good!!! With a creamy head that lasted forever, the beer sat in the glass displaying a wonderful cloudy red-brown colour. A wonderful balance of malt and hops. Honey and tropical fruit notes. I have nothing constructive to say other than it is one of the best beers I've had for a long time. Thanks heaps Tony!!!

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