Nsw Xmas Case 2007 - Consumption

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Just a couple of quick reviews from past days. Sorry about the brevity but Xmas has me flat out and I'm trying to catch up the couple of beers I have managed to try and remember details.

#28 Redbeard - English Bitter

Poured a good sized attractive head. Copper coloured and containing caramel flavours. Not too sweet though. A excellent balanced session beer. Thanks Redbeard.

#13. floppinab - English Bitter
Head disappeared very quickly. Nice bitterness on the side of tongue. Roasted coffee notes, perhaps a hint of golden syrup ?? (it was late when I tried it) :unsure: A really enjoyable beer. Much appreciated floppinab.
Tony's Sheep Shagger #25 -

I drank this one last Friday. It was an excellent beer. So hoppy, but made so well that it went down very easily. I couldn't tell it was over 7%. Geez, I wish I had a few more of them. This is another beer on the "to do" list.

Thanks Tony

Just polished off Stu's Summer Ale, familiar hops on the front end but couldn't pick it (looked it up 'twas the EKG haven't had Northdown before, nice combo), not going to go into detail, but lovely stuff as always from the master!!!!! :p

Hoeing into Brewers Blonde at the mo. Lovely straw colour, quite clear, not a lot of hop aroma in this one but pleasantly bittered, very clean finish.............mmmmm wife's just put Meaning of Life on the tele...........all I've time for now..............love those fat merchant bankers!!!!!!!!!!
Brew: #8. Peve - American Pale Ale

Had this last night - Loved the smell, loved the finish. Like a lot of these beers, don't you get the ***** when you finish the bottle and know there isn't a another one in the fridge.

I know this style is one of my favourites at the moment and I probably will tire of its flavours over the years as I discover other styles but for now, I'd be happy to drink this beer any time. Good stuff Peve.
Had the Sheep Shager last night, very very nice, although I would not want to put too many away.

Also had Thomos Cream Ale, Not bad, but as I have never had a Cream Ale before I was not sure what to compare it to. I will be interested the hear other coments on this one.

Finally picked up my case last night and freezer chilled number 1A, SJW's Bo Pils.

Very nice beer. Beautiful light colour, really nice bitterness. Head wouldn't go away, very fluffy. If I had been patient and fridged it for 48 hours I'm sure it would have been even clearer as it was (small bit of yeast, so that's my fault).

Nice one, and a good way for me to start off the NSW December Xmas Case 07.

Now to catch up to the rest of you!!!! Some serious drinking this weekend.
Just had a feed of oysters and prawns as you do down here in Deliverance Country - speared then all myself. :p What better ale to wash them down with than # 4 Barramundi's SWAPALE.

I'll leave the flowery accolades to those who know how to say things best, but a good quaffing beer I would drink anytime and one you should be proud of. If that's what you do when you knock up a kit for a swap, your good beers must be sensational.

While typing this I'm enjoying [SJW's 1 (B)- Bavarian Lager. Interesting. very drinkable. I've not tasted anything like it. I know you don't think this is your best beer and for good reason, but I'm enjoying it and that's all that matters. Thanks for it.
#13 - floppinab's Bitter

Dark brown in colour with a nice ruby hue in the light, almost into porter territory. The beer is brilliantly clear and holds a great head. Lots of burnt toffee notes on the nose. The sweet dark malts follow through in the flavour with hardly a trace of roast. The bitterness and mouthfeel are perfect for the style, as is the carbonation. Top shelf beer thanks floppinab, reminds me a lot of Theakston's Old Peculiar. Wonderful drinking.
Steves Nelson Bastard

Poured with a coarse off white head that fell away pretty quickly, quite strongly carbed but I'm OK with that. Dark copper in colour, super brilliantly clear. Light sauvin aroma, not too heavy and very pleasant. A little harsh dryness up front, I've found the same my Nottingham brew, not a big fan of this yeast, don't think I'll use it again. On appearance I though this might end up a bit malt heavy but is balanced very well with some very smooth hop bitterness. Just checked your recipe........... Northern Brewer velly niceaaa.

Nicely done Steve.

Getting stuck into Tony's Ovis Intercourse :)

Poured like custard, very thick, some indication of what was to come.What a hop flavour hit this is from the first millisecond it hits the tongue. Some serious fruit in this beer, you name it, it's in there. Was expecting a bit more of a back end bitterness hit but it wasn't there. Great body and mouthfeel, no hints of alco intensity, great for a highish alco beer. Nicely done Tony
3. Fatgodzilla - Ronald Reagan all American Ale
27. crozdog - The Johnny Nash "I Can See Clearly Now" Bright Ale

Drunk both of these last night as I was feeling a bit APA ish. Both fantastic beers and enjoyed them a lot for different reasons. Fatz for the hops I wouldnt normally use/try. Croz for the restraint. Thanks guys.

Im constantly surprised the different flavours that amarillo/cascade put into a beer. Ive made a few of myself but I always pick it as something else.

I had Keiths Aussie Farmhouse Ale today. Little cloudy, no head, low carbonation, Big alcohol and I would not want to put many of these away. Nice beer though. Would like to know what it was hopped with.

Also had Trents Brown Porter. WOW, What a beer. It was great all round. A little low on the carbonation for me but a perfect brew otherwise.

Xmas Eve eve - busy packing for a few days away with the inlaws. Then last night, Santa Claus to a hundred kids at our local Carols By Candlelight. After sweating in the fake hair, fake beard I needed a drink. The crowdies, bless their souls, offered Santa a beer - sort of. Bloody VB. Now before all you defenders of VB jump up and down, I drunk it down thankfully (thirsty). So back to the North Pole, I need something that will taste like a beer. To my salvation, N0. 25 Tony's Sheep Shagger[After three failed attempts to crack this bottle (plans go awry and grabbed wrong bottle once) last night was the time. Tony, you restored my faith in beer that tastes .. beery. Loved the hop bitterness - pity Carlton stopped making Victoria Bitter and substitutes Very Bland in its place. This is what I remember old fashioned bitter beers should taste like. Thanks for saving Santa Claus Tony !!!!!

PS leave all the flowery bits to you wordsmiths - Tony looks like a decent man who appreciates straight talking - the beer was %$@*ing good mate. Tah. :party:
No Problems mate....... :beer:

More catchups

15 (underlined). Oblomov - Belgian Dark Strong Ale - Dark dark red brown colour. Low Carbonation and what head there was disipated very quickly. Noticeable alcohol flavours but not overwhelming, though I was feeling it by the end of the bottle. Sweet malty flavours with caramel notes balanced well by the hop bitterness. Terrific!! Thanks Oblomov

Only a day behind now. I may even get a chance to post a recipe eventually.

3 - Fatgodzilla - Ronald Reagan all American Ale - Lunchtime in the cricket and time to start tasting. Good sized head that clings nicely to the side of the glass. Reasonably clear golden colour. Slight Piney notes. The high level of bitterness ensures it remains really refreshing and leaves you wanting another. I'd love to see it dry hopped it with something American to lift the aroma levels. Thanks heaps Fatgodzilla!

9 - Steve (ACT) - Nelsons Bastard Ale (Nottingham) - Medium-sized head that lingered for some time. Wonderfully clear copper coloured appearance. Citrus and stone fruit aromas backed by strong peach and plum flavours. Malt sweetness and hop biterness is perfectly balanced. SENSATIONAL!!!! A shame there's only ony bottle!! Tremendous sample Steve!! Will have to have a go with the Nelson.

Thanks Guys
Well Christmas day drinking honours went to Nooch and Goathearder 2 great beers. The stout was a little over carbonated for me but it was worth it to see that big rocky head right down to the last drop. And Scotts dark Lager was a cracker, loved it.

Yeah sorry about the carbonation on mine Steve. Might be a good idea to put this one in the fridge folks.

Only a day behind now. I may even get a chance to post a recipe eventually.

3 - Fatgodzilla - Ronald Reagan all American Ale - Lunchtime in the cricket and time to start tasting. Good sized head that clings nicely to the side of the glass. Reasonably clear golden colour. Slight Piney notes. The high level of bitterness ensures it remains really refreshing and leaves you wanting another. I'd love to see it dry hopped it with something American to lift the aroma levels. Thanks heaps Fatgodzilla!

Thanks Peve. Actually found my last stubby of this beer at back of fridge and first thing I noticed was the distinct drop in the aroma. Bitterness same, just diminished aroma. Will repeat hopping schedule in an upcoming AG version of same beer and dry hop some and not others to determine suitability. Given I used Simcoe early, Amarillo mid and Glacier at end, any thoughts on whether I should dry hop any of these three or perhaps go a fourth hop ? Cascade too easy - what else though ??
I'd recommend using Amarillo as a fourth dry hop but then I have a soft spot for Amarillo.
My experience has been strong citrusy aroma good for 3 or 4 months when dry hopped (if that's what you're after of course)


Thanks Peve. Actually found my last stubby of this beer at back of fridge and first thing I noticed was the distinct drop in the aroma. Bitterness same, just diminished aroma. Will repeat hopping schedule in an upcoming AG version of same beer and dry hop some and not others to determine suitability. Given I used Simcoe early, Amarillo mid and Glacier at end, any thoughts on whether I should dry hop any of these three or perhaps go a fourth hop ? Cascade too easy - what else though ??

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