Nsw Xmas Case 2007 - Consumption

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#17 Beerslayers Aussie Pale Ale
I got the same notes as some of the others, some real toffee/honey notes in there, and it was definitely quite sweet. What I did get that no one else has mentioned, was a really prominent yeastiness, though I seem to be fairly sensitive to these kinds of tastes. The yeastiness smelt and tasted of bread yeast to me, my mate didnt find it as prominent as I, but agreed that the flavour and aroma were there. The bitterness was pretty good, but I couldn't finish it with that yeast character there. It tasted to me that the yeast had been fairly stressed or somoething. Did you make a starer with the out of dat yeast? I have used out of date yeast before, and havent really had this problem (though it is an aroma I have found on several occasions with WY1968 ESB).
Obviously you know that the yeast wasnt up to par, and it is a pity, cause it showed promise, and others will no doubt like it. I would like to try a bottle down the track that has used fresh, as I have always enjoyed your previous offerings.
All the best
Glad you liked it, Tony, except for the hop flavour. ;)

I used EKG and Northdown for flavour and aroma additions, with a dry hop of a little EKG. It's very interesting the different reactions people have to the same beer so thanks for the thoughtful review.

Oh, and full recipe is in this thread. It'd be great to see a few more recipes in there. :)
I didnt think the flavour was bad....... Thats why i couldnt find the words i was after. I didnt want to say harsh or offensive or anything to that gist.... because it wasnt. I quite enjoyed it but i just felt a bit less of it would have made the beer more drinkable.

I think i would have fatigued on it after a few glasses when otherwise it was a great refreshing summer quaffer.

You wouldnt think it was the same person that just wrote that when you try the Sheep Shagger :) But it wasnt ment to be a summer quaffer. Its a 1 or 2 glass....OOOOOO... AAAhhhhh beer.

#3 Fatgodzilla's Ronald Reagan all American Ale

Amber and hazy with a tenacious white head. Terrific American hop aromas of grapefruits and lemons. There is a big hit of passionfruit hop flavour up front, fighting hard with the malt which is trying to show through. The bitterness is aggressive yet smooth and lingers on well into the finish. The carbonation is spot on and the body is perfect for easy drinking. This is a cracker Fatgodzilla, right up my alley. I say bugger waiting a month for conditioning, drink this one now and enjoy the hops while they are firing! Recipe please!
1. SJW (1-d Duvel Clone)

Poured very pale with a BIG fluffy white head. Cant really describe the taste other than it tastes pretty much like a Duvel :) , perhaps a bit sweet. Really enjoying this one. Thanks SJW. Ive found a couple of these swap beers a bit sweet, im wondering if it just me.

17. Beerslayer- Australian Pale

Not much to add on this one. No hint of a bottle bomb here. Well carbed. Lovely aroma with a pronounced grainyness. I didnt find it overly sweet and enjoyed it very much. Thanks. I too would like to see the recipe if you are willing to share.

Looks like I had a couple of bottles explode on me over the weekend. My apologies to Punter (#11) and Beerslayer (#17), I won't get a chance to try your offerings. :(

Anyway, I managed to knock off a few more

Brew: #9. Steve(ACT) - Nelsons Bastard Ale

Served chilled in glass.
Excellent fruity hop-driven nose, packed full of lemon citrus, passionfruit, pineapple, white grape (wine-like I guess), some grainy maltiness in the background. Pours a clean bronze body with thick white lace. Moderate carbonation, medium sort of body, some drying towards the finish. Some nice passionfruit and Sauv. Blanc-like fruitiness upfront, some bread, with a good helping of toffee lending some sweetness, and slightly roasted malt flavours towards the finish, seemingly contributing to the bitterness of the finish.
Reminds me a bit of Macs Sassy Red, in a good way. Big fan of the Nelson Sauvin hop, put to good use in this beer, nice work Steve.

Brew: #8. Peve - American Pale Ale

Served chilled in glass.
Subtle hops on the nose, citrus and stonefruit, quite nice. Pours a clean copper/gold body with a white collar. Carbonation is moderate, body is reasonably lean and clean. Spicy citric hops on the body, a touch of more complex fruitiness (peach skins?), some underlying sweet malt balances out a quite bitter finish. Very nice quaffing APA, something in the mould of a James Squire Golden Ale, without the offputting dirty yeasty note.
#3 Fatgodzilla's Ronald Reagan all American Ale

Amber and hazy with a tenacious white head. Terrific American hop aromas of grapefruits and lemons. There is a big hit of passionfruit hop flavour up front, fighting hard with the malt which is trying to show through. The bitterness is aggressive yet smooth and lingers on well into the finish. The carbonation is spot on and the body is perfect for easy drinking. This is a cracker Fatgodzilla, right up my alley. I say bugger waiting a month for conditioning, drink this one now and enjoy the hops while they are firing! Recipe please!

Had to repeat the full comment, I'm feeling chuffed. Inspired by threads from Tony of the PoR Loving fame and a few others of his ilk, I wanted to make a hoppy brew. It's a simple extract mix of 1 can Morgans Pale Unhopped extract a kilo of DLME and half a can of Morgans Blue Mountains lager (cos it was there). All malts into the boil, 30g Simcoe at start, 30g Amarillo after 30 minutes and 30g of Glacier in last 10 minutes. Wyeast 1272 (American Ale II). OG 1045 FG 1010.

Your comment on the aggressive bitterness was the reason I thought it best to drink in January rather than December but I've made a similiar brew with half the hop additions just after this one (just in case I stuffed up the thing) and I prefer the Swap version.

Thanks for the positive comments, guess everyone should drink it now. Even if everyone else hates it, I won't care !!!!
Its going in the fridge now Fat....... I didnt see any POR in there???????

I just bought a pack of 1272 American 11 to try on a pale ale with "POR" so will look ofrward to trying it.

may not be till later in the week though. I have a work function at Coca-cola.... ummmmm i mean Bluetongue brewery tomorrow night. Free beer so i didnt say no.

Its going in the fridge now Fat....... I didnt see any POR in there???????

I just bought a pack of 1272 American 11 to try on a pale ale with "POR" so will look forward to trying it.

may not be till later in the week though. I have a work function at Coca-cola.... ummmmm i mean Bluetongue brewery tomorrow night. Free beer so i didnt say no.


The PoR is going into the next Pale Ale with Amarillo for smell - a sort of James Squire Golden Ale clone (but with more hops) - **** man, now I'm even thinking brewing like you !!!!!
Save me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can only but try to follow in the footsteps of greatness .........................
But then as my old dad you to say, you shouldn't walk in someone else's shoes or else you'll get tinea.
mate...... i dont think you would fit in my shoes :)

crozzy's 27. crozdog - The Johnny Nash "I Can See Clearly Now" Bright Ale

Has poured very hazy Phil, not sure why been in the fridge for a few days, perfectly carbed, nice white head that holds up well. Interesting mix of hop aroma, nothing too intense but very pleasant, I still can't pick 'em yet but I think there's something non-american in there.
Lovely body on this for a bright ale, can really get my teeth into it, light to med. on the bitterness (but does creep up on you a little on the finish) and subtle flavour hops early on the taste balances well with the light malts. The yeast is forging through a little too strongly, be better if it had cleared out a little more.
Great beer Phil, do you blokes ever make bad beer!!!!! :p
#17 Beerslayer - Australian Pale

The head on this offering was huge. Very highly carbonated with a slight hazy golden colour. Fantastic honey aroma and taste (I initially detected the bready aroma that Trent found but it dissipated quickly for me).
A fantastic beer, Beerslayer, though probably too sweet for me to have more than a couple though. Thanks muchly!!


P.S. There is honey in it isn't there?
# 27. crozdog - The Johnny Nash "I Can See Clearly Now" Bright Ale

Poured with a small to medium head that lasted well. It was very hazy to start but did clear quite a bit as it warmed to a lovely yellow/gold colour.
Slight mandarin notes and a hint of other citrus?
A light-medium body (I'd like a little more body) that provided a refreshing bitterness level offset nicely by the malt.
An excellent drop and much appreciated. Thanks Crozdog

Brew: #9. Steve(ACT) - Nelsons Bastard Ale

Served chilled in glass.
Excellent fruity hop-driven nose, packed full of lemon citrus, passionfruit, pineapple, white grape (wine-like I guess), some grainy maltiness in the background. Pours a clean bronze body with thick white lace. Moderate carbonation, medium sort of body, some drying towards the finish. Some nice passionfruit and Sauv. Blanc-like fruitiness upfront, some bread, with a good helping of toffee lending some sweetness, and slightly roasted malt flavours towards the finish, seemingly contributing to the bitterness of the finish.
Reminds me a bit of Macs Sassy Red, in a good way. Big fan of the Nelson Sauvin hop, put to good use in this beer, nice work Steve.

lemon, passion fruit, pineapple, white grape, bread, toffee and roast flavours .....sounds like a pizza! :lol:

Thanks for the review. Glad you liked it Muggus.
Looks like I had a couple of bottles explode on me over the weekend. My apologies to Punter (#11) and Beerslayer (#17), I won't get a chance to try your offerings. :(

Damn, Sorry Muggus, first time I've ever had a bottle go bang :(
I will cool one of mine down tonight and try it a let you all know how its going.
Might have to drink this one soon too.
Upon hearing of possible issues, I thought it pertinent to swing into action and consume Punter's Blonde (#11). Like I needed an excuse..... :D

Chilled to 4degC. Poured clear, with a tight white head. Nice controlled hop aroma with good carbonation - actually very good , bubbly with a nice amount of bubbling in the glass, without being overly whizzy.

First taste impressions, good bitterness with a not so prominant hoppiness. The body is fairly sweet, but with a dryish finish (how is that possible - or is it just my taste buds?). It's not lacing down the glass, but that could be the condition of my vessel.
Fairly neutral yeast flavour profile, there's not much there.

All in all a nice beer, something that I could happily sink a few of. Nice one Punter!

Cheers - Mike
Tony's Sheep Shagger
Poured a hazy, copper/red colour with a nice dense white head that usually comes with really hoppy beers. Toffee/caramel like malt aromas are evident on the nose, with a medium hop aroma, kinda earthy. Sweet malt on the palate, that offsets the bitterness quite well, they are very balanced, and it is hard to believe it is 66IBU. Moderate alcohol warming in the belly as you drink, but the alcohol is very well hidden. Bitterness lingers fairly long into the aftertaste. The hops are quite balanced with the maltiness and bitterness, and nothing is really more dominant than the other. I can only assume you have made this in the vein of an English style IPA, as it doesnt have the over the top hoppiness of an AIPA, and has more maltiness than required by that style. This is a very well made and easy to drink beer (that will probably hit you like a ton of bricks if you drink it by the pint). Extremely well balanced IPA, thanks very much for sharing, Tony, I would be proud if I could ever make a beer of this calibre.
All the best
Thanks mate...... that means a lot comming from you sensitive pallate. I was nervous about your review.

It was made based on an English IPA but i wanted the malt a bit sweeter (used carared candy malt instead of crystal) and brewed it with US-05 to really bring out the hops. I felt a sweeter malt profile would compliment the sweet character of those NZ hops.

I was also amazed at how easy to drink it is for a big beer thats this bitter but it all comes down to that "B" word doesnt it.

Shame about the haze from all the late hop flowers....... just dont look at it :)

Damn, Sorry Muggus, first time I've ever had a bottle go bang :(
I will cool one of mine down tonight and try it a let you all know how its going.
Might have to drink this one soon too.

Ok, after Muggus had my bottle go off I chilled
one of my spares down last night and had a try.
Its ready to drink now, its well carbed, but I didnt see
or taste anything that would have made it go bang. Hope
its just a one off.
Drink it cold on a hot day.
Upon hearing of possible issues, I thought it pertinent to swing into action and consume Punter's Blonde (#11). Like I needed an excuse..... :D

Chilled to 4degC. Poured clear, with a tight white head. Nice controlled hop aroma with good carbonation - actually very good , bubbly with a nice amount of bubbling in the glass, without being overly whizzy.

First taste impressions, good bitterness with a not so prominant hoppiness. The body is fairly sweet, but with a dryish finish (how is that possible - or is it just my taste buds?). It's not lacing down the glass, but that could be the condition of my vessel.
Fairly neutral yeast flavour profile, there's not much there.

All in all a nice beer, something that I could happily sink a few of. Nice one Punter!

Cheers - Mike

Thanks for the review Mike.
Its supposed to be a fairly bland, quaffable in large amounts type of beer
thats not to any real style.
Cheers, Duane.