Nsw Xmas Case 2007 - Consumption

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That reminds me,

Mine will not be ready as soon as I thought it would be. I'll be trying another bottle in a week and will post the results. It was under carbed, and very underwhelming too.
ooooohhhhh you are one of the harsh (read - honest) ones I was hoping didn't get a flower! :lol: No no Trent give me your most honest feedback, not that I would think you wouldn't ;)
Sadly Punter (who hasnt picked his swap beers up yet) won't get to taste #17; it exploded in my shop today.

Several startled customers and some mopping later it's all cleaned up. But be warned #17 may be just a tough fizzy.


Sorry about having to clean up a mess in the shop Mark.
I will have to pick them up next Sat. at the HAG swap.
Too much work on at the moment.
Cheers, Duane.
Thanks for the warning, Mark, re #17.
I just put it into my fridge, and the cap seemed a little convex (though I could be just imagining it). Will drink it tonight.

Crozdog's I Can See Clearly Now Bright Ale
Mate, that is one hell of a name, I cna see why ya didnt make a label for it ;). Anyway, it actually poured very hazy, so I could only assume the name was a piss take, but right at the end of my second glass is started to clear, so I may have had it too cold.
There was an aroma on the nose that was familiar, yet hard for me to pick. it was a kinda sulfur aroma, that wasnt offensive, but didnt really allow malt or hops to show through much either. Started out sweet, and finished a little thin in body, if that makes sense, with moderate amounts of malt, bitterness and I think I got a little hop in there too. The carbonation was moderate to medium, so at least in my bottle there was no real chance of an explosion - maybe the bottle that blew up of yours had a weak spot, Croz? The sulfury hit that i got stayed with the beer through the course, maybe it was from the yeast that ya used, I dunno. I didnt pick up any real off flavours or anything in there, so it was obviously well made. It was quite drinkable and clean, I would suggest maybe getting a little more body into the tail end of the palate and try and get it a little clearer, but apart from that, it was just what I was looking for after a hot day at work.
Thanks for sharing
SJW's English Bitter
Poured a nice amber colour, and had some chill haze in there, and a nice head. Funnily enough, I got a sweet aroma, with some Belgian style yeast character, and almost pear like esters! I peeled off the 1c label, and it said 46 underneath - this was definitely the bitter, right? I only ask, as it tasted very similar to my first ever attempt at a belgian, which was a Leffe Blonde clone. I used a dried yeast that seemed to leave a sweetness that I usually attribute to kits, but it was certainly AG. Anyway, I digress.
The sweetness stayed with the beer, and the esters and yeast character did aswell, perfect for an english bitter, but as I said, they were almost belgian in character. Not terrible, just surprising. The bitterness didnt seem all that high, and I would have liked a bit more hops in there. I would probably throw in a small amount of chocolate malt in there next time to darken the colour, and help dry out the finish a little bit. Some more late hops wouldnt go astray either. All up, it was a pleasant beer that was drunk with appreciation, it was just a little different to what I was expecting. Clean and well made, I wouldn't mind trying a bottle from your next batch of bitter, if ya dont mind. (we will do a swap of some sort!)
All the best, and thanks for sharing
15 (underlined). Oblomov - Belgian Dark Strong Ale

Thought I would give this a go being friday night and all. Nice dark ruby colour with low carbonation. Quite sweet and fruity on the palate, if I had to be more specific, maybe prunes. Alcohol very well hidden, I wouldnt have believed it to be 8% by tasting it. I thought the sweetness may become cloying toward the end of the bottle but it didnt. Excellent beer, I really enjoyed it. Thanks Oblo.

8. Peve - American Pale Ale - Golden - ABV 4.5%

Tried Peve's beer on Thursday. Agree with other's notes so wont repeat. Nice beer, thanks Peve.

Cheers Andrew
This sounds like a bottle of belgian SWJ gave me a couple of weeks ago when i was dropping of my cases. Im sure it had 46 on the top and it was exactly as you discribed. He gave me 2 bottles, one had 45 aqnd 1 had 46 on them im sure but i have been wrong.

#28. Redbeards English Bitter.

Nice beer mate. I love the colour of it...... i make my bitters the same colour. great bitter bite on the side of my tongue and its clean...... a bit too clean for the style.

2 things i recon it needs is a not so clean english ale yeast (try WLP005 or 1275 if you like them cleaner) and the hops..... while very enjoyable were a bit more "APA" level than a bitter. But this isnt a comp and i enjoyed your beer.

25. Tony - The Sheep Shagger. 7.4% ABV. 1.066, 66 IBU Bottled 25/10/07. Ready to drink.
Enjoying this one right now. Amber colour, a bit hazy. Creamy head that persists well. Very strong hop aroma. Taste is fairly bitter but it has has strong hops as well. I have never had a beer with this much hops, but I like it. Excellent beer. Afraid I might fall asleep now .....
:lol: It sneaks up on you doesnt it.

The haze is hop haze...... it got a bucket full of hop flowers at the end.....as you found out.

25. Tony - The Sheep Shagger. 7.4% ABV. 1.066, 66 IBU Bottled 25/10/07. Ready to drink.

Amber in colour with a haze which hints there might be some hops in there somewhere. A thick white head stands tall, painting the glass all the way down. A multitude of hop aromas are detectable - tropical fruits, citrus and fresh cut grass. The hop flavours lead and are followed by a good depth of bready malt. The finish drops away just a bit too quick - it could use a little more malt there. The 7.4% is very well hidden, this beer drinks very easily. The beer is well balanced and the carbonation is spot on. I was really looking forward to this beer and it hasn't disappointed. Outstanding thanks Tony.

To everyone else - drink this one soon, the hops are awesome and they won't last forever.
Glad you liked it mate

I kept the malt low to make it a bit more quaffable for summer conditions, seeing as the swap was in december and as you said....... it wont stay that hoppy for long.

After looking at my records its actually closser to 8% abv B)

Beerslayer: Australian Pale.

Well the first schooner didnt touch the sides...... must be OK.... Will pour another and review it.

OK....... If one went pop in marks store, it must have been double primed cause mine was fine. Its a tad over carbed and made me burp a bit but i dont mind a bit of gas im my beer.

I personally thing all it needs is a bit more botterness to make it more refreshing. There is a definate sweetness in the finnish that kind of gets a bit much after a couple but other than that.... a nice beer. Its very close to the aussie pale i have on tap at the moment.

I would be interested to see the recipe specs on this beer actually.

Had Beer Slayers Aussie Pale Ale (#17) last night.

Amazing toffeed honey notes with lots of complexity on the aroma, with a hint of hop spiciness in the background.

The toffee and honey flavours dominate the palate. In the background I perceived earthy style hops. It is very sweet.

A full bodied beer, high carbonation with large bubbles.

For my money Beer Slayer if you increased the bitterness and added a little more late addition hops the beer would be more balanced and you would appreciate the remaining sweet honey-like flavour more because of it. The quaffability factor would increase if the beer was a little less chewy, try using less malt or more easily fermented sugars like dextrose (or a little white household sugar (15%w/w) :eek: ).

Thanks for the drop, it's a beer that shows a lot of potential.

(#1b) SJW's Bavarian lager.

Steve I had a few of your beers in the past and enjoyed them.

This beer was quite drinkable.

It was hazy, and there can be lots of reasons for haziness. The first thing I usually look to is the boil, and this is one of the advantages that kit users have over the all-grain folk - the boiling has already been done and done well, you should have a good strong rolling boil. Some malts are prone to producing hazy beers and may need a long mash time with a strong rolling boil.

For style though it needed more late addition hops, I could not smell any of those delicate perfumery/spicy aromas and the flavour additions were on the low side. How much age did this beer have? It may just be that the hop character has dropped off with age.

The beer had a sweetness that I suspect comes from underattenuation, if a little bit more residual sugar got chewed up the balance would be on the money.

This beer was quite drinkable, thanks for the sampler.

Sadly Punter (who hasnt picked his swap beers up yet) won't get to taste #17; it exploded in my shop today.

Several startled customers and some mopping later it's all cleaned up. But be warned #17 may be just a tough fizzy.


Hi Xmas cases,

Sorry for the exploding bottle. I purchased a out of "use by date" liquid yeast from my LHBS as he didn't have a fresh one. Its possible quite that it hasn't fermented out fully. So I think It would be a good Idea if you guys could place it in the fridge for safety.

Currently drining 1c.

My bottle is pretty clear. Nice amber colour, reasonably persistent head, initially with big bubbles. Smell is a bit fruity, little hop aroma. I get very little sweetness or malt taste, more citrussy (sp.?). Very bitter. Extremly dry finish. The taste indeed comes out a lot better when the beer is warmed up a bit. Good beer. Thanks.

I'm liking this case more and more every day.
#17 Beerslayer's Aussie Pale

It pours with a huge white head sitting on top of a hazy amber coloured beer. There is a real caramel honey note in the aroma. Is there honey in this beer? There is also plenty of honey flavours along with some nice maltiness. The beer is well carbonated which helps as it is balanced towards a little towards sweet in the finish. A very clean and well made beer thanks Beerslayer.
I had Beerslayer's Australian pale last night. Great looking beer, good thick head with good retention. Some light caramel aromas. Flavour-wise this wasn't quite my type of beer, with the malty sweetness that goatherder mentioned being a bit too much IMO, and becoming a bit cloying. It seems that others like this though, so it might just be me. For my taste buds I'd have to change things a little, maybe upping the hop bitterness or knocking back the crystal a bit (if that's what you used). Anyway, a very clean beer that was along the right lines for style, and with a little shift in the balance would be a very drinkable one.
#1c SJW's English Bitter

A pleasant amber colour with a little haze and a small but persistent white head. There are some nice earthy English hop aromas combined with some nice caramel and toffee malts. The malt theme continues through into the flavour, malty well into the finish. The bitterness is quite forward and well to style, very balanced. The finish is dry and with the moderate carbonation helping out. Great beer thanks SJW, I love a bitter and this is a very drinkable example. Cheers.
2. Stuster - English Summer Ale.

My brother and i shared this one and we both decided it was a bloody nice beer. Mouth feel, bitterness and colour were spot on, with a refreshing finnish and a bitter bite on the side of the tongue which i liked.

I found the hop flavour a bit ....... oh i dont know the words but the hops flavour put me off a bit. It was not unplesant at all and got better the warmer the beer got, but it just was there. I think it wasnt the flavour i found unplesant...... more its presence in the first place.

I find these summer bitters benifit from a nice soft aroma and the bitterness was very refreshing and plesant but the hop flavour was a bit much...... "for me". Im sure lots of others will love it cause its a tops beer and my brother said if i had that in the keg he would go back for another. I said i would if it didnt have so much of that hop flavour.

What sort of hops did you use........... im interested to know. I cant think of the word to use to describe what i mean........ I think i just would have liked the beer with less of the hop flavour and a tad mora aroma but thats me.

Great well made beer mate........ thanks.