Thanks for the warning, Mark, re #17.
I just put it into my fridge, and the cap seemed a little convex (though I could be just imagining it). Will drink it tonight.
Crozdog's I Can See Clearly Now Bright Ale
Mate, that is one hell of a name, I cna see why ya didnt make a label for it
. Anyway, it actually poured very hazy, so I could only assume the name was a piss take, but right at the end of my second glass is started to clear, so I may have had it too cold.
There was an aroma on the nose that was familiar, yet hard for me to pick. it was a kinda sulfur aroma, that wasnt offensive, but didnt really allow malt or hops to show through much either. Started out sweet, and finished a little thin in body, if that makes sense, with moderate amounts of malt, bitterness and I think I got a little hop in there too. The carbonation was moderate to medium, so at least in my bottle there was no real chance of an explosion - maybe the bottle that blew up of yours had a weak spot, Croz? The sulfury hit that i got stayed with the beer through the course, maybe it was from the yeast that ya used, I dunno. I didnt pick up any real off flavours or anything in there, so it was obviously well made. It was quite drinkable and clean, I would suggest maybe getting a little more body into the tail end of the palate and try and get it a little clearer, but apart from that, it was just what I was looking for after a hot day at work.
Thanks for sharing