Nsw Ahb Xmas In July Case

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Thanks to all who have put their hands up. We need to close it now at 24.

The final list is:

Pint of Lager

Look forward to hearing of everyones contribution. More details on drop offs, etc., will be circulated closer to the date. Mine will probably be something hoppy, not like a Pliny, but something more along the lines of a Victory Hop Devil.

Sounds like we've got a few hop monsters planned :beerbang: Just for variety I might go an Alt or even a Bock... or something :lol: I'll post when I've decided :)

Looking forward to July already,

berto said:
Looks like thats the full 24. However, is 25 a better number? That way your supplying beers for 24 different people and not getting one of your own back as we did last time?

I can do Medowie-Newcastle to Sydney and vice-versa as well. Could probably make a special trip and do a CC drop off point if there is a few guys there who need it.

Edit: Obviously people were impressed with the last one. Seems as though we've filled this Christmas cse in under 24 hours. Good to see a lot of the same people coming back as well.

Id dare say there would be the opportunity for a second case swap for those who miss out here. And if need be, Id put my hand up to go in both.

Cheers, Rob

Hopsta said:
berto said:
Looks like thats the full 24. However, is 25 a better number? That way your supplying beers for 24 different people and not getting one of your own back as we did last time?

Cheers, Rob

I reckon keep it at 24 i'd prefer to get one of my own back.

24 is much easier to sort than 23. Also seems to fit better in a case.
Having some supply 23 and some supply 24 caused us a few headaches at the beginning of sorting out the beers last time.

we're on.... time to start collecting some more champagne bottles.!
this year i'm looking at doing an english bitter/ pale ale
(just so i can save on priming sugar :p )
Goodluck with it guys.

I would have liked to join in but opted out this time becasue of family commitments and not being sure how much I'll be able to brew in coming months. Hopefully I'll be back on deck for the Xmas in December Case.


Bloody hell, not wrong about having to be quick! Even though I have missed out I would like to be first reserve in case someone drops out. Have really enjoyed all the beers from Xmas case and still got a couple left to look forward to. Anyway, again, if someone drops out, I'm in.

Bloody Hell. Repeated.

I indulge in some socialising for one evening and miss the glass canoe. Last time I switch off the PC. That'll learn me good.

Put my name down for second reserve.

And no. I'm not hoping the peoples brewery springs a leak. A much better bet is if Medowie disappears underneath the swamp.



You snooze.... You lose.

Don't worry Keith, I'll swap a beer with you mate ;)

Just a thought, people...

I suppose there is room in NSW to run a parallel July case, isn't there? :D

It should work OK, as long as U can get enough participants, organisers and support/transport people.

Hey, you could start a new thread if U want to keep it all separate from this one too.

Like I said,...just a thought.

It's unfortunate that logistics prevent the first July case (J1, perhaps) from being larger and accepting more contributors. There's absolutely no reason that you can't swap beer with other brewers, though.

Cheerz :beer:

Seth (I'm in the first case, nyah nyah nyah) :p
Ah **** !
I been working my butt off for two days with no computer at hand.
'Boo Hoo i hear'
Ah well, ya get that.
Enjoy it boys !

19 hours and we have 24 brewers all up for a two case swap.
And again we have the span of entries from Mid North Coast to Southern Sydney to Bathurst.


out of a 23 lt brew I get 28 bottles....something to think of????
Most contributors can probably squeeze out some more bottles by scaling up, or brewing higher and diluting at bottling.

But, if we let these 4 in, we gotta cap it then.
Cool? ;)

Anyone else wanna bottle a few more.
I can scale up without blinking. :blink:
No pressure... :ph34r:

Seth (tring to help) :p
Keith the Beer Guy said:
Bloody Hell. Repeated.

I indulge in some socialising for one evening and miss the glass canoe. Last time I switch off the PC. That'll learn me good.

Put my name down for second reserve.

And no. I'm not hoping the peoples brewery springs a leak. A much better bet is if Medowie disappears underneath the swamp.



Not a snowflakes chance in hell!!!

Weizguy said:
Most contributors can probably squeeze out some more bottles by scaling up, or brewing higher and diluting at bottling.

But, if we let these 4 in, we gotta cap it then.
Cool? ;)

Anyone else wanna bottle a few more.
I can scale up without blinking. :blink:
No pressure... :ph34r:

Seth (tring to help) :p

For me 28 bottles is doable, but I think the main problem will be with the people who have to do all the sorting. Is that right, Doc?

Since it only took 19 hours to get the first 24 together, I suggest that if you're interested but missed out, you voice it here and we can see if its possible to get 36 or 48 brewers. Then a parallel swap might work.

berapnopod said:
Weizguy said:
Most contributors can probably squeeze out some more bottles by scaling up, or brewing higher and diluting at bottling.

But, if we let these 4 in, we gotta cap it then.
Cool? ;)

Anyone else wanna bottle a few more.
I can scale up without blinking. :blink:
No pressure... :ph34r:

Seth (tring to help) :p

For me 28 bottles is doable, but I think the main problem will be with the people who have to do all the sorting. Is that right, Doc?

Since it only took 19 hours to get the first 24 together, I suggest that if you're interested but missed out, you voice it here and we can see if its possible to get 36 or 48 brewers. Then a parallel swap might work.



My advice is don't do the 28 thing.

24 got said, plain and simple.

The problem with squeezing in 4 more is the next 4 who come along. And I'm sure that there would have been 4 after them.

Thanks for the thoughts.

Happy brewing,

That went quick. I was running really late for work, but just had to have a peek at "beerland" as the missus calls it. Glad I did, otherwise I woulda missed out too. I would be surprised if we cant rustle up 48 all told, and do the parrallel swap thingy. If need be, I would also go in the second one, the more beers I get to try the better! Maybe you should start organising a second one Kieth, or at least start guaging the interest.
All the best
Trent said:
If need be, I would also go in the second one, the more beers I get to try the better! Maybe you should start organising a second one Kieth, or at least start guaging the interest.
All the best
I'd be prepared to be a reserve for the parallel case. Of course those who missed out get first dibs. :beer:
Seth, Have a crack at that Porter recipe, but only 60 mins of vigorous boiling. I will be brewing a Choc Porter next week to be bottled in Grolsh bottles for my Dad. He hasnt had too many beers since he finished a course of radiotherapy. Looks like he has lost the taste for beer & Weet Bix! I have 2 batches to be kegged this week, a Firkin Bolter goes into the keg on Monday; I hope it is as good as the one I tied at Duffs place late last year. Then we have the Balmain Basket Weavers Organic Lager.

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