Nsw Ahb Xmas In July Case

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kungy said:
Who seriously worries about attentuation or whether the yeast are floccing out to early.

Brewers get to know their yeasts and worts. I only seriously "worry" as such if I'm not convinced my starter was OK, or (as an ambient temp brewer) that the weather will be unfavourable.

I'm thinking of an English Pale Ale for the case. So I have plenty of time for trial runs.
I will be brewing a brown ale next week, and then an IPA the week after that. They should both be in the bottle by mid april, and then wichever one is the standout in june when I give em a taste test will be the one I put in. I know it is a cheaters way, but I would like to be sure that I put in something good, as I havent brewed either of these styles for a fair while, I wanna make sure I get ONE of em right!
All the best
PS Weiz, if you are making a chocolate porter, I would prefer it without the lacto, but it all depends on what the others want. Could be interesting, though, a sour/sweet beer. Hmmmm.
I'm thinking of a Californian Common.

Moving onto my first AG in the next two weeks, so you guys will probably be receiving my second AG attempt.

Getting nervous just thinking about it.

I'm still in at this stage sorry agro...
(my current contract has falen through, so i'm staying in Oz)

Still planning a English best bitter/pale ale. I even put down a test run last weekend.
I pitched the yeast in my American IPA last night. Lets hope it turns out to be a good one! :party:

Edit: just a bit of preliminary info on the beer: OG was 1.064 and IBU is bang on 50. Probably reasonably tame by IPA's standards, but hopefully will be nice and drinkable. I also reckon you shouldn't have something too alcoholic in a longneck, since you are obliged to drink two in one sitting!
Bottled the AIPA last night. There is a lot of hop trub that has made it into the bottle. I have never seen so much in any of my 7 years of brewing! Then again, I may not have ever used this much hops in a brew before either! Now I don't know what to do!! I may make up a backup brew that I can use instead if it doesn't settle down a bit more... :angry:

What is the date that we need to have the brew done by?
T.D. - how many grams of hops did you end up using? Maybe a large hop bag next time. The grain bag I use is the size of a pillow case and works great with the draw string. It might help.

I have the ingredients for the Choc porter, but had to substitute English crystal for the Joe White crystal. Got the right hops, though.

Big question. I don't have the yeast you specified, so which one of the yeasts I have would be best? In my yeast stables, I have Wyeast London 1028, London III (Youngs?), W1968 (Fullers?), American ale and American Ale II, as well as Irish Ale and cultures from King&Barnes Festive Ale and Matilda Bay Real Ale. I can also get SAF dry yeasts at the lhbs. Any hints would be great.

(Evil cackle...) and I have the ingredients, yeast culture and lacto culture for the Berliner weisse.

It's all "go" this week down on the ranch at the Teninch Brewery.

Seth out :p
Weizguy said:

I have the ingredients for the Choc porter, but had to substitute English crystal for the Joe White crystal. Got the right hops, though.

Big question. I don't have the yeast you specified, so which one of the yeasts I have would be best? In my yeast stables, I have Wyeast London 1028, London III (Youngs?), W1968 (Fullers?), American ale and American Ale II, as well as Irish Ale and cultures from King&Barnes Festive Ale and Matilda Bay Real Ale. I can also get SAF dry yeasts at the lhbs. Any hints would be great.
Seth out :p

I have used a few different yeasts on this beer and had very good results each time. From the list you have I would try the London III or the W1968. I used the WLP001 on the Choc Porter & its darker cousin, the Gearin Porter, as well as on the Black Ale that we had on for a while. The WLP005 was great as it flocculates out very nicely, taking pressure off the filtration process.
If using the English Crystal, give the JW Choc a bit of a bump by maybe 10%.
Bottled my decoction mashed pilsner last week. Tasted pretty good from the secondary. If it's no good come delivery time, I am brewing a wit tomorrow that will be a good substitute.
Thanks G-man. Knew I could count on U.
I'll prob go the London III.

Hope ur feeling better soon.

Josh, it sounds like you're trying to convince urself to keep the pilsner. Hope not, coz I luvs the pils better than the weizen (sometimes), depending on the mood/ occasion. Well done.

Seth :p
Weizguy said:
Josh, it sounds like you're trying to convince urself to keep the pilsner. Hope not, coz I luvs the pils better than the weizen (sometimes), depending on the mood/ occasion. Well done.

Seth :p

Not at all. Just don't to serve up ordinary beer if I can help it. I'm pretty sure it'll be fine. Probably get another one down in the next week or so anyway. Just in case.
Gerard_M said:
T.D. - how many grams of hops did you end up using? Maybe a large hop bag next time. The grain bag I use is the size of a pillow case and works great with the draw string. It might help.

How many grams? Mate, you don't want to know! :D :lol:

But yeah, a lot! It was just strange how it never really settled. I must admit I didn't rack to secondary for this brew due to a lack of available fermenters but judging by the amount of trub that came into the bottles it may not have achieved that much anyway.

I brewed a backup brew yesterday. I am excited about this one. A totally different beer to the AIPA (for starters its a lager), but I won't go into any more tha that for now. Don't want to jinx myself like last time!!
Weizguy said:
In my yeast stables, I have cultures from King&Barnes Festive Ale



Where did you get cultures for K&B festive ale? - I've been looking for the K&B yeast strain for ages. Never seen a bottle on sale here yet.

Cheers Ross
Ross said:
Weizguy said:
In my yeast stables, I have cultures from King&Barnes Festive Ale



Where did you get cultures for K&B festive ale? - I've been looking for the K&B yeast strain for ages. Never seen a bottle on sale here yet.

Cheers Ross

It's not a commercial culture, but just a bottle re-culture.

I bought the bottle about 8 yrs ago in a bottle shop in Newcastle, and just cultured the yeast from it. I have only made a couple of beers with it, too, so it's prob still 2nd generation for the bottle strain. I believe that the bottle strain is the fermentation strain too.

How about I revive some from my fridge and send a sample?

Seth :p
Started the Paddyz Choc Portah last night.

Due to several issues with the process, including hops that lost their aroma overnight (and gas bottle ouatge), I may have to make another one soon for the case, maybe on the yeast cake.
Don't want to provide a below-par beer, you know.

Prob get some more fresh ingredients and try again. The hops had aroma when I put them in the freezer, but had none after 1 false start and then a 2nd removal from the freezer.

Worst case scenario = 25 litres of underflavoured porter for me and friends to drain from a keg.

Seth out :p
Weizguy said:
hops that lost their aroma overnight

Strange. :blink: What sort of hops were they? Choc Porter sounds good with the wintry weather here at night at the moment. Did you end up using the London III yeast?

My case beer is bubbling away as well. A Belgian dubbel with the Wyeast 1388 yeast. I've been amazed at how slowly this yeast works and not only on stronger beers. I've done a run of three beers with this yeast. I pitched almost the whole yeast cake from the first beer and the second beer took almost two weeks to get to final gravity. :unsure: Got 85% attenuation in the end though. Anybody else noticed that with this yeast.
Mine is also bubbling away. About another week in the fermenter I'd say until it reaches terminal gravity, then its into the fridge for a 1 month + lagering period.

When exactly do we need to have the beers ready by?
You guys will be getting a Pilsener off, Morgans golden Saaz, very very lush drop.

Also is Gerard available to do p/u's?
Am building up my starter and will pitch sometime this week on my contribution. It is a dark English Ale loaded with Fuggles, should be nice on a cool night.

TD, we will start to organise dates towards the end of this month. At this stage, drop off would probably be around late June.
