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manticle said:
Tahoose - hope all is good. So easily this **** can happen.
Thanks Mants, hope the finger is ok. Very happy I didn't hit a tendon or a nerve. Plus the doctor I know bulk billed me so that was a bonus. I took him a couple of beers but I think I owe him a couple more.
I had to water a relative's garden this week and it had been a long hot day for me. Out of work after 10+ hours with plenty left to do in the arvo. I decided - willingly - to buy a stubbie of Melbourne Bitter.
For some reason whenever I have it, to me it tastes like beer. If I was to describe beer as a flavour I would say Melbourne Bitter. On the hot summer afternoon it hit the spot I wanted it to. As I was sipping it though it reminded me of something. then it came to me: Tooheys Red! Very similar beers.
TheWiggman said:
I had to water a relative's garden this week and it had been a long hot day for me. Out of work after 10+ hours with plenty left to do in the arvo. I decided - willingly - to buy a stubbie of Melbourne Bitter.
For some reason whenever I have it, to me it tastes like beer. If I was to describe beer as a flavour I would say Melbourne Bitter. On the hot summer afternoon it hit the spot I wanted it to. As I was sipping it though it reminded me of something. then it came to me: Tooheys Red! Very similar beers.
Doesn't taste like the Toohey's Red I remember! The ones Dad would buy in a cube of 30 of which I'd pinch a few of as well as a palm of rolly tobacco and sit on a hill with a .22 on my lap and watch the sunset. Fond memories but still a horrid beer.
I actually bought a sixer of MB last week and thoroughly enjoyed it. But I also bought a sixer of Coronas too in the recent hot weather. Hops are great but sometimes my palate needs a hard reboot and megaswill lagers are just the ticket.
Granted I haven't had a Red since uni, but for some reason I thought they have a similar flavour. Might have take one for the team...
For it is in the name of research, all shall be forgiven.
Thorough research mind you. Luckily they come in 30 packs.
Camo6 said:
The ones Dad would buy in a cube of 30 of which I'd pinch a few of as well as a palm of rolly tobacco and sit on a hill with a .22 on my lap and watch the sunset.
Yeah, me to.

Unfortunately we lived in Sydney's densely populated western suburbs at the time.
Dave70 said:
Yeah, me to.

Unfortunately we lived in Sydney's densely populated western suburbs at the time.
.22, sawn-off 12ga. You say potato...
There's a club/pub in Albury that had emblazoned across the front "ATTENTION HIPSTERS! WE HAVE MELBOURNE BITTER ON TAP" a few months back. I scoffed and rode off on my penny farthing to the barber to get my mustache waxed.
TheWiggman said:
"ATTENTION HIPSTERS! WE HAVE MELBOURNE BITTER ON TAP" greatly inflated prices because we that your stupid enough to get ripped off.
Stepped into the garage to train last night and was confronted by that unmistakable waft of malt and stale piss as I opened the door.
My spidey sense told me not to remove my thongs just yet. Sure enough, a bottle had failed in the bastard heat yesterday. Splintered brown glass everywhere.
The piece I'm holding is where it landed, about six meter's from the rack, my kids like to play with the dipping belt swing hanging off the winch, about two meters from the rack..
Think I'll be draping a blanket over this lot just to be on on the safe side.
Seriously ladies, its easy to get complacent, because that's me, but its no ******* joke when these things pop, especially if you have the misfortune to be holding one up to the light to see how well its clearing.
Mum was right. 'You'll have you're bloody eye out!'..

That's one reason I hate glass bottles, but really need to keep a few to enter comps, the beer presents a lot better and the bottles don't leak like some PETs can over a month or so.
I'll keep mine in a corner of the shed behind a drop sheet for sure.


**** Yeah

petrol price.jpg
Got diesel for 98c per liter yesterday.
Just remember the oil sheikhs of Abu Dhabi are suffering so that we can enjoy this cheap fuel. So spare a thought for them.
Dave70 said:
Got diesel for 98c per liter yesterday.
Just remember the oil sheikhs of Abu Dhabi are suffering so that we can enjoy this cheap fuel. So spare a thought for them.
Apparently they've had to cut your number of virgins back to around seven.
Can't promise the state (re: sex) of them either..

As a side note, anyone willing to give this bloke some advice on heading over to the UK to live/work for a couple of years? Looking at either working in London and living within half hour commute, or one of the southern-English towns close-ish to London to live and work (Bristol/Brighton/Southampton/somewhere with jobs).

The Mrs is an accountant and I'm an engineer and seems to be a few jobs in those fields so hoping it won't be too difficult to find work. We'd ideally like to find jobs before heading over there but will be traveling for 3 months prior to ending up in England so not sure on the logistics of finding a job that early.

Fun times ahead.
Too hot for me.. these armpits just won't quit. Still seems to be just as bad in winter.

And don't get me started on going to QLD to stay with the old folks every second xmas. Who moves somewhere hotter?
