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Nothing hopeful there, really. The building was never going to get torn down. The assumption would have been that someone would take the pub over but as a venue it will, and never can be, the same again. The bloke who has run it for nearly a decade is broke. No one like-minded will be able to take it over in the current climate. It doesn't matter that whoever owns the dirt under it got richer - he can't run it.
I chucked a sickie the day before my RDOs, got the inlaws to take care of the demon child for 2 nights and we are currently in Mudgee......

Had a look at the brewery today, so much shininess......Wineries tomorrow.
searching for ESB yeast on craftbrewer...just did a search for 'esb' ..... do one yourself... yes the yeast comes up but so does this item. love it.
I chucked a sickie the day before my RDOs, got the inlaws to take care of the demon child for 2 nights and we are currently in Mudgee......

Had a look at the brewery today, so much shininess......Wineries tomorrow.
Did you visit Blue Wren winery? The have a good chardonnay port.
Drove past it, but didn't drop in....

End haul was

Tinja 2006 Chardonnay
Lowe 2009 Preservative Free Organic Merlot
High Valley 2009 Rose
High Valley 2009 Sauv Blanc
Botobolar 2008 Marsanne
Botobolar 2008 Riesling
Botobolar 2007 Merlot
Mudgee Mead Spiced Mead
Mudgee Brewing Co Spring Release (APA styled)

Throw in some cheese, good honey and it's been a great little trip.

Dinner tonight back at the brewery with some live music. So don't want to return home tomorrow.
So, who's got the next 4 days off. I do :p
Anything big planned for Aus Day? Me, it's the usual manditory BBQ and a few games of street cricket with the neighbours
I'll be starting my 5 days on tomorrow morning...........Some of us have to keep the masses entertained.

Pete: I actually tried a Blue Wren White Port at the brewery last night, was awesome, went great with the passionfruit cheesecake we had for dessert.....

Back to reality today, drove back this morning and I can already say I hate Sydney weather as compared to out at Mudgee, the humidity is so low out there that both afternoons we walked the 1.8km to the pubs in 35+ heat and sun and didn't even sweat, compared to here where I was sweating just sitting and typing this......
Because it is awesome.

The real question is why didn't you click it when I linked to it in the previous No Topic thread?

Because it is awesome.

The real question is why didn't you click it when I linked to it in the previous No Topic thread?

Because you know we ALL ignore you Bottom... :lol:

Probably because it was buried in 1,000,000 post of shyte and then the post got shitcanned because lots of potty mouth individuals decided to have a p1ssing competition. B)
Nah, just a cartoon horse penis. Quite innocent all things considered.
1. It is called Autotune.
2. It is not used here - pitch is out all over the place.
3. If you don't know what it is called I don't know why you think you can hear it.
Because I *know* he will be checking here... perhaps once the mods are done deleting his new posts and giving him a talking to.

Hello to the new member, "Jeepers". If you are merely a little more polite on this forum, the members will shower you with so much information, you'll think it's Christmas with a capital C. You'll think there's some sort of information stimulus package being offered to you. If you stay around long enough, you'll find little tidbits of information tucked away like so many Easter eggs. If you're polite enough, when the time comes for your account to become disabled, the Dalai Llama might smile upon you and reincarnate your username as a more enlightened pseudonym.

For now, Namaste.

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