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I saw the Sailors there a few years back on holiday. Wait. It was probably 8 years ago.... anyway it was a top night.

Perfect venue for that band. Never saw them there myself. Shame really.
Well said Komodo....

I can remember from our younger days (2005/2006) going out with friends from the pub I was working in and spending the night speeding of our faces, we never caused issues but we had respect for the venues we were in, being mainly pub managers ourselves.

Back then a gram of speed was under $50 and pills could easily be had for $35, but this was only as I knew a good contact or two and got alot of mates rates.

The only upside of the extra drugs floating about is the amusement I get from watching people come down at 7am at the casino.
Well said Komodo....

I can remember from our younger days (2005/2006) going out with friends from the pub I was working in and spending the night speeding of our faces, we never caused issues but we had respect for the venues we were in, being mainly pub managers ourselves.

Back then a gram of speed was under $50 and pills could easily be had for $35, but this was only as I knew a good contact or two and got alot of mates rates.

The only upside of the extra drugs floating about is the amusement I get from watching people come down at 7am at the casino.

Try living in WA.... were ice is rampant! And expensive! Actually all illegal substances are over here.
Its the victorian governments "tough stance" on taking back the streets from drunks.
Seriously drunks arent the issue - its the amount of jocks getting around the joint off guts on pills, coke, speed and ice.
Cut the drugs and you'll cut the drunks - when your high as a kite charged off your face on speed or coke you can drink feck loads more than you can when your "straight". But because your on the drugs your already edgy - combine that with your super hero status after downing 16 pots and 4 shots and its a recipe for a rumble. Cause your also now parranoid cause your getting on the gear all the time your now carrying a weapon. Next thing youve got blood on your hands.
Drugs are too easy to get your hands on these days. When I first started doing drugs you could spend half your night looking for flippers if you weren't hooked up before you went out. These days every second person has a ten pack of skittles their selling for twenty five bucks a drop. Clean up the drug scene clean up the streets. I can walk into my local pub on a thursday night and point out at least 50% of the people in there are on gear. Pills arent just in nightclubs and raves - they're everywhere and cheaper than 5 beers half the time.

It's kind of funny that these comparisons are very similar to those used by drug decriminalisation lobbies, except in reverse. It shouldn't be a case of blame the drug, fix the problem. Aggression is caused by much more than intoxication of any kind. Some people can drink themselves under the table, drop acid and pills and snort speed all weekend and be as gentle as a lamb. Others may have a small sniff of clag and start acting like a nutter.

Anyway if the liquor licensing commission or state governemt want to iron out aggression and violence in the streets they should maybe start at Crown Casino and QBH.
Bleh you were getting ripped :p I was paying $18 in those days (I was buying 100 at a time though - could get them as cheap as $11 if buying 1,000 provided it wasnt on tick).
That was really the start of the cheap pills (well that was my experiance) and the start of it becoming common place to double drop as the "quality" of the drugs had diminished with the price.

I'm straight as they come these days. The occasional biff but thats about it. People can do their drugs if they want no my issue. I enjoyed my time that I (ab)used drugs - I'm just glad I got out when I did cause I was spiralling out of control towards the end.
The problem these days is that its not just the ravers and indie kids doing artificials. Its the "cool kids" doing them too.
The indie kids and ravers are a bit like hippies - they arent in it for a fight just out for a good night every ones equal. If one of your mates is getting a little firey you chill him out and difuse the situation.
The "jocks" and "cool kids" dont seem to have this mentality. They seem to be a very parranoid group - like on the ads on TV, someone innocently bumps them and they think they want a fight. They see one of their mates getting firey and they are up front being the hero - their gunna kick this guys ass before they even know whats going on. No one messes with their mates!

You only have to look at the major hot spots for where the violence is. Its not at places like the tote, the joint, nightcat, loop, three below, 3D etc. Its not at music/arts culture venues or small "boutique" bars. Its at or near the "in" places and the typical jock bucks night venues. Yet I'd be my lefty on the fact that in those places there are as many "scattered" folk as there are at Bar20, Queensy, BCB, Bubble, etc. (In fact at 3D, the joint and Nightcat Id suggest theres more scattered people.)

Its not all people at those venues, hell I used to go to bar20 all the time as two of my freinds worked there, but it does seem to be a fair proportion of them. I could stereotype them but id be seen as a racist even though 90% of them are australians...
Ahhh, so they're being closed because of the famed alcohol fueled violence that melbourne is rife with. FWIW I make my way down there roughly every year or so to see a band that doesn't make it up here, or that I want to see twice. My experiences in the CBD, St Kilda, or Richmond (That's where the Corner Hotel is?) and where ever the Tote is (Collingwood?) have been no different to what it's like here in Bris. But thats just my experience.
On my last trip down in Nov, where I met up with a good friend and watched Bad Religion but not NOFX, we walked the streets trying to find our hotel (It is confusing getting from the palace to fed square, then getting your bearings, then finding your way home.) for quite some time and saw no alcohol fueled violence. Maybe next time?

To finish my rant, assholes are everywhere. Now it seems they can close the good pubs. I'm going to bed.

And bum, I really have no solid recollection of how the Sailors played that night, I just have it logged in as a good one. I never saw them up here although they made a few trips. Are they still a band?
Ahhh, so they're being closed because of the famed alcohol fueled violence that melbourne is rife with. FWIW I make my way down there roughly every year or so to see a band that doesn't make it up here, or that I want to see twice. My experiences in the CBD, St Kilda, or Richmond (That's where the Corner Hotel is?) and where ever the Tote is (Collingwood?) have been no different to what it's like here in Bris. But thats just my experience.

That's the thing - there is extraordinarily little violence at live music venues. Until relatively recently I was going to see bands 3 nights a week must have seriously seen nigh on a thousand bands in my day (always turn up at doors, not just for the headliner) and I've seen one blue. And, funnily enough, it was NOT at the Tote. I have walked past the clubs on King Street upon occasion and haven't been game to look up from the footpath so no one asks me WHAT THE **** I'M LOOKING AT MATE! This whole thing is bullshit. I'd be less upset if it was some bullshit like the council had re-zoned it for a highrise or some shit. ****, it'd be even better if the owner decided to gut it for pokies. At least that'd make sense.
Bleh you were getting ripped :p I was paying $18 in those days (I was buying 100 at a time though - could get them as cheap as $11 if buying 1,000 provided it wasnt on tick).

Possibly not the best information to admit to in the public arena.
How did it come to be that I am watching Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle?

This is a sorry state of affairs.
Taking the piss out of doudie howser md is funny though.
Death to 9 for originally scheduling resident evil and then replacing it with crusoe. **** that.
Thank god I had stuffed taped. And Iron Chef and Rockwiz
25 mins until UFC is on ONE (here)... maaaaaarvellous.
They are riding a cheetah for no reason at all.
Just watched star trek (2009) on foxtel box office on demand. Not having seen any other star trek movies I thought it wasnt bad. What did how ever freak me out was pausing it so SWMBO could take a bathroom break and flicking to FTA TV and seeing harold and kumar and seeing John Cho (harold)
Currently nursing a bad hangover, while listening to my son play with all his loud birthday toys. Where's the f##ing volume control?
Currently nursing a bad hangover, while listening to my son play with all his loud birthday toys. Where's the f##ing volume control?

that dosnt sound good.

currently nursing a small hangover yet a large duckover. 3 Peking ducks, the a duck chow mein then a duck soup to finish it all off. basically three courses of duck.

Old Kingdom on Smith St, Vic. Def a winner.
that dosnt sound good.

currently nursing a small hangover yet a large duckover. 3 Peking ducks, the a duck chow mein then a duck soup to finish it all off. basically three courses of duck.

Old Kingdom on Smith St, Vic. Def a winner.
I'm hungry for peking duck now.
Did you hear about the Peking duck who was thrown out of the gym? He was told to stop Peking in the ladies room!

Ba doom tssssh.