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You need to start cleaning a shotgun in your front doorstep everynight now so the reputation is truly cemented before then.

Remotes cover the coffee table... it's unbelievable.

Old dudes are a constant source of amusement. :lol:

Foxtel IQ2 means I can record 2 and watch a 3rd with live pause with one box. Even a most PVRs allow you to do this provided they have enough tuners.

As for remotes - look at the logitech remotes for him - seriously makes life simple. From one button to turn it all off to having macros for doing tasks (watch TV, watch Foxtel, watch DVD, Play PS3, Play Wii)
Great my wife is due to have a little girl any day now

does this mean in 3 years I should be ready for mayhem
Little Miss 3 is headstrong, manipulative, and knows how to play up to an audience.

I know I'm going to have major problems with BOYS

You sure we don't have the same child??? As for the boys issue......I have a child who is already tall, will probably hit 6 foot, blue eyes, she IS going to be trouble....

I'm not getting a shotgun, but a rifle is tempting......And let's not forget, all these children will have brewer's for parents.....It just keeps getting worse.
Great my wife is due to have a little girl any day now

does this mean in 3 years I should be ready for mayhem

I have the belief if you get the fundamentals right through in the first two years. Its worked for me anyhow! Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Back to the LCD/Plasma thing- why is the contrast set so high on the display models? It makes HD look shite.

EDIT: And don't get me started on stretchyvision...
I have the belief if you get the fundamentals right through in the first two years. Its worked for me anyhow! Fingers crossed it stays that way!
I was a believer in the "nurture" side of "nature vs nurture" argument, however, her older brother, brought up with exactly the same set of rules is calm, attentive, and just wants to please. We have brought up both kids exactly the same, same discipline, same rewards, same love.

For all her naughtiness, she more than makes up for it by being incredibly loving, enthusiastic, and fun.

Plus, with her headstrong streak, I know that she won't be treated like a doormat by any scumbag early-teenage boyfriend. They're going to need to be on their toes or they're going to get verbally struck upside the head.
I was a believer in the "nurture" side of "nature vs nurture" argument, however, her older brother, brought up with exactly the same set of rules is calm, attentive, and just wants to please. We have brought up both kids exactly the same, same discipline, same rewards, same love.

For all her naughtiness, she more than makes up for it by being incredibly loving, enthusiastic, and fun.

Plus, with her headstrong streak, I know that she won't be treated like a doormat by any scumbag early-teenage boyfriend. They're going to need to be on their toes or they're going to get verbally struck upside the head.

She sounds fantastic...
mmmmm, tempted for a second one now......Just to see if I can get a calm one.......

Actually, she is great provided she has a "special job" to do.

Hence on brewdays she helps weigh grain, load the hopper of the mill, empty the mash tun of spent grain and is also in charge of all hop additions....
Back to the LCD/Plasma thing- why is the contrast set so high on the display models? It makes HD look shite.

EDIT: And don't get me started on stretchyvision...

Stretchyvision? I think TV in 4:3 aspect ratio looks stretched. Guess its what your used to...

No idea why they do that with the contrast - they also seem to increase the brightness and generally use some form of "dynamic" picture processing as well. When you're buying you should have a play with all the settings. If they dont let you - you dont buy from them.
Back to the LCD/Plasma thing- why is the contrast set so high on the display models? It makes HD look shite.
Bright shops.

Mine actually has a 'shop' mode and a 'home' mode that you select after resetting. People like to see a big bright tv in the store, despite all the fluoros.

I am yet to understand why a big retailer with a couple dozen tvs still only uses a single rooftop antenna, shared between all the sets. Massive drop in picture quality, which has gotta hurt since 'Full HD' is already a waste on anything smaller than a 46".

Don't get me started on 'side-by-side' tests - look, this is how great Hi-Def is compared to SD... yeah, but the HD side is using HDMI, and the SD side is using an old shoe-lace that is currently being chewed on by a small feral cat. :rolleyes:
I am yet to understand why a big retailer with a couple dozen tvs still only uses a single rooftop antenna, shared between all the sets. Massive drop in picture quality, which has gotta hurt since 'Full HD' is already a waste on anything smaller than a 46".
If the tuner is in the TV and it's digital... you either get the picture or you don't. No drop in picture quality.

If they're using an offboard tuner and hooking everything up via composite video like they used to... they're dickheads.

I wouldn't know, haven't been TV shopping in years and am yet to get an LCD or plasma (Old widescreen CRT is still going strong. Entertainment cabinet is showing signs of strain however.)
You can easily pick SD from HD even if the sets arent side by side and nearly everything is connected via HDMI these days. Hell most people can tell 720HD from 1080"full"HD quite easily even on a 32" set - the difference is that you generally wont miss the additional resolution on a smaller set than a 46-50" set. That said it also comes down to how far you sit from the screen.

As for antennas and points. Being that nearly all digital stations are in the UHF freq range and above channel 6 and given than nearly all stores selling TVs are quite large stores generally in home maker type centres generally with a good LOS and with independant UHF/VHF antennas, active splitters, blocking combiners and amplifiers. They are actually pretty sophisticated MATV systems. I think it wont be too long till we see chain stores beaming video advertising off the optus satellite - much like K-mart and Supacheap auto do with there instore radio. Also like Goofinder has pointed out digital signal is either on or off. Theres no inbetween.
No one connects via composite its shit house. S-video is almost non existant. Component H/V seems to be the minimum standard these days. In fact even antenna connections on a lot of the newer sets are actually F-type - IMO a good step, I've recently upgraded all my antenna to quad shield RG6 (couldnt get my hands on gel filled) with all F-type connectors (crimp as I dont have a compression tool) with 75ohm terminators on dead ends - good enough for DVB-S then its definately good enough for DVB-T. HDMI im not yet sold on - its still being developed. I dont know if any sets have actually adopted the latest HDMI 1.4 standard? (pretty sure most sets are HDMI 1.3 / 1.3a compliant). It is a step in the right direction - but I think with better codecs HDMI could be out dated with more content streamed over CAT5e / CAT6 ethernet. Were streaming massive amounts of data with SFA latency over ethernet in the large format live sound reinforcement arena and surely thats going to filter down into consumer products and eventually into video. It amazes me that digital has taken so long to get to video as optical and coax digital has pretty much been a standard in audio reproduction since CDs were released - hell I've ran optical from transports into DACs in the automotive arena thats how common place it is.
I was a believer in the "nurture" side of "nature vs nurture" argument, however, her older brother, brought up with exactly the same set of rules is calm, attentive, and just wants to please. We have brought up both kids exactly the same, same discipline, same rewards, same love.

For all her naughtiness, she more than makes up for it by being incredibly loving, enthusiastic, and fun.

Plus, with her headstrong streak, I know that she won't be treated like a doormat by any scumbag early-teenage boyfriend. They're going to need to be on their toes or they're going to get verbally struck upside the head.
Similar story here. 3yo Daughter is very headstrong, manipulative and basically takes forever to get to bed. However she's awesome with her little brother, and totally loves him.
Our boy (turning 1 tomorrow) is pretty easy going. When he rubs his eyes, he's saying "yep, bedtime". Take him into his room and he literally dives into his cot to sleep.

Funny thing is, he isn't using his legs to crawl yet (slowly getting there, nothing to worry about), but has developed this awesome commando crawl, pulling his whole body with only his arms. I'll have to look for one of those t-shirts "get your tickets to the gun show".
From the irony files... Each morning at work I spend a few minutes reading a couple of news stories (headlines via RSS). For some reason that I can't find a better reason than morbid curiosity for, I sometimes peek at the comments section. Now, I already spend too much time reading and posting on this forum, so I have no interest in social-media sites whatsoever, and the comments section of an online news-site ranks on par with those in my books.

One headline read "Twitter user posts shark attack" which sounded quite remarkable. Of course, despite the headline, the victim was not the one twittering. Nonetheless, a particular name/location caught my eye, and I found this very ironic:


Perhaps it's just a neat coincidence, but if not... ha ha ha. :lol: Perhaps a comment longer than 140 characters would have helped his point.

I'm getting quite depressed about this Tote thing. **** it is just depressing. High Risk venue my arse. How many more will fall? None of the venues this bullshit is supposed to be targeting will go.

[EDIT: Depression is depressing]