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We would've known for sure if it included a picture of some Baltimore backstreets.
I am posting

Edit: just for the sake of having a little edit tag under my post

I'm getting quite depressed about this Tote thing. **** it is just depressing. High Risk venue my arse. How many more will fall? None of the venues this bullshit is supposed to be targeting will go.

[EDIT: Depression is depressing]

Apparently its to do with licencing costs because its apparently a "high risk" pub.
Licensing costs are up something like 500% and there are increased security demands to go with it.

But the thing to remember is that it has not been targeted as a High Risk venue based on any sort of evidence - it (with presumably a great many other such venues) have just been bundled in with the clubs on King Street (and the like). Who the **** ever heard of a fight at the ******* Tote let alone glassings, etc?

I hope they put the world's stickiest carpet in the museum.
I had Red Rooster and a can of Coke, very healthy one for me today
Tin of chicken & sweet corn soup for me today (still yum)

But tomorrow, bbqing up some prawns
2 different marinades - basil & sweet chili, and thai red curry coconut

Washed down with my Belgian Rye Blonde & Barons Pale Ale (but that's getting on topic)
Laska is finished, 1.30 pm and my boss is not around this arvo, guess it must be beer o'clock
Tin of chicken & sweet corn soup for me today (still yum)

But tomorrow, bbqing up some prawns
2 different marinades - basil & sweet chili, and thai red curry coconut

Washed down with my Belgian Rye Blonde & Barons Pale Ale (but that's getting on topic)

Sounds good, might christen my first dinner in my home with exactly that. Washed down with Corona! I KNOW! There going down so well lately.

Katie runs and hides!
Yeah beats me. I couldnt count the number of times I've been to the tote and I've never even seen a little pushy shovey let alone a brawl. I believe its to do with patron numbers and hours of opperation. Spose maybe the espy might be the next decent joint on the licencing hit list. Lets hope not. I did hear a whisper about the corner - but I have seen a few brawls there so that wouldnt supprise me if they were on the list.

I hope they put the world's stickiest carpet in the museum.

I swear I've lost shoes to that sticky monster.

left over chicken and fried rice for lunch today.
I'm getting quite depressed about this Tote thing. **** it is just depressing. High Risk venue my arse. How many more will fall? None of the venues this bullshit is supposed to be targeting will go.
[EDIT: Depression is depressing]

I'm going to the tote tonight to bid it farewell! :( Poor little trooper!
Good luck, Fourstar. I expect it will be absolutely slammed from opening time all weekend.

Spose maybe the espy might be the next decent joint on the licencing hit list. Lets hope not. I did hear a whisper about the corner - but I have seen a few brawls there so that wouldnt supprise me if they were on the list.

Espy is hardly "decent" any more. I dunno who is booking it these days but they have no idea what they are doing. Even in their heyday the Espy would have been more deserving than the Tote. The Espy at closing is often a bit touch and go (still a far cry from King St of course).

Security at the Corner has always been a bit OTT and they do a brisk trade I think they'd survive where the Tote can't.
Good luck, Fourstar. I expect it will be absolutely slammed from opening time all weekend.

Yeah proabably. The good thing is i live a stones throw from the tote and smith st. So i'll call my mate who is there early and if its going bokers, it will be off to smith st for a bevvy or two. maybe lambsgobar.
Sounds good, might christen my first dinner in my home with exactly that. Washed down with Corona! I KNOW! There going down so well lately.

Katie runs and hides!

Gotta admit, I'd never refuse a Corona myself.... with lime.
red curry coconut prawn marinade is pending the first taste.
Even a Brisbanite sympathise with the Tote's closure. I saw the Sailors there a few years back on holiday. Wait. It was probably 8 years ago.... anyway it was a top night.
Its a sad thing, my favorite venues of the last decade or so up here are now Irish pub, shitty trendy bar and block of units. (Treasury, Railway and 'Gabba hotels) But they didn't get shut down for being "High Risk" Whats that about?
Its the victorian governments "tough stance" on taking back the streets from drunks.
Seriously drunks arent the issue - its the amount of jocks getting around the joint off guts on pills, coke, speed and ice.
Cut the drugs and you'll cut the drunks - when your high as a kite charged off your face on speed or coke you can drink feck loads more than you can when your "straight". But because your on the drugs your already edgy - combine that with your super hero status after downing 16 pots and 4 shots and its a recipe for a rumble. Cause your also now parranoid cause your getting on the gear all the time your now carrying a weapon. Next thing youve got blood on your hands.
Drugs are too easy to get your hands on these days. When I first started doing drugs you could spend half your night looking for flippers if you weren't hooked up before you went out. These days every second person has a ten pack of skittles their selling for twenty five bucks a drop. Clean up the drug scene clean up the streets. I can walk into my local pub on a thursday night and point out at least 50% of the people in there are on gear. Pills arent just in nightclubs and raves - they're everywhere and cheaper than 5 beers half the time.