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3 yo daughters chuck the biggest tantrums.

It's "Enjoyable" when you have to drag them through a massive shopping centre back to the car. Some people look at you like you're abducting them, others give you that smile meaning "oh yeah, I know what you're going through."

Cant wait!!!!!!!
Awesome, will see if I can get to the Melb one. Diesel would have to be one of the best live performers I've seen. Haven't heard from the Baby Animals for ages either.
Awesome, will see if I can get to the Melb one. Diesel would have to be one of the best live performers I've seen. Haven't heard from the Baby Animals for ages either.

I saw him last Friday at the Mundaring Wier Hotel (what a location under the stars). He played for 2 hours he was BRILLIANT! He sure can play a guitar! Loved every minute of it!
The Tote is closing this weekend.

I could ******* cry.
3 yo daughters chuck the biggest tantrums.

It's "Enjoyable" when you have to drag them through a massive shopping centre back to the car. Some people look at you like you're abducting them, others give you that smile meaning "oh yeah, I know what you're going through."

LOL, I have one of those, she'll be three tomorrow but is big for her age and has been throwing tantrums at an advanced level for some time now...

My prefered technique is the fireman's lift across my shoulders, with her wailing "I'm not a sack of potatoes" the whole way back to the car...Gets some great looks...
LOL, I have one of those, she'll be three tomorrow but is big for her age and has been throwing tantrums at an advanced level for some time now...

My prefered technique is the fireman's lift across my shoulders, with her wailing "I'm not a sack of potatoes" the whole way back to the car...Gets some great looks...

Im so lucky... never experienced a tantrum not a major one anyhow! I have an absolute angel, smart and beautiful! Not quite sure how I managed it!

Not looking forward to the teenage years though! LOL! I have a feeling payback will be on its way!
I like the add that was on a while back where the mum throws herself on the floor as well and starts her own little tante. I've done that at home and you should have seen the look on my 2 year olds face. He was like, you look like a ******* tool, I was like, that's exactly how you look when you do it kid. Still not brave enough to do it outside of the house though, although I reckon it would be a pearler
I've done it at home too, but I like having my dignity in public....
Yeah Pissed about the Tote. Sad day.

LCD Vs LED Vs Plasma.

IMO what suits your budget and you like the best.
Personally Im a fan of LED lit LCDs and Plasma. Never been a huge fan of "traditional" LCDs - in spite of what most people say I actually find that CCFL back lit LCDs out put more heat than Plasmas (yep doesnt make sence to me either - its just my findings) LED lit LCDs are by far the coolest running and slimmest - but they come at a massive price tag.

Totally concidering quitting my job...
My FIL just got a new LCD.
He's got 2 dvd recorders & a vcr (with set top boxes running through each) attached to it.
Remotes cover the coffee table... it's unbelievable.
Anyway, as I was enjoying checking out the telly and the inputs, he was wrapped when I found an HDMI output on one of the DVD players, allowing him to connect it to the telly, rather than piggybacking through the AV input on the vcr, as per his old CRT (now in our loungeroom).
Old dudes are a constant source of amusement. :lol:
Im so lucky... never experienced a tantrum not a major one anyhow! I have an absolute angel, smart and beautiful! Not quite sure how I managed it!

Not looking forward to the teenage years though! LOL! I have a feeling payback will be on its way!

Surely she's building it up, KT. :p
Little Miss 3 is headstrong, manipulative, and knows how to play up to an audience.

I know I'm going to have major problems with BOYS