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Mash on. Hops boiling in another pan. Was considering first all grain brew tonight but will use the liquid extract to keep the peace.

Yes. Kids do come before beer.

Wife comes before me.
I try to do most of my brewing related stuff (except weighing and cracking grain) while the kids are asleep. This keeps me in the good books most of the time.
Well came out from preparing the next feast to be had in the smoker, and seen my cattle dog chillin at his kennel, with my cat just sneaking around above him. That damn cat has balls, well actually a big cat fanny, same cat has now brought in 4 black snakes to the house to show me.


Also the size of the pork shoulder im smoking on Saturday is crazy, biggest i've done is 4kg, this is 5.5kg. Have cut the skin, vac sealed and frozen for a future bbq delight (Never done this before and idea popped into my head when i spotted my vac sealer in a cupboard, pretty happy with myself :p).

Cocko said:
Should have rubbed it pre vac seal! :p
I vac sealed the skin for crackling, not the pork roast it's chillin in the fridge, don't go putting a rub on the skin, it wrecks the artery clogging salty goodness :p
manticle said:
Yes but where's the satisfaction? Might as well buy a slurpee!
Yes and no.

I know you might be able to buy a slurpee within 300m of your home, but I'm not.

Not that I would ever buy a slurpee, not even (or especially not) for my kids, but if I can make one (even if just a soda water slurpy) without much effort then I might as well impress them.

Adding to that, their two most favourite things (judged by the amount of times they request both of them per day) are soda water and ice cubes, so I know if I can combine the two they'd love me forever (which they do anyway, but maybe just that little bit extra on top).
I dont have kids, but i've been around mates kids enough to know that if your kids are requesting soda water and ice cubes, your WINNING.

BUT, what kid drinks soda water, that **** is terrible, even for my highly matured 29yr old palate :p
Also soda water won't form a slurpee. it will turn to ice. You need the sugar in there to keep it semi frozen.
From the excellent online comic Cyanide and Happiness.
manticle said:
Thanks for all the serious replies on my slurpee suggestion but I was being stupid.
Sure you were idea's man, sure you were :ph34r: