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Work for Holden that is likely to be a temporary position but the pay is good.
Your Union will help you do something about it.

You are in the Union?
Because, you know, it'll then be all your own fault if you aren't.
Yeah the arts union is way powerful... probably LMHU.

Actually I thought I knew your employer. Give me a call. Industrial relatiins fell within my portfolio and ive been through 5 major EBAs.
Best bogan comments heard on the train the other day.

Mum screeching at her son, "Stop doin' that. you'll tear ya stitches out!"
Dad, "Yeah ya don't want us ta take ya back ta the farken hospital ta get ya head sewn back up again."
punkin said:
Your Union will help you do something about it. You are in the Union?
oh **** yes. Been pushing for a change for current structure since may independently of union and been dismissed. Involved union a couple of months ago and it is part of a larger case being heard by fair work atm. Just heard this news today and taken it personally as my manager has been aware for 3 months and only confirmed because I asked him directly. Casuals are often reticent to stand up because job security is non-existent.
bum said:
Because, you know, it'll then be all your own fault if you aren't

You've got super powers reading that into what i said.

But you already knew that didn't you?

manticle said:
oh **** yes. Been pushing for a change for current structure since may independently of union and been dismissed. Involved union a couple of months ago and it is part of a larger case being heard by fair work atm. Just heard this news today and taken it personally as my manager has been aware for 3 months and only confirmed because I asked him directly. Casuals are often reticent to stand up because job security is non-existent.

Good that they are taking it on. Fair Work can be a hard court to deal in. The industrial framework is very restricted and their is not a wide protection for workers. It's still stacked against the employee as there was not a lot of changes made to Workchoices despite the Labour govt's election on that platform.

You are right about the percieved shakiness for a casual worker, but it's funny in a lot of industries that those who stand up for themselves through their Unions seem to be respected enough to not fall into the direct repercussion line.
Youngest had his birthday party last night.

Got a bit out of hand, ended up with close to 200 17-18year olds.

When the girls started throwing drinks and punches at each other Id had enough. Shut the music done and kicked about two thirds of them out.

Think i dodged a bullet... I was out the front clearing them out when about 8 islanders decided to try gate crash. If the party hadnt been shut down i think iwas in for trouble. Took a bit of convincing before they moved on.

Its actually quite funny me standing down 8 gatecrashers of any sort....for those that dont know me, a big scary intimidating bloke i am not.

Farkin teenagers....
bum said:
Well, that all depends on which of the two main definitions for typeface you choose to accept. If you accept the first (most used but least traditional), where typeface and font family are synonymous, then you are right but so am I. If you accept the second definition, where a typeface is a physical "block" that makes the impression of a character set in another media (such as with ink on paper), then you are wrong because Comic Sans is owned by Microsoft and they do not make such devices (if anyone does at all anymore).

Just sayin'.
As one trained in lost arts. I will choose tradition and debate that the face was the work of the artist: the master; and block was the work of the foundry: the dirty hot lead font slave. And that only I will ever be right. The condition is terminal. Whatever. So long as people spell with English, it is a protest against Microsoft.
GrumpyPaul said:
Farkin teenagers....
They were great times though, weren't they?

I'm sure your youngest had a ball before his grumpy old Dad shut the party down. He's just too popular for his own good.
citymorgue2 said:
Yeah the arts union is way powerful... probably LMHU.
Actually I thought I knew your employer. Give me a call. Industrial relatiins fell within my portfolio and ive been through 5 major EBAs.
Public gallery so CPSU
manticle said:
Public gallery so CPSU
thats what I thought. Cpsu are a bunch of fkn monkeys. They r useless and dobt care about casuals. They only give a toss about the full time less than $50k a year workers as they are their main membership base.
punkin said:
You've got super powers reading that into what i said.

But you already knew that didn't you?
Your complete lack of self-awareness never ceases to amaze. You know those italics you had to go out of your way to use stress a clear message, yeah? It means something more than the same string of words on it's own, right?

Wasting my breath. You're thick as. You routinely don't even understand the things you say, let alone anyone else.
GrumpyPaul said:
Its actually quite funny me standing down 8 gatecrashers of any sort....for those that dont know me, a big scary intimidating bloke i am not.

Farkin teenagers....
Nice work mate. That takes some balls.

Your decision to confront the young men naked and clutching a butchers meat cleaver obviously got the message across.
GrumpyPaul said:
Youngest had his birthday party last night.

Got a bit out of hand, ended up with close to 200 17-18year olds.
It's no wonder you're grumpy.
I am going to make a seemingly practical youtube video with a painful, gratuitously long intro to schmaltzy instrumental pieces I got from creative commons somewhere, perhaps with a montage of some kind to serve as a prologue to guard against the instance that it might be watched by a person of zero capacity to bridge a gap of any distance.