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Narry a source in sight.

Formatted like a chain email. Totally buying it.
The New Idea tv advert with the boxer dog cracks me up every time.
Don't know about the human excrement line, but when Dad was in asia last year for some Orchid Society gig he visited one particular fish farm where the upper level is for duck farming, and the lower level is fish. The ducks shit, the fish eat.

Ingenious, but would you eat it?
I had basa once when it was reduced, quite nice but after reading that never again. Wonder if there is a problem with Tasmanian Salmon.
We get a lot of basa in mining camps. What is funny is we get a lot of Barra. Guessing it's farmed too. I don't eat it. I prefer the feed lot beef for reasons of my own.
Why is it that SWMBO has friends who are a combination of batshit crazy or complete fuckups?
Or they're normal and their partner's the f##kup... or their kids run around at restaurants like little rainmen.

I'm guessing it's a common occurrence?

It gives me great pleasure knowing there are more stupider people out there than myself.
It is delishus.

Man. Phone interviews SUCK BALLS.

And not in a good way.
petesbrew said:
It gives me great pleasure knowing there are more stupider people out there than myself.
Stupid people have heaps awesomer lives.

Yeah, that'd be another funny font to use whilst insinuating others are lacking in mental capacity.
My dog keeps trying to bury delicious gross things for 'ron in crevices of the couch.

And Bum, Comic Sans is a typeface.

And I am a pedant.
Well, that all depends on which of the two main definitions for typeface you choose to accept. If you accept the first (most used but least traditional), where typeface and font family are synonymous, then you are right but so am I. If you accept the second definition, where a typeface is a physical "block" that makes the impression of a character set in another media (such as with ink on paper), then you are wrong because Comic Sans is owned by Microsoft and they do not make such devices (if anyone does at all anymore).

Just sayin'.
Who is this Microsoft...are they the work of the devil.

Personally....i would take a good font anyday
I've worked as a casual within a cultural institution for ten years. For the last few years I have been here 5 days a week unless I make myself unavailable.

Workplace recently took on 30 new casuals, most of whom have no prior experience. I showed one of them how to insert a drill bit into a cordless yesterday.
New casuals have been taken on at a higher hourly rate than pre-existing casuals.
Sounds like you need to stick it to the man. Not an easy thing to do in the current economic climate though, hey.