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Liam_snorkel said:
I always thought of a lawnmower beer as one you 'mow' through, figuratively speaking, not one for drinking whilst mowing. :unsure:
That's understandable.
The phrase / practice 'one for the lawn' never quite caught on.
Spose everyone needs something they can feel smug about when on the internet.

Got a stubbie holder in the 30 ton excavator at the SIL's farm. Guess we're all alco's.

Just packed up 9 finished drawings so I can get them photographed at work tomorrow. Images will form part of my applications to galleries for a solo show in the latter part of 2014.

Hoping to get another 7 or 8 + some sculpture ready for that exhibition but pleased with the progress so far. Hopefully at least one gallery says yes.
Never too late to get back into it. I made about 2 finished drawings in 6 years while I studied postgrad so I've really enjoyed spending much more time with it this year.
Ah, that greatest of Australian Halloween traditions - sitting in the dark with the blinds closed, pretending not to be home.

for the princely sum of about $6, you could buy a couple of packets of chockies, help make their childhoods a more magical place, and send them off home hyped up on excess sugar.

Plus, you get flirt with all the hot neighbourhood MILFs.'ve not spent a lot of time in my neck of the woods, have you?
Pretty much.

Half the door-knockers were largish groups of +15 [EDIT: years old] kids. The blokes all swearing their heads off to impress the chicks and ****.
Answer the door with an axe and say'trick'.
Or use the tactics of nurse Kenchington from the psychoville halloween special.
Yah, I saw that one. Think I can do without the investigation, to be honest.
Worried they'll find out what that lampshade is really made out of?

Couldn't find nurse on youtube so this will have to do.
Last year we offered the kiddies fresh fruit.
Better deterrent than a rabid Rottweiler.
WarmBeer said:
If it's less than 50 inch, it's not even worth their bother. What is the world coming to?
If it can fit thru a window they wont be interested in stealing it.

I got a couple of CRT that they can steal. Think I will be waiting a while