Well-Known Member
A bit of Chinese philosophy never goes astray in spam.
:huh:Sorry, I spent my money on a great rolex deal I got in my email.
Are some of you perhaps a little trigger happy?
SPAM!!!trigger happy?
On this forum?
Surely you jest? :huh:
Yeah, it definitely looks like a genuine message.
HB79: I think that might mean something along the lines of: "I found this post through an Internet search"
Silver has always been interesting question for some time, shield-type product manufacturers (peroxide / silver / stabilizer) the use of silver nitrate.
Bank of silver nitrate combines with free chlorine to form insoluble silver chloride silver, it will not have time. Silver chloride, if the memory work is used to define "insoluble" (ksp 10 ^ -19, but it is a long time, so do not quote me).
Will have sufficient available chlorine is about to precipitate out in a very stable non-active form of silver, but I think there is no need to worry about commercial sanitiser traces of silver, but will always exist, in order to get enough salt (NaCl) get rid of it for us .
Silver in the water are to prevent the growth of algae and bacteria, which amount is out of the water (elution) is negligible, until the exhaust filters, then you see an increase in the silver elution, which is a reason, you do not should be silver / carbon filters too far away, another is clear that, this time is not a filter.
Cool, thank the players - I like Herlisil type of sanitiser more and more.
They are listed in the ingredients as follows:
Hydrogen Peroxide 50%
The complex silver ions, "0.09%
As a dihydrogen phosphate "1ppm of
Water to 100%
English name of the country to wear gloves, and described as 'moderate corrosive and irritating' skin, but the dilution rate for a 5 - 100 ml per liter according to the application, it seems quite similar to 60 ml per liter Morgan Disinfection - not this voice?
As one might expect - these were the quotes that got translated from MHB's (MHB = methemoglobin?) and Wortgames' posts;Google translate gives this as the Chinese parts from the two posts-
Silver has always been interesting question for some time, shield-type product manufacturers (peroxide / silver / stabilizer) the use of silver nitrate.
Bank of silver nitrate combines with free chlorine to form insoluble silver chloride silver, it will not have time. Silver chloride, if the memory work is used to define "insoluble" (ksp 10 ^ -19, but it is a long time, so do not quote me).
Will have sufficient available chlorine is about to precipitate out in a very stable non-active form of silver, but I think there is no need to worry about commercial sanitiser traces of silver, but will always exist, in order to get enough salt (NaCl) get rid of it for us .
Silver in the water are to prevent the growth of algae and bacteria, which amount is out of the water (elution) is negligible, until the exhaust filters, then you see an increase in the silver elution, which is a reason, you do not should be silver / carbon filters too far away, another is clear that, this time is not a filter.
Cool, thank the players - I like Herlisil type of sanitiser more and more.
They are listed in the ingredients as follows:
Hydrogen Peroxide 50%
The complex silver ions, "0.09%
As a dihydrogen phosphate "1ppm of
Water to 100%
English name of the country to wear gloves, and described as 'moderate corrosive and irritating' skin, but the dilution rate for a 5 - 100 ml per liter according to the application, it seems quite similar to 60 ml per liter Morgan Disinfection - not this voice?
Silver has been an interesting question for some time, the makers of the Shield type products (peroxide/silver/stabiliser) use Silver Nitrate.
The Silver in silver Silver Nitrate will combine with free Chlorine to form insoluble Silver Chloride; this will precipitate in no time. Silver Chloride is if the memory is working, is what is used to define "Insoluble" (ksp 10^-19, but it's been a long time so don't quote me).
There will be enough free Cl around to precipitate out the Silver in a very stable non reactive form, there is I think no need to worry about the traces of silver in commercial sanitiser, there will always be enough salt (NaCl) around to get rid of it for us.
The silver in water purifiers is there to stop the growth of algae and bacteria, the amount that comes out in the water (Elutes) is minuscule, until the filter is exhausted then you see a rise in the silver elution, this is a reason you shouldn't push a Silver/Carbon filter too far, the other obvious one is that by this time it isn't filtering.
Cool, thanks guys - I'm liking the Herlisil type sanitiser more and more.
They list its ingredients as:
hydrogen peroxide 50%
complex silver ions <0.09%
phosphoric acid as H2PO4 <1ppm
water to 100%
MSDS states to wear gloves and describes it as 'moderate corrosive and irritant' to skin, yet the dilution rate is between 5 - 100ml per litre depending on application, which would appear to make it pretty similar to Morgan's Sanitize at 60ml per litre - does this sound right?