Naming your home brewery

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yum beer said:
I have tentatively grabbed the name 'Dead Poet Brewing'...because I live on Henry Lawson way.

Think it sounds a bit like a wanky winery name......

Little Johns' Brewing as a back not Robin Hood's mate.
just call it DP brewery. That way you could change it around.

For example I like
DP brewery - dangerous passion brewery
waggastew said:
And what the label looks like mounted on a tap

Hey Waggastew, what are those tap label things called? Or more to the point, where do I buy them from?
CoopsOz said:
Hey Waggastew, what are those tap label things called? Or more to the point, where do I buy them from?
Craftbrewer and other HBS sell them. What's your location and how many do you need? I have a number of them, we may be able to work something out
NewtownClown said:
Craftbrewer and other HBS sell them. What's your location and how many do you need? I have a number of them, we may be able to work something out
CoopsOz one thing you need to know is that they mount over the threaded the tap shank. This effectively shortens the length of the shank. If you have a long shank (like mine :ph34r:) this may not be a prob but if you only just have enough to fix the washer and line fitting then you may need to look at other options.
waggastew said:
CoopsOz one thing you need to know is that they mount over the threaded the tap shank. This effectively shortens the length of the shank. If you have a long shank (like mine :ph34r:) this may not be a prob but if you only just have enough to fix the washer and line fitting then you may need to look at other options.
Some fit over the "collar"(?) on the shank that the tap threads on to. They open at the bottom and adjustable to an extent. Like most tap badges in a pub
I call mine CF Brewing Co.. I always said "***** ******", if i ruined a batch when i first started out... so a mate suggested i call it that and it stuck... LOL... No many people knew what the CF stood for because none of our initials matched it...

I bounce between "Thirsty Point" and "Hangover Bay", both bits of beach near where I live.

Cervantes. It's a drinking village with a fishing problem :lol:
The more I find out how much I don't know about brewing I think I should change the name of my brewery to...

"Grumpy's Ignorance Brews"

tag line will be

"Ignorance is Bliss"
The latest name is a bit of a Co-op name as there are a few of us and its a special club that not all the brewers i work with belong too."Fork an Door Brewery/brewers"Has something to do with a highmasted forklift not going where a shortmasted fork can
Mine is called Ruff Red Brewing. The name comes from the days when I used to race in enduro's. I was a lot younger and fitter then.....also had a lot more hair....

We made up a team name "Ruff Red Racing", there were two qualifications required to join the team. 1. You had to have red body hair. 2. You had to ride a red bike, I.e. Honda. It was helpful if you were fast as well...!!!

Anyway, SWMBO was good enough to get some signs and labels made for me for Christmas, she did pretty good with the design as well.

ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1402732313.744768.jpg
Rob.P said:
just call it DP brewery. That way you could change it around.

For example I like
DP brewery - dangerous passion brewery
pretty sure that Peas & Corn (edit2: should be peas_and_corn) has named his brewery "DP". Sorry to tell you.

Bribie G said:
Father Jack.jpg Feck, arse, womens' knickers, drink, drink, drink brewery.
Bribie, I have been around here too long,as I recall that photo and quote was the signature and avatar of "Trough Lolly".

My Brewery should perhaps reflect my Anglo/Dutch/German/Russian/Gypsy history, but NO! It's a throwaway nickname that I had to come up with so I could log in to IRC (internet relay chat) for a TAFE course.

Any questions?

<edit> Haha, I forgot to mention that I call it the Teninch Brewery. Sort of evokes the thoughts of the "One Inch Punch" for me. There's a good name for someone else</edit>
I'm a cyclist so mines the Leaky Bidon brewery, bidon being a bottle used on a bike.
Beers all get cycling themed names, hot mix stout, maillot jaune golden ale, road rash red ale
Mardoo said:
Lets get straight to the point. For now I'm Big Dick Brewing. Cuz everyone wants to have a big dick.
Yeah, probably more than people would like to "get a Teninch into ya".
Maybe "Get yourself a teninch"?
Mine is beer and animals Hoppy Frog Brewery