Naming your home brewery

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Mine is King Brown Brewing.

The name comes from where I grew up out bush where the locals would sit in the park and drink tallies out of brown paper bags without a care in the world. They called them King Browns.

The lack of a fancy label and marketing and sitting in the park without a care in the world just enjoying the beer that was in a no name brown paper bag I thought epitamised my brewery. No Frills, no ******** just beer that you enjoy to drink.

Although on reflection it was probably a XXXX bitter or VB in those paper bags, the name still stands.
Camo6 said:
Nice tribute Spog and a fitting brewery name.

And it goes to show just how sacred the Odd Drop of Spog can be. :)
Just realised having decided on naming my brewery after my old man yesterday that yesterday was his birthday!
He would have been 84.
Faarrrrk , spooky or what ?
zeggie said:
Comrade Kitty.

Followed the usual craft idea of "something animal". Ie. Mountain goat, red duck, cheeky monkey, hop hog, brew dog etc etc :)
amen, it's either something with an animal or something with a number in it
fletcher said:
amen, it's either something with an animal or something with a number in it
So maybe I should go with "A Number of Animals Brewery" - could be taken a few ways :D
Numbers are mostly for breweries although Riverside are ruining that a bit.

I named one of my beers [Adjective] [Animal] Pale Ale.
Mine's "Yinzhou Craft Brewery". Named after the part of China we are living in. Not very exciting, Not technically a craft brewery either. But sure beats Chinese Megaswill.
I haven't given a lot of thought to a name as usually most of my energy goes into the end product rather than a name or the label.
Talking it through over the holidays, and with a bit of time to let the idea cogitate, my wife's idea of "Marksman Brewery" has stuck in my head.
My first name's Mark and its got all sorts of possibilties with logos and beer names. Looking forward to getting some labels sorted for this years giveaways
Thanks mate - yeah, thats what I'm thinking... along with monikers like Magnum IPA, Sharpshooter Gueze etc.
Mine is just QldKev Brewhouse. Pretty easy to decipher. But somedays it's referred to as that ****** thing.
spog said:
Ummm,how do I put my brewery name above my non existent pic.?
Click on your name in the top RH corner and select settings from menu.
Go down to profile information and where it says Brew God delete that and type in your brewery name.

brewtas said:
Numbers are mostly for breweries although Riverside are ruining that a bit.

I named one of my beers [Adjective] [Animal] Pale Ale.
was just thinking about this and naming, in general, of inanimate objects.

perhaps animals are a default choice or an easy choice as they are often considered as an embodiment of an emotion or behaviour (cheeky monkey), a physical manifestation (fat yak) and/or other states of being etc etc

i've only used one animal name in my beers but i won't from now on as they seem too easy and common place. these are just my musings. can't say i've ever researched it or anything.
You're right about the easy choice. I get the feeling that most craft brewers aren't 100% in their element when it comes to the naming and marketing side of things. It's fun to mash ridiculous adjectives and animals together though, a bit like the real ale name generator. Slippery Peacock is a winner, can't imagine why a brewery hasn't used it yet.

Puns are another lazy option although I think that's more of an issue in America than here. A clever pun is fine but ones like Hopsplosion or Maltimatum take all of 10 seconds to come up with.

In the end, although what ultimately matters is the beer, these kinds of things communicate to me that the brewer isn't quite paying the level of attention to detail that they might be. If they're slacking off there, where else might they be cutting corners?

I should add that I'm talking only about commercial beers/breweries. Names for home brew beers/brewery is a totally different thing.
Since my brewery is currently rising from the ashes of a 10-year hiaitus, I've decided on "The Phoenix Brewery". I tossed-around the idea of "Fawkes" (as in Harry Potter & also "Gunpowder, treason & plot"), but settled for simplicity.

Now to find a suitably heroic logo......
Forty Six & 2 Brewing

"an idea first conceived by Carl Jung and later expounded upon by Drunvalo Melchizedek concerning the possibility of reaching a state of evolution at which the body would have two more than the normal 46 total chromosomes and leave a currently disharmonious state.[2][3] The premise is that humans would deviate from the current state of human DNA which contains 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. The next step of evolution would likely result in human DNA being reorganized into 46 and 2 chromosomes, according to Melchizedek."

Although I have no scientific evidence to back me up, I'm almost certain the evolution of humans can only begin with the complete eradication of **** beer.
brewtas said:
You're right about the easy choice. I get the feeling that most craft brewers aren't 100% in their element when it comes to the naming and marketing side of things. It's fun to mash ridiculous adjectives and animals together though, a bit like the real ale name generator. Slippery Peacock is a winner, can't imagine why a brewery hasn't used it yet.

Puns are another lazy option although I think that's more of an issue in America than here. A clever pun is fine but ones like Hopsplosion or Maltimatum take all of 10 seconds to come up with.

In the end, although what ultimately matters is the beer, these kinds of things communicate to me that the brewer isn't quite paying the level of attention to detail that they might be. If they're slacking off there, where else might they be cutting corners?

I should add that I'm talking only about commercial beers/breweries. Names for home brew beers/brewery is a totally different thing.
oh for sure. what matters is the beer. it's just a lot of fun to create something stupid/fun too in terms of the name and branding. i'm going to take a stab and guess it's mainly the latter that prevents small breweries from getting more market and exposure sadly.

EDIT: i'd drink "horse piss cat's anus **** in your mouth" ale happily, if it tasted amazing
Pistolpete01 said:
Forty Six & 2 Brewing

"an idea first conceived by Carl Jung and later expounded upon by Drunvalo Melchizedek concerning the possibility of reaching a state of evolution at which the body would have two more than the normal 46 total chromosomes and leave a currently disharmonious state.[2][3] The premise is that humans would deviate from the current state of human DNA which contains 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. The next step of evolution would likely result in human DNA being reorganized into 46 and 2 chromosomes, according to Melchizedek."

Although I have no scientific evidence to back me up, I'm almost certain the evolution of humans can only begin with the complete eradication of **** beer.
Tool fan?
Pistolpete01 said:
Although I have no scientific evidence to back me up, I'm almost certain the evolution of humans can only begin with the complete eradication of **** beer.
Although I have no scientific evidence to back me up, I'm almost certain that the procreation of humans has been the result of **** beer. Ergo, remove **** beer & the human race will perish.

Unless you're saying that procreation of **** humans by consumption of **** beer produces MORE **** humans & that the only way for evolution (progress?) is by eradicating **** humans drinking **** beer.

But how do you eradicate the **** humans drinking good beer if that's all that's available??

Edit: I'm drinking good beer as I type & I am (by design :D ) an absolute **** on occasion......