Matilda Bay Sebastian Thoughts.

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I bought a bottle of this today, and I wish I hadn't.

Seeing the posts from earlier this year saying that it was past its prime really drives it home. I managed to choke down half a glass and tipped the rest down the sink. A very rough, sour lactic flavour with a bitter choc malt aftertaste.

Really, really unimpressed, considering it recommends laying some bottles down on the label. Yowch.

Bought at Red Bottle, Pitt St, Sydney - but not their fault I guess...
Dont know what it is about Maltida Bay brews, but I find them all rather bland,tried a pot of there bohemian pilsner a few days ago and also wished i hadn't.

Noticed Dan Murphys have these Sebastians in big champagne bottles with 'Limited Release' emblazoned on them to make them look special. Going for around $14-$15. Almost bought one for a mate as a gift then remembered how weird it was in taste.

had a couple of tastes of this beer a few months ago (on two separate occassions) and got an odd sour, almost burnt plastic aroma/flavour. Quite a disappointment. A mate and I had the chance to quiz one of the Matilda Bay brewers at the National Craft Beer Festival in Canberra in September and he seemed surprised/disappointed at our description of it, even suggested infection could have been the cause.

Maybe it was a minor infection that has gotten slowly worse over time? I'm sure glad I haven't tried to cellar any of it as the bottle suggests!
Maybe it was a minor infection that has gotten slowly worse over time? I'm sure glad I haven't tried to cellar any of it as the bottle suggests!
Yeah, I really have to say this beer is definately not worth cellaring. It seems to have an oxidised quality about it that isn't so good in dunkelweizen, which is one of those styles you should be drinking young anyway. Maybe if it were a BIG wiezenbock it might be worth saving, but yeah, drink now!
i have a bottle in the fridge, anyone want it? will swap for a matchstick and a piece of fluff...
i have a bottle in the fridge, anyone want it? will swap for a matchstick and a piece of fluff...

Hrmmm, what colour fluff? It's a pretty nice bottle....
Have to say that yes I have tried it as well Utter f***ing crap. Sour horrible citric is all that is worthy on saying :angry: . Fortunately I did not have the pleasure in buying one. I still see it sitting on Dan Murphy shelves. I am almost tempted to buy a couple open them and take back for a refund. The shit should be well and truly re-called by the supplier. You might have guessed I am a little angry that once again someone is putting profit before quality.

I read in a post somewhere on this thread that a rep was surprised when a consumer stated what there thoughts were. Christ if that rep could only read this forum thread. I am taking nothing away to say that it may have been a good beer when released but it is now past it.

I had this about 3 weeks ago and didn't mind it at all. Didn't pick up any sour/lactic/citrus flavours though, so maybe my bottle came from the good end of the line. Who knows. That said, was shared with 2 mates and 1 of them couldn't finish it. Maybe I have a stunted palate...
I had one earlier in the year, found a couple of bottles at the back of the shelf at Dan's Casula, kept it chilled for a couple of days before I drank it.
I think the one I picked up was ok, I didn't get any lactic/sour taste to it, just a roasty dark Wheat beer. Not the best I have had bit it wasn't horse piss either.


I have had two bottles and quite enjoyed the first one shortly after it was released.

I had my second a couple/three weeks ago --even posted a picture in the what's in the glass thread -- but was disappointed. There was a sour almost lactic twang to it and it had lost a lot of body and aroma.



Just tried this the other day.
The bottle label reads:

"Sebastian is brewed with five different malts and two noble hops - Hersbrucker and Tettnang - and fermented using classic Redback yeast. It has distinctive chocolate and banana aromas followed by subtle hints of clove and spice. The palate is characterised by a smooth, round malty body with warming alcohol balanced by low bitterness from the German hops."

There was hardly any chocolate or dark beer taste - infact if I was blind folded and tasted this beer I would have thought it was a light bubbly pale beer.
It tasted like sherbet and had the sensation of drinking fresh lemon juice on your tongue. It was very tart tasting and felt very tingly in the mouth.

It was a big shock to the taste buds but was interesting none the less. I was just surprised that they explain the characteristics of the beer on the label but seem to miss the most dominant smack in the face taste and aroma characteristic.

Is the beer meant to taste like this? Why do they miss the most important description off the label?

I've had this on a few occaisions now & evey bottle has had the lactic sourness happening.
This sourness is not supposed to be their & any self respecting bottleshop IMO should be either pulling it from the shelves or pointing it out to prospective buyers.
That said, personally I think it's souring in a nice way & I find it quite enjoyable, especially as it warms.... getting a real taste for sour beers...

Cheers Ross
I bought a bottle of this the other day, maybe the Matilda Bay people should have looked up the word 'Vintage',
that is off course if this is the same stuff you guys have tried.
Gonna try it tomorrow and take it back if it is off.
I bought a bottle of this the other day, maybe the Matilda Bay people should have looked up the word 'Vintage',
that is off course if this is the same stuff you guys have tried.
Gonna try it tomorrow and take it back if it is off.

has anyone else taken it back or written to Matilda Bay?
I'm thinking I should take it back but I don't have a receipt - I should really start asking for them when I buy beer!
I brought this for a mate of mine who is teaching me AG .. I also purchased a bottle to try for myself .. Taste like balsamic vinegar.. very disppointed in the beer.. tried both bottles and would not recommend this for anyone . perhaps it has turned travelling the long distance from WA?

I had one last w/e and as a sour beer it was enjoyably drinkable - as a dunkelweizen I'd imagine it'd be quite a shock to most.
I'd tried it before so knew what I was in for. Just depends where your head's at.

Went very well with a big bbq steak. A lot like an acidic red wine with a chocolate finish.
Sounds like some bottles are souring better than others though.

Each to their own :)
has anyone else taken it back or written to Matilda Bay?
I'm thinking I should take it back but I don't have a receipt - I should really start asking for them when I buy beer!

I have and they have sent me a pack to send it back to them.. havent gotten around to it yet though...

will keep you posted...

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