Doc said:This is it. We are down to the wire.
We have 25.
This is where we are at.
Final cutoff 7am Friday morning.
If you want a bracket and (bracket) isn't next to your name then please let us know, otherwise you'll be dissappointed when you don't get the bracket.
March Pump Confirmed - 25
Doc (bracket)
Peter Shane (bracket)
Redbeard (bracket)
Tim (bracket)
Hopsta (bracket)
AndrewQLD (bracket)
BrianK (bracket)
hakko (bracket)
shinerj (bracket)
daveisbludging (bracket)
Wally (bracket)
ntboozer (bracket)
GMK (brackets) x 2
Kook (bracket)
Green Iguana (bracket)
Hopeye (bracket)
Lukes (bracket)
GilesMatthews (brackets) x2
Pump - On hold/waiting confirmation - 1
Hoops brewclub mate
Bracket Only - 2
Linz said:brewing related Doc??
johnno said:From my earlier post Greg Process Pumps estimated they would be leaving for here on the 6th of Sep.
I will mail him tonight or in the morning to get an update.
I'll keep every body involved up to date.
BrissyBrew said:Dam I thought this bulk buy closed months ago and then it looks like a second one started up on the same thread..bummer
NRB said:Looking forward to increasing my brewing equipment.
johnno said:Another update on the pumps.
Ufortunately my latest communication with Greg at Process pumps was not the best.![]()
We are still trying to track this shipment down, we seen to have some problems in the paperwork area, I do apologise but we are on the case, as soon as I have an answer I will be in touch."
Hopefully this will be sorted and they get the pumps this week.
I am holding off on payment till he lets me know they are here. I will then visit him with all the members addresses and pick up the ones I need to.
Apologies everyone but it has been out of my hands.
Also if anyone else missed the buy, I have been assured by Greg that its not too late to get in at the same price.
PM me with details if you are interested.