March Pump Bulk Buy

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great stuff Dicko, I've been thinking about the mounting of my pump recently and I think you've just saved me alot of stuffing around.
These bulk buys are awesome, at this price I wonder if 2 march pumps is excessive :lol:

Linz said:
Pump - On hold/waiting confirmation - 2
Hoops brewclub mate

anyone got the phone numbers for these people?? call them NOW

go 20!!!!

the excitement is building

Hoops is onto his mate tomorrow.
I don't know where Vlad is.
Vlad, Vlad, Vlad, Vlad, Vlad, Vlad, Vlad, Vlad, Vlad, Vlad,

Keen to get setup for AG brewing in the future so I'll bite the bullet. Please add my name to the list for a pump and bracket.
Update and repost now that we have 20.

This is where we are at.
We'll close the order Thursday night to get it in on Friday morning.
Here is the list. If you aren't confirmed and you don't come back to us by tomorrow night, then you will not be included in the bulk buy.
Those that are confirmed please also come back and inform us if you want the bracket.
If you just want a bracket, that is cool too.

March Pump Confirmed - 20
Doc (bracket)
Peter Shane (bracket)
Redbeard (bracket)
Tim (bracket)
Hopsta (bracket)
AndrewQLD (bracket)
BrianK (bracket)
hakko (bracket)
shinerj (bracket)
daveisbludging (bracket)
Wally (bracket)
ntboozer (bracket)
GMK x 2
Kook (bracket)
Green Iguana (bracket)

Pump - On hold/waiting confirmation - 2
Hoops brewclub mate

Bracket Only - 2

Sorry, add me for a bracket too :)

(and postage to Perth)

It'll sit in a cupboard for a year, but at least it's one less thing to order from B3.
OK brewers.
Looks like we are at 21 pumps and half as many brackets.
Good score!
There is still time to order one as I wil confirm the order at about this time tomorrow morning.
Get them while they are cheap!!

You can mount the pump this way
I used a couple of hydraulic clamps onto the sockets you'll need to screw into the pump.

This mounts the pump very firm , picture could be better.
Update and repost now that we have 23 and we are on yet another page.

This is where we are at.
We'll close the order Thursday night to get it in on Friday morning.
Here is the list. If you aren't confirmed and you don't come back to us by tomorrow night, then you will not be included in the bulk buy.
Those that are confirmed please also come back and inform us if you want the bracket.
If you just want a bracket, that is cool too.

If you want a bracket and (bracket) isn't next to your name then please let us know, otherwise you'll be dissappointed when you don't get the bracket.

March Pump Confirmed - 23
Doc (bracket)
Peter Shane (bracket)
Redbeard (bracket)
Tim (bracket)
Hopsta (bracket)
AndrewQLD (bracket)
BrianK (bracket)
hakko (bracket)
shinerj (bracket)
daveisbludging (bracket)
Wally (bracket)
ntboozer (bracket)
GMK (brackets) x 2
Kook (bracket)
Green Iguana (bracket)
Hopeye (bracket)
Lukes (bracket)

Pump - On hold/waiting confirmation - 1
Hoops brewclub mate

Bracket Only - 2

DOC - I want my 2 March pumps with Brackets please.

count me in for a march pump and bracket.

I only came back to work today and almost missed out.

What a fantastic response.
The list on this page is up to date with everyone that has said they are in.
We are going to keep this thread open until 7am tomorrow just in case anyone comes in late tonight.
So as of 7am tomorrow this will be finalised. Those that have shown interest will have committed to the transaction.
Johnno will confirm the final pricing tomorrow morning and well post that to this thread. Johnno will contact everyone with the bank account details to deposit the cash into. You will need to send your postal address to Johnno (if you are outside of Melb) so he can pass it onto Process Pumps.
We have been informed the shipping time is 2-3 weeks. We will try and get a firmer ETA on this also.

Ok this deal seems good. As I already have one on the way from B3, can anyone give me a reason to get another, apart from backup etc.

I really want to get another, anyone use two and if so what for?

To everyone involved in the bulk buy.
I will be sending out PM's from tomorrow with an email address where you can contact me. Please be patient.
I will need your AHB member name, full name and address. I will give you the details of an account you can direct deposit the finances into.
Please dont send me PM's here as my inbox will overflow.
Also email is much easier for me to manage.
If anyone else is ineterested dont be shy.
Like Doc said there is still till 7am tomorrow to get in on it.
Congratulations members on a top buy. :super:

johnno said:
To everyone involved in the bulk buy.
I will be sending out PM's from tomorrow with an email address where you can contact me. Please be patient.
I will need your AHB member name, full name and address. I will give you the details of an account you can direct deposit the finances into.
Please dont send me PM's here as my inbox will overflow.
Also email is much easier for me to manage.
If anyone else is ineterested dont be shy.
Like Doc said there is still till 7am tomorrow to get in on it.
Congratulations members on a top buy.

I think a BIG congratulations go to Johnno and Doc for organising this :party: This would have to be one of the biggest group buys yet ($$$wise) and a brave effort for the organisers.
Three cheers for johnno and Doc. :super: :super: :super:

i wonder if we get an extra discount if we get 25....

This is pretty good....will be spending over 5000.00

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