The issue of attenuation is a tricky one. I've been giving two of my MJ brews a low-tech heat treatment in an attempt to lower their gravity a few points each - basically I'm plonking them in a pot of water during the day and refreshing the water every so often to keep the temp up. That way the temp all around the fermenters is fairly even and the yeast has a warm environment in which to work. At night I put them back on the heat pad - not ideal but maybe yeast is used to cycles of warm day/cool nights and so can adjust to this.
One brew is a Beetroot Ale that's been fermenting over Burton Union yeast. The other is a wheat beer on the Bavarian wheat yeast.
The OG for the Beetroot Ale/Burton Union yeast: 1.060. In eight days it went down to 1.028. Took another sample in six days from then. It's now down to 1.025. This is a little disappointing - I might need to give it an extended nurse for several weeks to make an appreciable change in the gravity. (Perhaps I took this sample too early, anyway.)
The wheat beer OG was 1.066. In three days, that went down to 1.034, and a lot of yeast must have dropped out by then as in my notes I say I 'gave it a swirl'.
At this point I also added some herbs and spices (some lichen and lemon rind). The lemon rind seems to have kicked off a bit of a secondary fermentation. Nine days after that I decided to give this one a bit of a heat treatment, too. I've yet to sample this one, but there are more signs of activity in the wheat beer than the Beetroot Ale - more movement through the airlock, and a fringe of bubbles around the side that have only really subsided in the past day or so.
And that's where I am with both of those brews.
On the plus side, the taste of both is fantastic: the Beetroot Ale is malty and sweet and slightly fruity and spice and, overall, quite pleasantly strange. The wheat beer had a super sweet and yeasty flavour when I tasted it, which yeasty flavour has hopefully been enhanced by some weird licheny flavours from the additives. On the flavour side I'm very satisfied with these yeasts.