I vote to NOT taking a backpack.
Whilst they are handy for carrying lots of gear, that is part of the problem, you will be weighed down and fatigued.
Backpacks are not hard for thieves to open without you knowing. I wore a backpack in a crowded area of Singapore and a local/friend said to swing it around to my front to protect contents from thieves. What's the point of wearing a backpack if it looks like a pregnancy prosthesis? Quite uncomfortable when worn on the front too.
Disposal store canvas satchel as shown by Winkle will still leave two hands free. It looks the goods to me. When you are hugging and kissing other men in Europe, it will provide a large enough buffer so your dicks don't accidentally touch; you probably would not want that. When hugging a woman you can just move the satchel to the side, to enable mashing ************ against her. In some countries they kiss once on one cheek, some countries once on each cheek and some go for three times of the facial cheeks (IIRC it might be right, left, right). Generally kissing is reserved for friends, people you know or sometimes important people. If they are hot, just go for it and go for the pash and you can blame it on not being familiar with the local customs. Even though they call it French Kissing, I have not met a French woman who sticks her tongue in your mouth when you greet her, so perhaps keep your tongue in your mouth. Don't let the embrace go whilst they are confused from the pash as this will reduce your mashing time. On second thoughts, maybe try a little tongue action as it may increase the confusion time.
This is assuming that you don't have a beer gut that may prevent spadge mashing. In this case note this: bending women over to give them a hug is not very common in Europe. So if you do have a large beergut that buffers your dick from a vertical spadge mashing, then you will just have to imagine mashing ************ on her spadge. Just try not to imagine it too much because European women get flighty when they see that 'glint' in your eye. Furthermore, there is so much hot spadge in Europe that if you think about it too much, it might keep you awake of a night time; carry tissues in your satchel incase the missus won't deliver. Alternatively, to mash their ****ies against you, wriggle slightly when you give them a tight embrace. It goes without saying that skinnier or smaller breasted women need to be pulled in closer to you. If you want to go the grope I would suggest only one hand on their buttocks, it is more discreet that way. If you don't have a beergut, I would recommend the manhood mash, the mammary mash and a puckering pash as a combo; it is a great way to greet hot women and shows that you are trying to fit into the local customs. They will be impressed with how friendly you are.
Edit: spelling mistake change. There are probably more but I'll let them go.