Looking For A Flatmate South Of Adelaide

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I know this is probably pretty weird, but I thought I'd give it a go. Most of the crew on here seem pretty laid back, and brewer friendly, so it's worth a go. Plus my best flatmates so far have been blokes. So here it is, a bit about me and my stand on the common flatmate dramas.

About Me
Fun, friendly, easy to get along. 32, mature age (if not always behaved =D) student. I'm on a tight budget so don't do much spur of the moment going out. I always pay rent and utilities on time. I've gotten along with all my flatmates bar one (the last one). If you need references I can get hold of ex-flatmates and my current landlord and land agent to verify that. I like beer and cider. I like to hang, but also like my space. I'm a closet geek (well not so closet - love computers, science fiction, gaming) and an out lesbian (I don't make an issue of it, but it's best to let folks know).

Pretty clean (not good enough for those really clean and tidy folks I'm afraid though - I do an OK job, but don't stress the small stuff (or even notice it I'm afraid)). People who never clean, likewise, we probably will drive each other nuts. Dish-washing frequency - I fit in with my flatmates. I'm not keen on dishes left for weeks on end though.

I'm pretty quiet. I used to work nights, so am used to tiptoeing around the house if need be. I like music but it's usually not cranked. Noise doesn't bother me unless it's excessive and at weird hours.

I have a small, and rather strange fluffy cat. She's well behaved but not really that social and keeps to herself. She gets along OK with other cats. She used to love dogs, but has has a few bad experiences in the last place so now it's just a tolerance thing, though she prefers it if the dog doesn't try to eat her. She's pretty down on that kind of behaviour.

That's probably tmi already, so I'll leave it there. If you are looking for an awesome flatmate *waves hand* let me know and we can exchange numbers and chat.


Bribie Island is a bit far away but any males reading this, don't be put off by the lesbian thing. I work with a lot of gay men and women, being in an inner city call centre, and get on great with the gay women. Once you get to be friends it's an absolute revelation when you find a woman or two that you can have a great laugh with and just completely be yourself because your d%ck means nothing, no macho shyte required thank you and they become more like a sister - never even occurs to you what they are sitting on and if it does occur to you it's a definite "EEWWWW" thought that you rapidly put out of your head. Should definitely be more of it.

Give it a go, recommended B)
Thanks Bribie, I feel the same about blokes =p.

TBH my fav 2 flatmates have been straight blokes. If there's a difference of opinion on anything (from house stuff like dishes to sports, to whatever) it's dealt with and then everyone moves on. No drama, no stress - it's just so much easier.

Though in all honesty I think the cat is more of a deal breaker than my sexuality.

Oh, and truthfully *scuffs sand and looks at shoes* - I'm not really that awesome, I'm actually kind of a dag who enjoys bad jokes just a little too much.

But other than that, yeah, what Bribie said - "Give it a go, recommended" =)
The movie "He died with a falafel in his hand" should be compulsory viewing for anyone considering share accomodation. :D
The movie "He died with a falafel in his hand" should be compulsory viewing for anyone considering share accomodation. :D
The novel "He died with a felafel in his hand" should be compulsory reading for anyone considering seeing this movie ;)
The movie "He died with a falafel in his hand" should be compulsory viewing for anyone considering share accomodation. :D

The novel "He died with a felafel in his hand" should be compulsory reading for anyone considering seeing this movie ;)

It shouldn't, however, be compulsory living.

=) - I am trying to get a place by myself, at a reasonable price, but most of my flatmates have been great - also sane, which is nice. And there's hope yet that there will be another. I have references (ex-housemates and landlords, etc) that I'm sane too.
I shared a unit once with 2 odd blokes, one had the habit of drying his socks and underpants in the oven, and the other bloke was a star at doing imitatation bird calls when he was pissed, which was usually every nite.
To be woken at 2 a.m. in the morning by his "the yellow throated western bowerbird" in full cry was unerving to say the least.
We were all asked to leave and live somewhere else :(
I shared a unit once with 2 odd blokes, one had the habit of drying his socks and underpants in the oven,

Did he put his clothes under the sheets in winter so they would be nice and warm in the morning and partialy ironed... :)
Did he put his clothes under the sheets in winter so they would be nice and warm in the morning and partialy ironed... :)

He didn`t own anything as luxurious as sheets.
Most of his sleeping was done in a chair anyway, passed out at the kitchen table.
But I`ll say this for him.....the more grog he got into him, the better he got with the bird calls, he`d announce "this is the spotted tail hedge warbler" or such and launch into a blend of hoots toots whistles and moans climaxed with a piercing scream.
Since no one was an avid birdwatcher, we never knew if he was taking the piss out of us and just inventing these species of birds for our drunken entertainment.