Well my lemonade is down and fermenting.
Funny smelling lemons ferment (rather than beer).
It is fermenting away very quickly.
After a side comment from my wife after seeing the webcam, she said their is no sound.
So this morning I hooked up sound to the webcam and configured it for streaming too

I can now see and hear my brews fermenting from work. I know you guys will find that funny.
The recipe:
Dextrose 2.5kg
Maltodextrin 500g
Lactose 100g
Fresh squeezed lemon juice 2.8 litres
Fresh squeezed orange juice 1.3 litres
17 litres of purified water
Water added to the boiler and brought to the boil.
Sugars added.
20 minute boil
Juices added for last 5 mins.
Cooled with immersion chiller and transferred to fermenter.
White Labs Sweet Mead Cider WLP720.
One litre starter used.
SG 1056