Least Favourite Hop?

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Droopy Brew said:
I have done 2 with NS- both variations of a FY clone. First one was great second one that I tinkered with the schedule- 3 year old bottle of chardony. I still have 70g of NS in the freezer and to scared to use it again.
This. Exactly this. First time was great, second time was awful (bitter white wine, anyone?). That half packet of NS has been sitting in the freezer for at least 6 months now.
Any noble varieties unless they're a bittering addition, like in my stouts and so on. Last bo pils was early chinook late saaz and was hop forward but it just tasted like hops, no real flavour.

I'm also of the opinion PoR can be a good hop with proper utilisation.

As with belma - it was well balanced in Hassle Hop IMO with other hops
If used well Nelson Sauvin is a great hop! I did the regal pale on big brew day and it was well balanced with cascade, whereas a friend dry hopped hers only with nelson and it was equally good
DJ_L3ThAL said:
I don't know enough and haven't tasted enough to dislike a hop yet. Sounds like I need to do a 500g 60min galaxy addition in my next saison...
Age it a few years it'll probably be great
DJ_L3ThAL said:
I don't know enough and haven't tasted enough to dislike a hop yet. Sounds like I need to do a 500g 60min galaxy addition in my next saison...
One of the guys in our brew club did a 9% Imperial Wit with 3711 and a late galaxy addition. It won the last beerfest brew comp.
Dave70 said:
Cock ale?

Yuck. Keep you poultry out of my beer. And your cock.
C'mon, just a little stir? You won't taste it in the Berliner Sauer Weisse anyway

re hops, I have these comments:

Saaz haters - Try a fresh Budvar/Budweiser. Still my #1 fave beer, but only when fresh
Chinook haters - Obtain or brew yourself an Arrogant bastard ale (or clone). Learn to appreciate the burn.
POR and Saaz - what a great combo, as used in my Fave Aussie weizen - the Matilda Bay Redback wheat beer.
Sorachi Ace - I can take it or leave it, but it has a buttery, not quite lemony (maybe lemon butter with ants?) flavour, which I tasted in a few beers at last year's Nationals (AABC) and did not enjoy.
Fat Yak - meh
Millers Genuine Draft - nice banana character, from the yeast, if you like that sort of thing

Pet hate: - Norther Brewer: Just don't like that slight piney woody (pine bark?) character, and no idea why you would DEliberately ruin a beer with it. (I believe that Oettinger have been using it a a flavour hop. Go back to using Hallertau,.. please.)
It would have to be the one they sell at woolies or big w. It's some type of tablet I think it might even be a mixture of a few
dicko said:
Dont blame POR on megaswill.....that is an isohop in mega swill that no one at home can reproduce.

A hop that has let me down big time is Artahmon (sp) I think it is neither fruity or full on dirt flavour ( like Fuggle)
I will never use it again. :(
Dicko, If you ever get down to Brizzy, pop into our brewery and try the Ahtanum IPA, it's a single hopped English style IPA that's a firm favourite with every one here. Beautiful fruity orange marmalade character.

In my humble opinion there isn't a bad hop out there (from reputable sources that is). It's a case of learning how to use the hop & getting the most from it...

Cheers Ross
Ross said:
Dicko, If you ever get down to Brizzy, pop into our brewery and try the Ahtanum IPA, it's a single hopped English style IPA that's a firm favourite with every one here. Beautiful fruity orange marmalade character.

In my humble opinion there isn't a bad hop out there (from reputable sources that is). It's a case of learning how to use the hop & getting the most from it...

Cheers Ross
Ross, I will take you up on that mate....well, at least it is on my to do list. :)
mrsupraboy said:
It would have to be the one they sell at woolies or big w. It's some type of tablet I think it might even be a mixture of a few
Is that those Brigalow finishing hop tablets they sell? I've seen them at my Big W and wondered what was in them. From memory the packet isn't enlightening either as to the contents of the tablet. Maybe it's the sweepings off of the hop warehouse floor?

I've never been curious or desperate enough to buy or use them though. Adding an unknown hop to my beer just doesn't seem like a good idea.
Ross said:
In my humble opinion there isn't a bad hop out there (from reputable sources that is). It's a case of learning how to use the hop & getting the most from it...

Cheers Ross
So true.

I think a lot of brewers just look at the AA% and retailer descriptions first, which is a shame, as going purely on that will give you the the wrong outcome.

With hops, sometimes a case of less is more.
I'll say Fuggles (TBC in a fortnight). I have been tentative with POR due to adverse publicity but so far have found it ok.
Three Sheets said:
POR due to adverse publicity but so far have found it ok.
Gotta love " I used it and it was ****" ....seems to be the internet publicity rule.

God help NS.

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