Kegging Setups

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My keezer isn't super portable so I put together this jockey box for my Buck's on the weekend. Push fittings and snaplok taps: I cannot recommend enough.
3 bags of ice served 4 kegs no dramas, and the esky was still full of ice this morning when I was cleaning all the lines (and brewing more beer to replenish the stocks). This coleman extreme fits 2 glycol chiller coils perfectly and about 1.5L of beer sits in each coil.

2015-11-07 21.20.38.jpg

2015-11-09 18.12.14.jpg
Nice setup you got there Siege. Where did you get those coils from. They fit in much better than the round ones.
me too!

Also, do you have QD's on the inlet, or just hose through the cooler wall?
Wilko76 said:
Nice setup you got there Siege. Where did you get those coils from. They fit in much better than the round ones.
I lurked on gumtree for months, wasn't really happy with what I could find on alibaba. Basically just a guy from Sydney selling them as "beer coils", the shipping was expensive but still worked out cheaper than buying new round ones.
They are 12mm diameter and I run 8mm beer line so found some step down/up push fittings on evilbay.

n87 said:
Also, do you have QD's on the inlet, or just hose through the cooler wall?
In order to keep it watertight I made a bulkhead in the cooler wall using a straight 8mm - 8mm push fitting. The wall of the esky is actually thicker than the fitting so it is buried in there (and expoxied in place). The external end sits just proud so that when not in use i can disconnect and lines from the outside of the esky. If you squint you can see the protruding push fitting in the first photo.
Can I get a "**** Yeah" ?!

My glacial fonted keezer build marches ever onward.

Just need a chesty now ! The last piece of the puzzle.

275L F&P, please....just in case you have one lying around ?

Danwood said:
Can I get a "**** Yeah" ?!

My glacial fonted keezer build marches ever onward.

Just need a chesty now ! The last piece of the puzzle.

275L F&P, please....just in case you have one lying around ?
They look great. Will you just have the two taps for a 275L freezer?
So the wifey let me buy my birthday presents... 215l chest freezer like new $90 and 3 19l kegs 6kg gas bottle plus reg, beer gun, lines and a bunch of other bits and bobs $250

...God bless Gumtree
Pics to follow and let the build begin!
earle said:
They look great. Will you just have the two taps for a 275L freezer?
Cheers, Earle.

The plan is to mount 2 beer engines also, one at either end, and the font in the middle. I have one BE already, and another coming over when the folks visit again from the UK. I haven't quite worked how I'm going to work them in yet.
275l will ensure I have space for a few crates of aging bottles too.

The font is cheap as chips. That blue flange just visible at the bottom was the most expensive part ($27). I might just use the internal copper piece, with drilled out holes to mount it, or I'll get the grinder/flap disc out and strip off the blue covering, just to see what that'd look like. I think the blue disc is something like Aluminium, feels/sounds like it.
I'm pretty pleased with it overall. I like that tarnished copper look and it'll look even better covered with beaded condensation !
Danwood said:
Can I get a "**** Yeah" ?!
My glacial fonted keezer build marches ever onward.
Just need a chesty now ! The last piece of the puzzle.
275L F&P, please....just in case you have one lying around ?
**** YEAH, for the font.
Replacement for my poor old 2 tap all fridge. Big fan thus far, seems to have 3 times the pull down power on kegs.

Pretty simple, 145l freezer, 3 545pc perlicks and 2.3kg bottle inside.
Replacement for my poor old 2 tap all fridge. Big fan thus far, seems to have 3 times the pull down power on kegs.

Pretty simple, 145l freezer, 3 545pc perlicks and 2.3kg bottle inside.

Kingmaa said:
Replacement for my poor old 2 tap all fridge. Big fan thus far, seems to have 3 times the pull down power on kegs.

Pretty simple, 145l freezer, 3 545pc perlicks and 2.3kg bottle inside.

Keezer is the way to go and your tap handles look great mate.
What do you mean by pull down power though?
siege said:
Keezer is the way to go and your tap handles look great mate.
What do you mean by pull down power though?
Just cooling capacity. Had a 240l westinghouse all fridge, it took a solid 24 hours running flat out to cool two kegs from 20c, even when it worked properly. Freezer handles it in half a day as far as I can tell, doesn't run all that often even under full load. Handles are just turned american oak left over from dining table build, need to find a scrap to do third!
Moved the conduit tubing in my font from the top (like all the instructions seem to advise) down to the bottom and turned it on full speed, leading up to and across the weekend.

This worked a shitload better than having it right at the top. Font was way colder, foaming was decreased heaps (only from warm taps), so I'll definitely be leaving it there now.

I found having it at the top did bugger all because the air couldn't sink due to continually being blown back up, or it'd seep over the edge of the insulation foam, or I'd turn it down low speed and not have enough air coming up to do anything anyway.

It may seem glaringly obvious and it is to me now having tried it, but when the instructions all seem to advise the opposite, I guess you just don't think of these things.

Just a bit of my experience to hopefully help others if they have setups like this too. :)
My font fan doesn't seem to work that well either maybe I should lower mine.
Edit: saying that my inside fan broke so it's a long way from the dip tube to travel though the warm air.
Sucks working long hours as Ya can't get to the shops and when I'm not at work I'm over the limit. Who said internet shopping is bad.
I just have a kegerator with the triple tap font sitting on top of it. I lowered the tubing down almost to the bottom of the font so it cools the whole thing from the bottom up.

Yes, long hours are pretty **** for that. Luckily I'm on broken shifts so I can get to shops if need be but most of this stuff I just order online anyway.
Kingmaa said:
Replacement for my poor old 2 tap all fridge. Big fan thus far, seems to have 3 times the pull down power on kegs.

Pretty simple, 145l freezer, 3 545pc perlicks and 2.3kg bottle inside.
Out of interest Kingmaa, what have you done to isolate the back of your temperature controller there? is there some kind of sealed box behind it? or just left it bare?

Thinking about building an stc-1000 into my new keezer build much as you have, but not sure what to do about moisture at the wiring end

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