Kegging Setups

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That's looking a bit more flash, Schooey! Amazing what a little touch up can do. ;)
Yeah good work schooey. I have the same font and I'm soooooo jealous of that drip tray. It's exactly what I want! Unfortunate that no more are available.

I'll be doing a similar thing to what you've done with the wood on top etc.
Nice work Schooey. How did you attach the handle? is it screwed on from behind? I have a solid piece of wood on mine and have been looking for a handle to put on it.
Thanks guys, its slowly coming together.... :D

Eric, I just screwed it on before I put the timber beading around the edge of the lid, I couldn't find anything decent to attach from the outside so it was the only way to go
Very sharp indeed schooey. With a drip tray like that, I assume the cover is removable to get rid of any spills?

Nope... there's a drain in the bottom of the drip tray that goes through the whole lid. I'm going to run a hose from it out through the back of the collar to a collection point.
Did you bolt that drip tray on? Was there an option of just sealing it on?
Nah not really... I wanted to just seal it down, but with the laminate timber, it wouldn't have held with the weight of the font. I screwed it with stainless screws and cup washers. It looks pretty good in real life, I'm happy with it. Here's an update with the cladding on;

Nice work. Looks the goods. You lost me on the cup washers but I'm one of those people you see in Bunnings wandering around looking lost and muttering about "spanish tiles" :lol:
Well there, ya go. I didn't even know such a beast existed. :rolleyes:
Here is my newly setup keg system which was setup last weekend.... all JG fittings, with 2 SS Celli taps, MKOL cylinder and Micromatic Reg...

Poured a few beers from it last Sunday (was setup on Saturday), but they are so much better this week, nicely carbed (a little bit heady, but I think that is more due to pouring technique) and tasting beautiful!

Am currently drinking an extract version of Tony's B Saaz/Amarillo Pale ale and it has turned out really nice... something in between LCBA and JSGA... also have an ESB Bavarian Lager on the second tap (made with S-189 and some added Carapils and B Saaz), but it isn't quite ready yet... will probably need a few more weeks before it comes good as I racked to the keg straight from Primary last week...


EDIT: Forgot to add that, damn those taps are nice! Love the flow restrictors! (which BTW really aren't that difficult to dial in!)
Here's a few more pics...


Just had a 1/2 pint of the Bavarian lager, and it isn't too bad... a bit malty, but quite drinkable... only 2 weeks in primary at 12c and 1 week in the keg so far....
Finished my bar just before christmas after a war between me and some collets....<_<...but it was christened well, and here it is with a schooey of HAG Xmas case swap Schwarzbier freshly poured...


HEy mate.

Any reason why you put the collar on it to extend the height of the lid?


PS...... would put a horn on a jellyfish!
I ended up putting a 6" collar on it to allow me to be able to put in a couple of 23L schweppes kegs that I have in it. If I was only using kegs similar to CUB 50L's or cornies, it would have been fine...
Ahhhh ok.... that makes sence

cheers mate
Hello Everyone. This is my very first post!

I am very new to the whole home brewing thing (was only doing spirits until recently) but have started out with a lot of Enthusiasm.

Here is my setup. I just finished it tonight so I have only one beer at the moment but working it.

320 Litre Freezer with 6 Celli taps. The Celli taps have been installed without using the adaptor so they fit nicely without any extra shaft sticking out.

My wife insisted that I not trash the freezer so everything has been made so that I can reverse it and turn it back into a chest freezer with no damage (not that it will ever happen :p ). She also insisted that she should be able to get use of it but she does not drink beer, so a couple of taps will be reserved for soft drinks or mixes like bourbon and coke etc.

A big THANKYOU to Ross for supplying all the gear and giving me some ideas.



