I'm sorry to be back so soon when apparently the thread had drawn to a close.. but, I've just popped the top off another and omg, it's just blown my mind.. this is definitely the best pale ale I've ever made. Even with my arch nemesis cara malt.
Diacetly has completely dissapeared so it was just secondary fermentation inside the bottle that created it and inturn destroyed once again.
Cara malt has mellowed and is quite bearable. Probably safe to say I'd actually willingly use it again in a smaller amount with maris otter.
Maris Otter shining through clearly and equally with the hop finish as a base
And the hop aroma? I'm sure is on par with the best of them such as Modus, Pirate Life etc! It now actually seems to be coming alive even more with aging rather than dissapearing. Incredible!!
I'm putting this down to
1. Not splashing after the boil into fermenter. I used to splash to oxygenate while hot.
2. Not taking off the airlock to sniff inside fv.. (stupid bastard. But I didn't know any better!)
3. Not inducing oxygen because I didn't cold crash this one
4. Not splashing into a bottling bucket like I usually would
5. Possibly leaving caps loose for 5 mins or so and then tapping each bottle to rouse more co2 before crimping
That's alot of error I was making previously so no wonder at all my beers were always going downhill in the bottle instead of getting better. I can finally see why people say beer gets better with time! You can see why I didn't believe them before (laughs)
I've no idea why, after so much reading I never knew post fermentation oxygen could even cause any problems. I've been brewing for years now and have asked so many people but no one had answers for me (I attribute this to looking in the wrong place. I was in Coopers forum prior to coming here)
@manticle knew straight away! So thanks man. You've really helped alot. Cheers mate