Well all done and cubed up. Bit of a trub issue dealing with the dead space in the keggle - will definitely have to arrange some sort pick up tube as I lost just under 4L this way.
Had a bit of a stuck sparge right at the end and there was a little liquid still in the mash tun when I cleaned it out - about a litre and a half or so.
Was aiming to get 22L into the cube, but reckon I ended up with about 18L - will find out exactly when I pitch tomorrow night.
The expected OG for this one was supposed to be 1.046, but ended up with 1.053. I had set my efficiency at 70%, 'loss to trub and chiller' at 2L and boil off rate at 10% in brewmate. Would my overshooting of the OG be a case of a better efficiency than I had expected? Playing with brewmate I may have achieved 80% - is this correct?
Cheers guys.