July 2008 "beer Free" Challenge

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July 2008 "beer Free" Challenge

  • Yes - I will give it a go

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  • No - I am not intersted

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Interesting Darren, thats two nights alcohol free and I have not noticed much changes. Only that my head spins counter clockwise and the SWMBO lock herself and the kids in the downstairs office between 5:30pm and 6:30pm, the time when I normally have a few beers.
But thats the only time I feel a bit stressed as I always, everyday, without fail have 2 beers after work. Apart from that I have been hitting the gym extra hard and am also adding NO TAKEAWAY for this month too. So I hope to trim the waist line a bit too.
I will be brewing 4 brews during July. I have done a CAP, and Oktoberfest and plan to do a Dortmunder and an English Bitter. So come August I will have 4 full kegs. Maybe I should put in for a few a/l days in Agust.


Hey Steve,

Could be the stress of the new job on top of it all.

could have done with a few tonight


My hat off to all those taking on the challenge. Steve please let us know how much weight you loose at the end of the month. I don't drink allot, maybe 2-3 nights and only 3-4 beers a session, so cutting out all together would see me with not enough bottles to put my latest brew in. (Damn shame that :lol: )



Sorry about that. Couldn't resist. You can do it, everyone. :super:
i switched to wine and cyser :D :D
Hey Steve,

Could be the stress of the new job on top of it all.

could have done with a few tonight



Keep up the good work mate. Saturday and Sunday arvo's will be hard for me. I am feeling pretty good though. I must say that almost all day and even when I am sleeping I am thinking about beer or brewing. Esspecially with my first decoctions coming up.

STUSTER "YOU SUCK" ;) I love it.

You guys are into day 3 of no booze and struggling? Man am I glad I have 2-3 AFD's per week most weeks. Just think, at the end of the month you'll have the confidence to go booze free now and again :)

Stu, you've been taunting and teasing all over the place lately, but that was just nasty :D
5 days in and i am suddenly getting a mysterious headache.

Huzzah for detox.... :(
I'm bottling my first AG, a brown ale, tonight.

By the end of July it should be just right. Only 27 more days to go.
Breaking the drought for a couple of events over July, namely the work pissup last night.
2 hours of free booze is a nasty mix, especially beer No.2, a VB, urgh... what a mistake.

We actually have a breathalyser in the office (OH&S alcohol policy), and I blew 0.00 this morning... feeling like utter crap though.
I have no one to blame but myself.

Anyway, back on the wagon, or is it off the wagon?
I was actually enjoying the beer free period. I get more done at nights.
OK boys, we are on our own now for the weekend. Kepp the faith, be strong and do it for the team (and your liver). I have been to two farwells this week and have gone the ice water both times.

Moderators - could we move this thread to 'Humour & Jokes' please?
And here I was thinking this is the Aussiehomebrewer forum, when it seems it's actually the Aussieteetotalers forum! <_< :ph34r:
And here I was thinking this is the Aussiehomebrewer forum, when it seems it's actually the Aussieteetotalers forum
I guess you voted NO snow?

For those who are doing the challenge, I found it pretty easy this weekend. I have been keeping the brewing part of my brain active by designing more brews and brewing some new styles. I am planning my first decoction brew for next week.

I fell off the wagon all ready on Saturday night watching the footy at the country club. But i will still be trying my best to get back on. I went out with the wife on Friday night and said i would be happy to be the driver so then i CANT drink so that worked well for me.

At home its not to hard as i drank all my bottled beer before hand in June and i stuffed my fridge up which hold my kegs in so all my kegs are warm.

Im still brewing heaps made 100 ltrs on the weekend and another 100 planed in a fortnight so at least i will have most of my kegs full but i still need a chest freezer for them.

Good luck to those who have been able to stay dry.
OK Kiddies, weekend number 2. Chin up, stay strong almost halfway through. Its a bit sad though, I am brewing like a mad man and have planned my drinking session for the 1st of August. I will start with a pint of CAP, then an Oktoberfest, then a Dortmundr and finish with what ever I brew next week, maybe a tripple decoction Pilsner. I have already washed my favourite beer glass ready for the big day.
Sad I know.

Shit the beers went down well at lunch time......keep going fellas your doing a good job

Cheers :party:
