July 2008 "beer Free" Challenge

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July 2008 "beer Free" Challenge

  • Yes - I will give it a go

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - I am not intersted

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Oh sheez,

Thanks Steve. Nice challenge. I am up for it. I am one of the other 13 saps.



Welcome aboard Dazza
Day 1 for me.... starting early.
Again, I have 2 pissups in the middle... work drinks, and then farewell drinks at the redoak, which breaks up the month a bit... hence starting early.
Drink up boys, last night for a binge. I hope to sample a few Leeboy gave me prior to the BIG DRY SPELL.
I must admit that I am not that excited about doing it now.
Even SWMBO said not to bother. She reckons I could do it and do it easy but she does not want to deal with my withdrawal symptoms. Now I'm worried.

I'm Pete and it's been 6 days since my last drink.
That's a record attempt there already, SJW. ;)

Thank the lord for Bundaberg Ginger Beer Cordial & soda water.
I'm glad I'm on this side of the international date line. I still have tomorrow to go! B)
I've decided to start the AFM one night early. My body is now a temple.

Thank the lord for Bundaberg Ginger Beer Cordial & soda water.

Yep, I made it up with 4 bottles of that in a keg and gassed it, but it pours with heaps of foam. Anyway, that tomorrows problem, for tonight "WE DRINK"
i went to press the "yes" button on the poll but my finger was to fat and it hit no, is this a sign???
I don't understand why we went so crazy. That was non-alcoholic champagne.

Good luck to all those on the alc-free July. I will not be joining you, due to the christmas in july case and my inability to have self discipline (I'm not deluding myself here, I admit it)
Won't be doing this as I'm still doing 2 afd's per week.

Besides, I've got a vendor sponsored lunch and afternoon drinks session to go to later this week. Strange that they've decided to hold it before we have finished the project.

Best of luck with your challenge. Be careful when you get back onto the wagon tho.
I'm in. But I'm setting conditions. AHB sanctioned events (read, Brewdays) are exempt...just in case someone in Perth decides to throw a Brewday this month.

i went to press the "yes" button on the poll but my finger was to fat and it hit no, is this a sign???

Rob - Yes, ya fat sack of lard. Brew more Mild and less of the APA's :p
I ticked yes and then between then and now I have decided yes, until near the end of the month, becuase of a trip to Canberra and catch up with a few mates.
just came across this thread by accident, good luck to all involved. i would suggest shifting focus away from beer in general, excercise might be a good idea.

i myself will not be involved but i have cut down in the interest of my own health and safety

A link to a Dry July sponsorship.

They stole my idea

Are you guys doing Beer Free for the month?
Or alcohol free for the month?

Alcohol, all alcohol. I even went to the pub for lunch yeasterday and got the $10 steak with a free beer and changed it to a coffee.

Its now day three of the alcohol free month of July. How is everyone else going?. I am finding a bit harder to get to sleep but also getting more work done at night.

Can someone point me to the original thread? Moderators, feel free to move this to the original thread.



Interesting Darren, thats two nights alcohol free and I have not noticed much changes. Only that my head spins counter clockwise and the SWMBO lock herself and the kids in the downstairs office between 5:30pm and 6:30pm, the time when I normally have a few beers.
But thats the only time I feel a bit stressed as I always, everyday, without fail have 2 beers after work. Apart from that I have been hitting the gym extra hard and am also adding NO TAKEAWAY for this month too. So I hope to trim the waist line a bit too.
I will be brewing 4 brews during July. I have done a CAP, and Oktoberfest and plan to do a Dortmunder and an English Bitter. So come August I will have 4 full kegs. Maybe I should put in for a few a/l days in Agust.


ps. I just realised the Tour De France starts this weekend. Every year I brew a special Belgian strong brew for those long cold, late nights watching the tour. Oh well I will just have to stock up on Milo. Not the same really.
I'm trying the opposite,even with mates drinking stock.I never have enough room for how often I brew.

I have way too much stock and nowhere to put it.I love brewing,but just don't drink enough(maybe two nights per week).I also love variety,so different styles tend to last a while.

Brewing has become so addictive,and relaxing that I just brew :D .Mates who use to K+k have now given up and we have a keg swap and go, going.
I'm sleeping like a baby and waking up feeling refreshed. I think friday night is going to be the acid test though. :(


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