I wonder who?

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Can 'potential buyers' ask the seller a question on ebay...?
kevo said:
Can 'potential buyers' ask the seller a question on ebay...?
can't see why not;) It is a small amount on offer compared to what they used to offer:huh:
"If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase please email us and let us know of the problem and we will work with you to make it right"

Good to know
wide eyed and legless said:
Core Brewing Concepts is a business name only he and his partner are personally responsible for any debts incurred, I would be going to the small claims and starting from there. It will only cost you a few dollars to start the ball rolling and I don't doubt you will win, then you can put it in the hands of the sheriff.
Though there is a chance they would bankrupt themselves but then they will lose their companies.
Serving of documents to, 36 Mermaid Grove, Lyndhurst Vic 3975
This is true, directors of the company are responsible for debts, but, if they structured themselves correctly (all assets in family trust, all debts in individuals names) then there is no assets owned by the debtors to which any court order can be applied. They could walk away scott free essentially. ASIC might stop them from being directors or apply a fine, but with no income/assets it would be impossible to pay. Take a read of the history of Prime Property Trusts, the directors have walked away with millions, but, all assets are carefully squirelled away and the whole thing has folded leaving a lot of investors with a sour taste(me included, well, my SMSF at least).
westbrook0 said:
So what are my chances of getting my $3160 deposit back?
Sorry to hear your in that position - that really sux.
What you have said is true IF they were a company it is possible to structure a company and its assets beyond the reach of creditors, but Core Brewing Concepts is not a company it is a business name only, being run as a partnership, not directors, directors of a company do not become liable for debts incurred by a company unless there was something illegal was going on.
As the partnership is not a company those named as the owners of the business name are liable.
If you're out of pocket on an unfulfilled order take it to Consumer Affairs and let them do the heavy lifting for you.
If that fails, class action for a go-between.

Well there we go, finally named in the media. I went for an interview with Core Brewing a month or so before this story broke. Something wasn't right. I don't mean it seemed underhanded.

I believe what he says about getting out of his depth. From my years in budgeting and managing projects I couldn't see how the business model was going to prosper, much less get off the ground. I felt like I was talking to a somewhat naive company with little business acumen. If I had known CB was taking deposits I would have been deeply concerned. Deeply.
Its going to be interesting to hear what those who have lost money are going to have to say, sorry westbrook0 looks like you won't be getting your money back, with the amount he owes, just be thankful it wasn't more.
I wonder if Chris Badenoch has put his hand up to do the spit roast?
Yeah, I listened to that podcast & I still can't work out what happened to the 100's of thousands of dollars that were apparently put down as deposits. According to Micah, his suppliers would only accept full payment, so he can't really say it all went to deposits. Nor do I believe the 2 LCLs stuck on the docks would likely account for it. All I really heard was "woe is me, people owe me money and that's mostly why i failed". So yes, am interested to hear what his customers have to say.
You're right about the suppliers wanting payment in full Zappa but that is generally a letter of credit from the bank which can only be accessed when the goods are on board. He mentioned that he couldn't get a loan and tried everywhere, he has no chance of getting a loan walking into a bank with a fist full of orders.
Two ways he could have got a loan, Dragons Den, or put collateral up to get a loan off the banks, I think he was probably a bit more savvy than what Mardoo thought, I agree with Mardoo his business sense was lacking but he didn't put his house on the line to secure the loan and if the wife has her monica on the deeds to the house then the creditors can't touch that.
As you said zappa where did the deposits go, I think it is going to be very hard to find out.
Maybe he paid non-refundable deposits on the gear he ordered...
Yep, perhaps he did. The interview really just raised more questions than he answered though. For the most part, he just seemed to have little business sense. I don't know if that's true or just how he wanted to portray himself.
wide eyed and legless said:
Two ways he could have got a loan, Dragons Den, or put collateral up to get a loan off the banks, I think he was probably a bit more savvy than what Mardoo thought, I agree with Mardoo his business sense was lacking but he didn't put his house on the line to secure the loan and if the wife has her monica on the deeds to the house then the creditors can't touch that.
I thought he said he didn't have a house. So yeah, he was always going to find it hard to get collateral. Maybe his best way out would have been to partner up with someone else, but given he didn't invest any money in tracking invoices and logistics, anyone with business sense is likely to steer clear.

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