www.debtdeflation.com.au have a read and then 10 beers
Rich bastards.. <_<
Isnt the idea that we can build real wealth on a tertiary consumption economy using borrowed money what got us into this mess in the first place?
Real wealth is created through investing in productive capital, not buing sh*t you dont need to impress people you dont like...
Had a six pack of Leffe Radieus (8.2%) given to me for Easter instead of Chocolate yesterday
apologies if I offended anyone James .
Me too
I pay a lot of tax and do a lot of work for the Govt Departments, but get stiffed yet again.
Schooey this is my first payment!! I didn't even get a tax back last year.. had to pay.. So i better do my part and spend it..
... she is pooing everywhere inside at the moment...
Congrats mate... I don't really begrudge anyone getting it or spending it. Just ***** me when I see it being pissed up the wall and her kids still walking the street in dirty clothes. But as is always the case you can't implement a perfect system for a mass, there's always gonna be something...
I guess there's just as many tax dodging slimy bastards that earn too much but have a great accountant that will get it too
People that spend child payments on booze and new tech toys give me the *****...
heres an idea BUY YOUR KID THINGS THEY NEED!! my sister recently had a kid and without the payments they would be struggling.. they wanted a tv so we gave them one of our old ones.. not a fancy plasma but you can still watch it.. I dont get some people... </rant>
Why does everybody think everyone is going out to buy plasmas...
OK fine, not just plasmas.. but they buy WANTS not NEEDS thats what is annoying..
Or need to be fed or go to the vet or need to be trainedYep Katie NEEDED a puppy poop on her carpet... :lol:
BTW Katie... Wii's don't poop