How to get mates to pay

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The topic title is " How to get mates to pay"
I personally would feel very uncomfortable expecting my mates to pay.
AndrewQLD said:
The topic title is " How to get mates to pay"
I personally would feel very uncomfortable expecting my mates to pay.
Me too.
I'm a bit cash strapped but would never ask my mates to pay for my beers.
The look on their faces when they try something they've never had before & the feedback is payment enough for me.
Cocko said:
I agree with all your points Manticle but I am only talking the bigger occasions, not a drop in or a dinner with another couple... Or a bottle or 2..

As you say, 'When you have it'

What I am talking about would be, 3 taps of different beers and go nuts - waking up to 1 blown and limited left in the other 2 etc - you absolutely have it.

Of course, you come to my house for what ever and you are welcome to a beer, anytime, but if it is a party with 20 odd people and I have gone to the effort to have full kegs of 3 different beers, than $20 each for all you can drink is more than reasonable - not offensive or reason to discredit my value of their friendship and I am sure they feel the same.

IF it is a celebration, say my birthday - then, I go the road of, all the beer you can drink my pleasure etc.. this is for me, so easy.

But if we hold a Melbourne Cup BBQ or similar, I will do the $20 a head thing....


I get you. For a melbourne cup type thing, my method would be to ask everyone to bring a plate or a sixer or somesuch to spread the load but your place, your rules.

Tightarse c*%nt
ive never asked anyone to pay for beer and have turned down offers of payment numerous times. for me the payoff is when you get the satisfaction of serving a beer and being told that is very nice and one of the best beers a person has ever tried. and if i had a group of poeple rocking up for free beer on a nightly basis i would probably end up divorced way before i got sick of serving beer to my mates.
Am I the only one who feels like a dick taking beer/food/whatever from mates and not paying them back for it (in some way)? I mean, one glass here and there, no big deal, but if I went to a mate's house knowing in advance the plan was we'd be drinking a good amount of beer, there's no way I would just rock up without a six pack in return, or a pizza, or something.

Everybody wants to talk about how they wouldn't want their mates to pay for their beer, fair enough, but does nobody have mates who would want to pay? At least some kind of mutual "beer / food swapping" understanding?
I have a few different groups of mates and only one group of mates that I have asked for donations. These blokes always come round empty handed and mentioned about paying before I asked.
The other group are brewers and blokes I've known nearly all my life and would give me the shirt off there backs. These mates just think my tin on the fridge is my coin box. I'd never ask them to pay. They never come empty handed just like I'd never go empty handed to there's.
Cocko said:
IF I have a gathering, just for no reason, its $20 a head - all you can drink.

Most of the people who come enjoy my beers and are happy to pay. Of course, if you would rather not drink my beers, bring you own - easy.

I don't feel tight about it, they are getting good value, I am redeeming some cost, all is good IMO.

That said, if I am pitching the day as an occasion for my own reason, as in, birthday or similar, I will use the free beer card as a bonus.

2c. or $20 as it would be.
Tight Cxnt
slash22000 said:
Am I the only one who feels like a dick taking beer/food/whatever from mates and not paying them back for it (in some way)? I mean, one glass here and there, no big deal, but if I went to a mate's house knowing in advance the plan was we'd be drinking a good amount of beer, there's no way I would just rock up without a six pack in return, or a pizza, or something.

Everybody wants to talk about how they wouldn't want their mates to pay for their beer, fair enough, but does nobody have mates who would want to pay? At least some kind of mutual "beer / food swapping" understanding?

of course people offer in the course of things - different from asking. I have mates who want to pay but would happily shout me beers at the pub when I'm skint or invite us round for a 14 hour smoked beef extravaganza without expecting anything but company.

Go out for dinner, take a bottle of wine or some beers etc. It's courtesy. That works. Different story.
Right I agree it's totally different asking to offering, but maybe OP is in a situation where mates constantly drink all his beer and never offer anything in return? Seems to me like taking without giving is more ****** than a brewer wanting a fair go.

**** after reading this thread now I can't figure out if I have good or bad mates, since they bring me beer when they take mine, without me asking. Am I a **** for accepting it? Damn.
Then his mates are pricks. Don't invite them over, turn off the lights when you are home and never answer the phone.

Problem solved.
Every time my friends come to mine the fridge is full of beer, the whisky bottles are all on display and there are always a few good bottle of wine open and my table is loaded with food. The same courtesy is repaid to me when I go to my friends place.

My house has a no-one needs to bring anything rule, irrespective of the size of the gathering. People still bring some wine or beer, but if they didn't they'd all still head home stuffed to the brim and rolling drunk if they so choose.

I would never ask for donations/money/anything for the food and drink my friends consume. Good friends are hard to come by, and I don't want to risk pissing anyone off for the sake of a few $$$.

Surely the money spent brewing your beer is a small cost given the enjoyment it gives you and your mates?
manticle said:
You want your friends to pay for your labour?

I'll sell them my drawings - that's about it.

So a couple of dollars each then? What is the cost of a grey lead and a piece of paper these days?

I will give you $10 for any one of your drawings.
Bit tight to ask for $ for home brew.
Anyone that always turns up empty handed and never turns it on, stops getting invites pretty quick.
As for a fishing/boat trip chipping in for fuel is OK, ever filled a game fishing boat?
Cocko said:
So a couple of dollars each then? What is the cost of a grey lead and a piece of paper these days?

I will give you $10 for any one of your drawings.
I use special pencils.

12.50 and I'm robbin' meself.
I'm guessing the mates Cocko is describing are more of the peripheral variety. Surely he wouldn't charge close mates for beer, would you Cocko?
It's like I'm the devil's advocate here, but most of you guys are talking about being repaid eventually with returned favours. Free shout at a pub, free barbeque at a mate's house, etc. Talking about a bunch of close mates that all give and take favours, while you rail at OP for being ****** about unreturned favours.

I don't think OP is talking about "closer than family" sorts of mates here.

There's a difference between people offering and you expecting or waiting for reciprocation. You don't tally it up and calculate at the end of the financial year.

If you're going to play devil's advocate, you need to get your case in order.
To quote a great Australian...."Leave your money on the fridge"

If they want pay and its a one sided beer affair( which is what I assume is the OP's situation)...
brew a kit batch, 1kg of white sugar, kit yeast pitched warm and ferment at 27c.......keep them aside for the 'mates'
When they bitch about the weird flavour; say 'I had to make ****** beer because there is a bunch of guys that keep drinking the good stuff that costs me money and I cant keep forking out for it, so now this is what we drink'....hands in wallets real quick I bet.

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