Well bloody hell,
It's friday night and your'e suppin on the amber nectar thinkin about upping the anti to full mash brewing.
This has happened to me not all that long ago. So i'll share with you all what works for me at the moment.
1 or two x 15l stock pot $15 big w (hot water supply)
1 x 40l stainless stock pot $60 From camping store (mash/boiling pot)
1 x three ring gas burner and bottle $80 also from camping store
12mtrs of 3/8" copper tubing @ $6/mtr (wound into coil for cooling) and short piece for a syphon tube
1 x good thermometer $ 12 from hbs
1 x 20 lt plastic food bucket $o from local kebab shop (this is my lauter tun/strainer)(drill as many 2-3 mm holes in the bottom as you can)
3mtrs food grade reinforced plastic hose and a couple of hose clips $10 from bunnings (fits onto copper tubing).
1 x inline plastic tap $2 from local hbs
2 x coopers style fermenters 30l
1 x long stirring spoon.
So here we go i'll describe a simple batch using this set up.
20 SAAZ 60 MIN
20 SAAZ 15 MIN
1/2 tsp calcium sulphate
1/2 tsp sodium chloride
Heat 15 lts of water to 67c add salts
Add grains whilst stirring keep stirring and maintain this temp for 60 mins (you will be able to turn burner off stop stirring and leave it for up to 20 mins at a time).
After 60 mins raise temp to 72c for 20 mins then your done mashing.
Heat up 15-25 lts of water to 80c then pour into a spare fermenter (hot liquor tank)
Place 20 lt bucket (lauter tun) inside coopers style fermenter this should sit above the tap level but not to high (i use childrens lego to hold up my bucket).
Pour some of the 80c water into bucket till it's level with the base of the bucket. (back up water).
Ladle the grain mix into the bucket till you've emtied most of it then tip the rest in.
Let it settle for 5 mins or so.
Then open tap on fermenter and start collecting wort.
I tip this wort back onto grain bed to filter out until it starts to clear up (this can go on for 40 mins or so) (recycling the wort) .
When it's clearish then it's time to sparge.
connect a hose to fermenter with 75-79c water in it and slowly pour in top of the grain bed while matching the flow into the kettle.
It's important to do this very slowly it takes me a good 45mins to sparge the grains.
the water level should not go beneath the top of the grain bed.
Sparge till you've collected enough wort for the boil 27lts in this case.
Bring this wort to the boil then add bittering hops in hopbags or loose at 60 mins.
Second hopping at 15 mins, finishing hops at 5 mins.
After the boil sit pot on a high flat surface and whirlpool to drop suspended protiens .
go and have a beer for 30 mins while the protiens drop to the bottom centre of the kettle.
Then in another bucket/fermenter/sink whatever place your copper coil 3/8 tube and water and as much ice as you can get in there too.
I attach a copper syphon tube to the kettle end and syphon through the tubing/ice bucket into fermenter at the other end controlling the temp with the little tap at the fermenter end.(the slower the flow the lower the temp (i get about 12-14c most of the time in about 15mins of running). (the plastic hoses connect the cooler tubing to the syphon tube and the runoff tube with the tap on it.
make sure to syphon only cleared wort not the hot break/precipitated protiens in the bottom of kettle.
you should have about 24-25lts of wort to ferment if not top up with water to your desired batch size.
Pitch yeast and ferment as per style.
I sanitise tubing with 80c water before using then when i'm ready to start syphon of hot liquid i just open the tap and away she flows.
At the end of the run off i put the syphon tube back into hot water to extract the last bit of wort out of the tubing.
As soon as i get water coming through i remove the run off end from fermenter and run hot water through tubing into another container.
Spent grains and hops make excellent compost for your garden as does the yeast sediment after fermentation.
I start out with 24.5 l of wort to give me a final vol of 23lts at bottling after racking etc.
Well i've probably left some small details out but i figure that if your going to try this then you probably have a fair bit of brewing experience so you should be able to figure out the rest (hydrometers etc).
Good brewing (one day i'll have a RIMS or HERMS system).
It's friday night and your'e suppin on the amber nectar thinkin about upping the anti to full mash brewing.
This has happened to me not all that long ago. So i'll share with you all what works for me at the moment.
1 or two x 15l stock pot $15 big w (hot water supply)
1 x 40l stainless stock pot $60 From camping store (mash/boiling pot)
1 x three ring gas burner and bottle $80 also from camping store
12mtrs of 3/8" copper tubing @ $6/mtr (wound into coil for cooling) and short piece for a syphon tube
1 x good thermometer $ 12 from hbs
1 x 20 lt plastic food bucket $o from local kebab shop (this is my lauter tun/strainer)(drill as many 2-3 mm holes in the bottom as you can)
3mtrs food grade reinforced plastic hose and a couple of hose clips $10 from bunnings (fits onto copper tubing).
1 x inline plastic tap $2 from local hbs
2 x coopers style fermenters 30l
1 x long stirring spoon.
So here we go i'll describe a simple batch using this set up.
20 SAAZ 60 MIN
20 SAAZ 15 MIN
1/2 tsp calcium sulphate
1/2 tsp sodium chloride
Heat 15 lts of water to 67c add salts
Add grains whilst stirring keep stirring and maintain this temp for 60 mins (you will be able to turn burner off stop stirring and leave it for up to 20 mins at a time).
After 60 mins raise temp to 72c for 20 mins then your done mashing.
Heat up 15-25 lts of water to 80c then pour into a spare fermenter (hot liquor tank)
Place 20 lt bucket (lauter tun) inside coopers style fermenter this should sit above the tap level but not to high (i use childrens lego to hold up my bucket).
Pour some of the 80c water into bucket till it's level with the base of the bucket. (back up water).
Ladle the grain mix into the bucket till you've emtied most of it then tip the rest in.
Let it settle for 5 mins or so.
Then open tap on fermenter and start collecting wort.
I tip this wort back onto grain bed to filter out until it starts to clear up (this can go on for 40 mins or so) (recycling the wort) .
When it's clearish then it's time to sparge.
connect a hose to fermenter with 75-79c water in it and slowly pour in top of the grain bed while matching the flow into the kettle.
It's important to do this very slowly it takes me a good 45mins to sparge the grains.
the water level should not go beneath the top of the grain bed.
Sparge till you've collected enough wort for the boil 27lts in this case.
Bring this wort to the boil then add bittering hops in hopbags or loose at 60 mins.
Second hopping at 15 mins, finishing hops at 5 mins.
After the boil sit pot on a high flat surface and whirlpool to drop suspended protiens .
go and have a beer for 30 mins while the protiens drop to the bottom centre of the kettle.
Then in another bucket/fermenter/sink whatever place your copper coil 3/8 tube and water and as much ice as you can get in there too.
I attach a copper syphon tube to the kettle end and syphon through the tubing/ice bucket into fermenter at the other end controlling the temp with the little tap at the fermenter end.(the slower the flow the lower the temp (i get about 12-14c most of the time in about 15mins of running). (the plastic hoses connect the cooler tubing to the syphon tube and the runoff tube with the tap on it.
make sure to syphon only cleared wort not the hot break/precipitated protiens in the bottom of kettle.
you should have about 24-25lts of wort to ferment if not top up with water to your desired batch size.
Pitch yeast and ferment as per style.
I sanitise tubing with 80c water before using then when i'm ready to start syphon of hot liquid i just open the tap and away she flows.
At the end of the run off i put the syphon tube back into hot water to extract the last bit of wort out of the tubing.
As soon as i get water coming through i remove the run off end from fermenter and run hot water through tubing into another container.
Spent grains and hops make excellent compost for your garden as does the yeast sediment after fermentation.
I start out with 24.5 l of wort to give me a final vol of 23lts at bottling after racking etc.
Well i've probably left some small details out but i figure that if your going to try this then you probably have a fair bit of brewing experience so you should be able to figure out the rest (hydrometers etc).
Good brewing (one day i'll have a RIMS or HERMS system).