How Big Is Your Stockpile?

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I read through this fantastic forum every working day, and realise that some of you guys are just plain Homebrew crazy with the amount of brew you produce :eek: :D ha ha ha.

I have currently 150 stubbies stockpiled for drinking ;) with another brew coming along. But this is small fish compared to some!

How much brew do you have stockpiled?

And, how do dispense with it all? :chug:
I've got 15 lt in a keg (another 2 empty :( ) 80 lt in CC and this weekend another 21 lt to brew. I usually have 3 kegs on the go and about 40-60lt in CC. :p
i have 8 cartons under the bed, 44 ltrs cold conditioning , 20 ltrs fermenting with another 20 being put down today.....i can barely keep up with consumption...the missus thinks me and the boys are alco's....
" what are u talking about, i don't have a problem ".....
I peaked at 17 cartons a few months ago. After the summer break (too hot to brew in Perth) I am down to about 6 cartons, only 4 of those ready to drink, with 20 litres of porter in primary and 23 litres of APA in secondary.
I ran mine down like Deebee by not brewing in summer. Just starting to build up stocks again with an APA to bottle tomorrow & another pale ale (not sure what type yet) to put up on Sunday. After that it's 23 litres a fortnight until I have a couple of hundred litres up the sleeve. (gotta get a keg setup eventually)
Haven't done any brewing this year yet, with it being too hot or not enough time. I'm in dire straights at the moment, down to my last 20 something bottles. I've got about 10 crates of empties waiting to be filled though. Should be back into it this weekend or the next.
Having only recently gotten my fermentation fridge, I couldn't brew from pretty much November. Needless to say, I severely depleted my stocks over that period. My last carton of ready to drink beer is currently in the fridge. I have a carton of ginger beer as well. I have a few cartons that will be ready soon. At my peak, winter last year, I had 24 'cartons' (about 30 stubbies to a carton).
Somethings better not answered
:chug: :chug:
1 case of Aust. Old stubbies and about 30 longnecks of Draught. And am just about to do a Pilsener. I know i'm just a amateur.
Small fry here boys started 26/12/03......but I can't keep up the demand....mates are bringing around their megaswill and swapping my homies - the bastards....oh well must mean I'm doing something right

40x500ml Grumpy'e Heineken Copy (pretty rough - getting better) :eek:
35x500ml Grumpy'e Stella Copy (not bad - coming good 8 wks in bottle) ;)
30x500ml English Bitter (absolutely gorgeous) 1st "real" partial mash :chug: :D
42x500ml APA Grumpy's One :chug: :D
23 ltr in secondary LCPA copy with a ***** load of cascades (loven') thanks Jayse

All for know.....time to brew tomorrow !!! Any suggestions for a Partial Mash up would be greatly appreciated

Xmas and house moving totally cleaned me out.! Now I've got the first three 20+L of brews from the new house in bottle - one batch from 13 Feb I'm trying to give more bottle age, others bottled 27 Feb and 13 March.

Other than that I've got another batch half way through primary ferment (Scottish Ale, previously frozen yeasties!) and one (dark ale) in the cc fridge, to be bottled next week.

Not sure how many bottles I've got - they range from 250ml Fischer French swing tops to 1.5L champagne magnums.

Seem to be bottling once every two weeks or so just now. Managed to keep the ferments to 18-22C with ice and towel baths in the new brewhaus (laundry), so hopefully all will be ok.

If I make the anticpated move to partial masshes and lagers with longer ferment and lagering times in May, that could endanger any stockpile all over again!
I'm starting to panick. There's only two cases of stubbies left and half a 18 litre keg. There's a lager two weeks into fermentation (in fridge). Think I'll do two batches this weekend to try to catch up. I seem to drink it faster than I can brew. And when I brew too much, SWMBO cracks the sh*ts.

I have:

15 litres of Bock in bottles, needs at least 3 months more conditioning.
25 litres of modified SFPA in keg and bottles
25 litres of English Pale Ale CCing
1/2 a keg of Mars Bar 80/- (Scottish Ale)
1/4 keg of Steam beer(this is currently on tap)
2-3 pints :( left of my ESB in a keg(this too is on tap). This beer rocks IMO.
I have about 20 litres of a Weizenbock that has to be tipped out due to infection :angry:
And probably 3 dozen various size bottles of older brews waiting to be drunk.

I hope to brew my leffe clone in the next 2 weeks.

Cheers and bollocks
I have.... less than half a keg ( 8 week cc lager mmmmm yum)
some porter and some stout (All grain, about 6months old Cold condition)

and ... 4 empty kegs!
a coopers old kit with extra goodies in the fermenter with the other 3 empty

20Lt AG pils in the CC fridge about a month old

I really need to get some brewing done to build up stock of the light beers (lag pils etc)

my dark beers last longer as i wont sit down and drink 5. with light beers its no problem :)
I've got about 80 king browns of assorted brews at drinking age, 30 tripels conditioning and 3 fermenters (Oktoberfest, Skunk Fart, and Ken's Aussie Draught) on the go.

- Snow
Looked in the fridge last night and oh oh, only about 10 bottles of Coopers Sparkling Ale left :( :( . Got an APA in primary and a Coopers Real Ale CCing at the moment.
I only have about 100 grolsch bottles so I,m drinking my brews too quick. Thats why Im looking to kegs. Got plenty of PET bottles but I dont really like using them.

What recipe are you using for the Leffe TDA?

I'd love to give it a go....

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