Hop Dealz Australia

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ask customs about the Magnum :angry: Supplier for the German Magnum cocked something up and my shipment is destined for destruction.... aaaargggghhhh!! (unless they can sort it out)

Re Cascade, Hopefully later this week, need to chat to my man today to confirm.

Good to hear, going to need another pound after this weekends brew.
Hey yob. If you haven't seen it yet I've pm'd you about my order.
Thanks Yob,

Mosaic and EKG arrived today. A fellow brewer is also interested so I'll pass on your business card to him.

Pity the hops are so well packed (kidding). I'll have to wait till brewday before I can smell them. I caught a faint whiff when I opened the parcel at least :D
Hi Yob, new member here. I have become addicted to hops after taking a liking to Serrria Nevada Tornado and Feral Hop Hog IPA.

I scored half a kilo of hops that I need to get through but look forward to doing business with you.

P.S any suggestions to pull off a Hop Hog clone much appreciated.
He told me the recipe but I was too drunk to remember, lots late... Obscene amounts late. One of, if the the favorite beer of mine.
Hey yob jut checked out your website, good prices I'll be ordering from you instead of the Brewcraft shop near my place, bloody $7 for 20G of POR!! wtf I always knew they were dear but that's crazy.
Id just like to add to this now somewhat large thread, and it hasnt been mentioned yet anywhere yet, that 1 in 4 of the 110g packs is a bonus pack and comes as 120g or sometimes more.. must also add that these are generally added to the 500g Express post packs as a 20mm thickness limit applies to the $5 220g envelopes..

It really does feel good to pass these dealz along and I get quite a buzz from doing so..

once again peeps, thanks for the ongoing support... as time goes on, I know this service will improve on what I think is already proving to be a unique and good thing for all the home brewers in Auz..

NZ... I havnt forgotten about you...

so... :beerdrink:
Yob said:
Id just like to add to this now somewhat large thread, and it hasnt been mentioned yet anywhere yet, that 1 in 4 of the 110g packs is a bonus pack and comes as 120g or sometimes more.. must also add that these are generally added to the 500g Express post packs as a 20mm thickness limit applies to the $5 220g envelopes..

It really does feel good to pass these dealz along and I get quite a buzz from doing so..

once again peeps, thanks for the ongoing support... as time goes on, I know this service will improve on what I think is already proving to be a unique and good thing for all the home brewers in Auz..

NZ... I havnt forgotten about you...

so... :beerdrink:

Woohoo! I got a bonus pack of Mosaic last week. Cheers Yob. Most of it's in a single hop APA in the fermenter right now. Keen to taste this one, heard all the hype. Added it at 60,20 and 0 so keen to see how it performs all round. Keep up the good work Yob :beer:
Awww bless that SWMBO... she's gone and got me 200 Fridge magnets done for HDA :wub:

bless her little cotton socks :lol:
leahy268 said:
Awesome service. You certainly can't complain about that.
Apologies about messing up your order... but I guess at the end of the day it's turned out a winner for you, bunches of free hops out the wazoo :lol:

seriously though mate, many apologies, No excuse is good enough, just let it be said that Im tending to be burning candles at both ends of late.. Will do better.
As I said in pm mate its all good. It doesn't matter if you stuff up just that you fix it. And let me just say that you have gone over and above to fix it. I understand burning the candle at both ends. I also have a newborn work fulltime and run a business on the side. Normally not very busy in my business but in the first 4 months since my son has been born I've been busier than I was for the whole rest of the year.

So trust me its all good
Yob said:
It really does feel good to pass these dealz along and I get quite a buzz from doing so..
Feels good to be on the other end of it! Ooh-err. I've already racked up three or so orders, repeat business speaks for itself in regards to my level of satisfaction.
leahy268 said:
It doesn't matter if you stuff up just that you fix it.

Absolutely the sign of a good business owner in my eyes. Everyone ***** up but how you respond is key.
Finally got myself together. What's happened to the 2013 Galaxy? Is it all gone?
tateg said:
Hey Yob,
Any news on the Cascade pellets?
also are you looking at stocking Magnum or perle ?

Some Magnum I ordered from CZ have been seized by customs due to incorrect packaging, Ive placed a query with someone a bit more local in the hiope I can secure some both fast and at a reasonable price, should find out later today.

tiprya said:
Finally got myself together. What's happened to the 2013 Galaxy? Is it all gone?
Nope/yep... kinda... Should also be receiving stocks of it today but will take me a day or so to get it packaged, should be listed by about Wednesday arvo mate. Sorry for the delay... there were... complications..

This brings me to my current dilema..

Which varieties would folks like to see me stock? I keep on looking at large lists but quickly get a bit confused as Ive not brewed with them, like Vanguard, Warrior etc... what about those Frenchy types? Aramis, Strisselspalt, what about other GR varieties? Hersbrucker... other UK varieties? Nth Brewer, Admiral, Target?

I think I have US ones pretty well covered but please let me know if there are any that I can chase down. I dont see the point in stocking 20 varieties that nobody wants as it'll reduce the space available for types that people do use.

I'm looking for some Apollo hops, they seem to be hard to find around AU.

And of course, always looking for Amarillo ... :ph34r: