Home Brewing V Craft Brewing

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Homeicecream or CraftIcecream.

I make all of my ice cream with real milk, cream, free-range eggs, sugar and vanilla beans not that kit stuff! It must be CraftIcecream (registered trademark pending)
people tend to forget how they started brewing..majority of people would have started with can's and worked they way up..to ALL GRAIN..and in those steps mistakes have been made..even the big breweries make failures..i am just taking those steps at the moment..
At the end of the day, the beer I make is for me!

As much as a buzz it is to have someone else enjoy and comment positively on it, the bulk goes over my own taste buds, and I must say I have found the procedures and process that keep my taps flowing with beer that I enjoy more than anything I could buy.

So do I care what I call it, no.

Am I glad it is flowing - yes.

I brew for me.
I cant wait until this subject is brought up again next year and we can all self obsess once again.
Let's just pause and think of the forgotten ones - the BIABers. Incidental reports suggest that many BIAB brewers suffer "middle child syndrome" .... can't play with the AG'ers, to old for the k&K crew ..... oh the humanity
I make all of my ice cream with real milk, cream, free-range eggs, sugar and vanilla beans not that kit stuff! It must be CraftIcecream (registered trademark pending)

I'm trying real hard to subscribe to the Purity Law. I'm down to just Ice and Cream in my icecream......

Besides, a REAL CraftIcecream'er wouldn't use sugar or other adjuncts :wacko: that's just cheating.

Ice and Cream are both cheap enough. Just add more of that instead of cutting corners......

yes, i've been drinking...


This is what AHB has become. It wasn't like this when I joined, and could possibly be the reason so many long term members are no longer here.
This used to be a site where people talked about beer and the trivial bitch baiting was kept to a minimum.

I can't talk though, I am also adding to the crap.

So vote 1 for more technical beer related talk.

BTW, loved the middle child BIAB idea. Perhaps BIAB is the Jan Brady of the brewing world?
The word Homebrew has be spoiled by people who got a can of goop from the supermarket and followed the directions on the enclosed leaflet in summer.

So, Coopers et al actually wrecked it. So did all the other goop can manufacturers.

Most of them also sell commercial megaswill beer.

The conspiracy is OUTED!

The only reason people drink crap megaswill is because it's actually better than HOMEBREW!

K&K brewing is painting a wall. AG brewing is painting a picture.
If this is the case I've seen some walls that look nicer than some of my paintings!

ha ha ha
If shit would burn, this whole thread would be a serious fire risk.
Just to clarify my original post.

I wasn't expecting to start spot fires of flame posts, only to get other peoples opinions of where the hobby is at.

I am reletively new to the scene, and have been doing K&K, but moving through Extract towards AG.

In other hobbies, the term craft adds a certain Nobility to the product, without having to be commercial.

Yes, we all brew at home, but I'm quite sure that there are those out there who's products are worthy of being called "Hand Crafted".

Welcome to the site Steve.
If shit would burn, this whole thread would be a serious fire risk.

Sooner or later,after 5 pages of bullshit, someone was likely to post something sensible.....and there it is above, 5 pages condensced into 12 words. :lol:
Read pages 1,2 and 5 and... wow people sure can get uppity here cant they :) Judging by the number of threads that I have seen go this way I am sure this has been posted before but I feel this comic sums it up

But back to the topic. My personal veiw of craft vs homebrew is that craft is a homebrewer that has gone commecial, they are the mom and pop store vs bunnings. But hey thats me and my crazy veiw. To me and to anyone I talk to about it then its homebrew, and if they dont want to try it because its homebrew and therefore crap then more for me. So far I havnt come across this yet, I work in a small business of about 15 people and between them and my friends all but a couple of people who dont drink beer at all (Im thinking of having them commited) have tried it, liked it, asked for more and some are consdiering covering the costs of materials and having me make a batch for them.

But to me it doesnt matter how technical I get(Moving to AG as soon as I can afford the burner), how many competitions I may enter (Which is likley to be 0) or how good my beer is to me and my friends it will still be homebrew to me, and it will still be tastier then then 90% of what I buy (Except for some of my weirder experiments).
And if I ever manage to open a brewery and sell beer that then makes me money, then I will class myself as a craftbrewer. And if I ever manange to make it big with my beer and take on the likes of CUB and such then I will class myself as a rich *******.
Mountain Goat started as a fermenter in his bathtub... :blink:

[edit] I guess what im trying to say is surely a beer can be both...??? just because he now has several 2000lt jobbies.. or was that 4000lt... is it the ammount that is brewed or where it is brewed or who ends up drinking it? The terms are quite subjective to how you phrase the question

crafted homebrew?
I'm exhausted after reading this thread. What have I got myself into? :unsure:
Craftbrewer/craftbrew/craftbrewing are simply terms used to indicate that a beer, that is for all account and purposes no different to the stuff that comes out of the
megaswill breweries, is made by apparently small, possibly dodgy breweries that may or may not be set up in some guys garage/back shed/father-in-laws abandoned
As long as the brewing industry in general can have the megaswilling public believe this then the small guys will always just be mass produced homebrew.

I craft beer in my garage and my kitchen, as such I have 2 Craft Breweries. I havent made home brew for quite a while...and enjoy my craft beer regularly.
I cant wait until this subject is brought up again next year and we can all self obsess once again.

I'm exhausted after reading this thread. What have I got myself into? :unsure:


I'm a homebrewer and I'm not ashamed to say so. (I am ashamed of some of my beers though, but it's all fun laughing about them)