Home Brewing V Craft Brewing

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Your taking the piss right? You have been a member here for 5 mins and are telling 70% of the brewers here they are up themselves! Maybe you should find a new site.

Are you BribieG?



Actually I'm probably too old to be BribieG
I'm happy for everone who have any interest in home brewing to use the site.
I was just flagging to the "craft-brewers not home brewers" that maybe they've outgrown the site.

Outgrown the site? Can we oldies AND craftbrewers still participate in bulks, jokes, off topics, ahb meetings, comps. FFS :angry:
Neither. I'm simply making a comment taking issue with the suggestion that brewers are one of two stereotypes:
a ) AG = craftbrewer = great beer
b ) everything else = homebrewer = shit beer

Stereotypes are generally used by people of low intelligence who are unable to comprehend a wide range of factors at once so they filter all the factors down to the few most easily recognisable or observed. The situation then becomes an apparently easy choice between two options, so called 'black and white'. In reality most things are neither black or white but there are many shades of grey in between. Brewing is one of those where there is a wide spectrum of methods, there's even shades with AG with some brewers looking down on BIAB as an example.

My suggestion is that its not only the AG/not AG factor which should determine whether someone is a craftbrewer rather than a home brewer (if we feel the need to create a distinction). If you look at the stereotypes its easy to draw a line between them. If you look at the spectrum its much more difficult to draw a line.

However if forced to classifty myself I going with Uber-awesome-brewer. If we're going to use labels lets really go for it. :)

Who was suggesting this? And labelling you?
I really don't care what you call yourself.
Craft, Home, Mini, Small Batch, Scratch, Hobby, etc etc etc.
Who cares?

I brew for myself. I brew in my garage, so I'm a GarageBrewer.

All I know is I'm happy to drink most (not all) of my brews. My visitors, on the whole, seem to appreciate my beers, but that's not why I brew. I brew because it's one of my hobbies, and I love the reality of drinking some great beers, and thinking "I brewed that". That's all the satisfaction I need. I don't need a lable to stroke my ego.
K&K brewing is painting a wall. AG brewing is painting a picture.

I'm not Leonardo, but you can usually tell what it is.
I'm not concerned at all at labelling myself and never have felt the need to.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the OP was suggesting that using the term "Homebrew" could put off of someone currently unaware of the possibility of great tasting home brewed beer.

I think it does. I've seen it happen countless times, and I'm sure that most of you have too. I don't give a flying F@#$ what you call your beer or how you make it but I think there is merit in presenting the "craft" of home made beer in the best light possible. The more people that understand how great fresh made beer, brewed to personal preference and style (also often affordably) the better off all home brewers will be. Marketing is important, and if giving it a label encourages someone new to take a sip and use their imagination into the world of home brewing then I'm all for it.

As for AG VS Kit... If ridiculing someone who doesn't have the time for long brew days or have the knowledge/experience/gear for AG makes you feel super good about yourself then I reckon it's just a little bit sad for you eh?
I'm not concerned at all at labelling myself and never have felt the need to.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the OP was suggesting that using the term "Homebrew" could put off of someone currently unaware of the possibility of great tasting home brewed beer.

I think it does. I've seen it happen countless times, and I'm sure that most of you have too. I don't give a flying F@#$ what you call your beer or how you make it but I think there is merit in presenting the "craft" of home made beer in the best light possible. The more people that understand how great fresh made beer, brewed to personal preference and style (also often affordably) the better off all home brewers will be. Marketing is important, and if giving it a label encourages someone new to take a sip and use their imagination into the world of home brewing then I'm all for it.

As for AG VS Kit... If ridiculing someone who doesn't have the time for long brew days or have the knowledge/experience/gear for AG makes you feel super good about yourself then I reckon it's just a little bit sad for you eh?

Whos ridiculing you?
Whos ridiculing you?

Me? I personally brew ag. But I see plenty of harsh world against kit brewers on this site, this thread alone is full of this stuff.

I think you've missed my point though mate.
Me? I personally brew ag. But I see plenty of harsh world against kit brewers on this site, this thread alone is full of this stuff.

I think you've missed my point though mate.

No I havent missed any point; I just havent taken them on. I was asking a simple question about who is ridiculing and labelling who, thats all.
No I havent missed any point; I just havent taken them on. I was asking a simple question about who is ridiculing and labelling who, thats all.

Not a drama mate.

Most people would agree that a hand prepared meal made by someone who has a lot of knowledge and passion for food will probably be better than a mass produced factory made product.

If calling home brewed beer craftbrewed beer helps to convince more people to try it, that's gotta be a good thing.
Most people would agree that a hand prepared meal made by someone who has a lot of knowledge and passion for food will probably be better than a mass produced factory made product.

If calling home brewed beer craftbrewed beer helps to convince more people to try it, that's gotta be a good thing.


Crap beer is crap beer whether from a can or from a mash, but the vast majority of mash brewers I know (other than beginners), make better beer than you can achieve with a kit.

We all started with kits, the difference is most people interested in quality move on.


Actually I'm probably too old to be BribieG

Sorry, Bribie, I know you like to stir the pot a bit and I think this Aussie Michael is just doing the same.

Crap beer is crap beer whether from a can or from a mash, but the vast majority of mash brewers I know (other than beginners), make better beer than you can achieve with a kit.

We all started with kits, the difference is most people interested in quality move on.

Yes, agreed!

I don't know why I feel I need to defend the K&K brigade here...

I would love it if non-brewers could forget about the stigma of dodgy home-brew. With the new found popularity of "craft-brewing" it seems like calling our beer "craft brewed beer" and not "home brew" may actually encourage non-brewers to give it a proper chance. Like I said earlier, I don't care how you label yourself or how you prepare it. I just know that in my experience, re-branding the concept helps to win new fans to (of) the hobby.


Note: the ice cream may or may not occur

Do we all really worry about this stuff this much? It's beer...
I brew because if i am on my game i can brew beer as good as quality commerical beer and importantly I really enjoy the process. Brewing is a really cheap hobby when you compare it to cars, hi-fi, skiing etc etc even if you buy some off the shelf products.

All that said I think the debate whether it is craftbrew or homebrew is persona, but who caresl. Each too their own. I still get a little edgey when someone who hasnt tasted my homebrew/craftbrew tastes it, not that whatever their comment is will make too much difference to me brewing. To me it is just an issue of whenever someone critiques something i have such a passion for I can take it to heart. But f**k'em like brewing, can brew good and will continue to brew.

And yes i AG